think about it, Sup Forums.
Is our world like 1984?
More like Brave New World.
it's both.
I am now #ingsocmissile
true. i can see similarity in our world from both novels.
it has happened in england for crying out loud.. there was an politician arrested for his mere presence in a soccer game.
Both wrong.
Were in a combination of 1984 and Brave New World.
Were both entirely under government control and snooping, yet the drown us in entertainment, consumerism and drugs (alcohol).
If there is every another big financial crisis, things will shift more into the Orwellian nightmare.
huh, really scriddled my scrimpton
like what happened in 2008? when the world's economy was destroyed by bankers?
im serious. look it up.
really wongled my wallaby
everything about today world, is just isn't right. everyday we inch closer to orwell's image, and we are doomed to be hive minded groups saying it is *blank* to be *blank* towards *whatever*
how did this happen?
Not at all. The world in 1984 was under firm control.
However there are definitely parallels to the thought policing and warping of definitions as in 1984.
It's more similar to Brave New World.
This is why I love and value 4chins so much. It's one of the last places where doubleplusungood thinking and speech are still allowed. Just wait until the liberals finally take power through force. THEN this place'll be gone and we'll be living in 1984.
would you believe it if feminist thought this book was their ideal world?
This. Sometimes I feel like most of Sup Forums has only ever read one book back at scool and now thats all they quote thinking that its's relevant. Most probably never even read it.
>and drugs (alcohol)
More than just alcohol bro.
In 2000 the Taliban stopped the Afghan people from growing poppies and harvesting opium from them. Heroin availability dropped by 80%.
In 2001 to 'win the hearts and minds of the Afghan people coalition forces were told to protect the fields. Heroin use is now at a worldwide all time high.
do today's generation really hold freedom of speech in high regards? i dont think so since they lived in the post 9/11 era and are used to the constant surveillance by the government.
Orwell also has mentioned "the hate" in his novel, which was the people leering at someone who was criticizing the party.
it's a mix of both
which is clever because one mean of controlling people is never enough
They definitely do not. My generation is so terribly self-absorbed and left-wing zombiefied that any number fo dictators could take power and curtail speech under the guise of "the common good." People who regualraly post on Sup Forums are outliers in all kinds of ways.
tl;dr - No, and millenials should all be gassed.
you're right. no one is recognizing it because it is a mixture of both, and the people are simply just going on by their everyday lives, not realizing what their goverments are doing.
Most people today still approve of freedom of speech.
But it does seem to consistently decrease in popularity.
Germany, not surprisingly is lowest in should be able to say things in public. i just don't understand how merkel was able to keep her job.
more like BNW with hints of 1984
is it like that in england? i've heard of police arresting people for their mere presence at a football game?
JFK was killed by the government agencies he'd set up to protect the US.
That started it.
i dont think it was jfk that started it. i think it was when abraham Lincoln was killed.
sometimes, people want to seem relevant. this is true in modern world.
Things seemed to be going well up until the start of the cold war. You could say that both America and Russia started this shit.
which was propaganda from both sides, and hate among each nation.
This book never gets mentioned enough
The dystopia was so blaringly obvious in 1984 for a reason, then that book was pushed on the masses, in all educational programs, and schools. The end result is everyone saying 'Oh at least we're not as bad as 1984!' or 'We're getting more like 1984! This world is Orwellian!' and to make that be the benchmark for an unfree society. But everyone remembers when they think back to the book how they had cameras in their homes, etc, how extreme the oppression was, then they think oh our world is free after all, it's not quite as bad as 1984 yet! Our world elite are much more subtle in their oppression of us, though. A real world 1984esque tyranny would result in everyone flipping their shit. Instead it's subtle enough to keep the vast majority of people oblivious and those who do flip their shit can just be labelled mentally ill & conspiracy nuts etc.
i've never heard of this book, probably because they don't mention it in high school.
i dont think anyone is flipping their shit right now because it's slowly becoming the new norm.
Are kids still reading this in high school? Why did they ever let us read it in the first place?
It is supposed to be like a warning, right?
really made me think
yes it is a warning. but very few schools are making it a requirement.
they love their pop culture warnings that they have been dropping for a while now
i dont think schools are pushing 1984 as must read book, but are pushing liberal ideology themed books.
We've got a hint of Atlas Shrugged going on if you replace the comically high levels of socialism with racial egalitarianism, and the productive individuals of society with strictly white people
The parallels are definitely there. The most extreme chapters of BLM are practically demanding that the law not be applied to them and that whites' sole purpose should be to contribute to black neighborhoods. Also, the attack on the individual's mind is not as overt as it is in 1984
It's getting there. Wait...was that thoughtcrime? Somebody is banging on my door...hope it ain't Minitrue.
You tell me.
A real financial crisis.
Like what would have happened if we hadnt bailed out the banks.
Huxleys prediction of enslavement by pleasure came first
Orwells future is just beginning.
maybe thought crime isnt implied by law, it is implied by the people. they are self censoring themselves for the sake of not offending others.
i'm not talking about just schools... hence "pop culture"
>Signs and Symbols Rule the world, not rules and law
This is mostly accurate. It could even be worse than the nightmare though.
how can it be worse than the nightmare? i mean things in 1984 was really bad. i dont see how anything can surpass it.
1984 came with thoughtcrime. we havent gone to that stage yet and hopefully never will.
>holocaust denial
we haven't gone to that stage yet?
you obviously need to research the pills that posters have been kind enough to provide.
ask some eurobros and mooselanders if they have thought crimes
George Orwell was a socialist though.
>we are living in a dystopian world
Not yet. 1984 was an instruction manual, and we haven't completed that manual yet.
if it was an instruction manuel, who would it be for?
You don't need to know it. Just wait on it.
you really need to think for yourself.
You are either daft or that is enough spoon feeding (you)
right, people are afraid to make statments in society because they dont want to be an outcast.
sorry. i am not thinking correctly. im just trying to get conversation going among here in the fourms.
oh shit did you see that?
that was his point flying way over your head
i apologize. yes i see his point now.
sorry I had to rustle your jimmies a bit
you have a lot to learn newfriend. take care.
Communism like China is brave new world, as is much of the arab world whereas the west is brave new world
blumpkins 4 nufrans
i can see what you mean.
Of course it is, that's why it was written. You don't get the point of satire, do you?
I feel like we live in a world both Aldous Huxley and George Orwell did not imagine.
i don't think it was satire,but please do explain to me how it is satire.
which story is it? first i've heard of it
thats the thing. i recall seeing it on pol somewhere but i cant find the article anywhere now. im still searching for it
Yeah and it's fucking sad.
Surprised US non-white is even at 57%
Well if you saw it on pol, it HAD to be true.
were these books meant to be warnings or predictive programming?
i remember it saying he was at a soccer game and the police was saying something about his presence would cause violence
it was meant as a warning.
yes thats it! thank you!
>UK votes Brexit
>EU consolidates and tries to isolate the UK
>UK reinforces its ties with the US
>Oceania confirmed
but wouldn't it have been worse under Eu and become oceania anyway?
they followed him. people would lose their shit if it happened here in the states.
bamparoni on dah macoroni
This, with some fahrenheit 451 thrown in.
i remember fahrenheit 451. that was a excellent book.
>tfw I thought the world was a utopia when I was a kid
Life is suffering
Me too user.
same here. i thought the world was the greatest thing to exist, until l read the truth.
We're in Brave New World
as some said in this thread, we're in both.
thank you friend.
Of course, I hate the EU. I just find it remarkable how Britain's the only country to possibly be in another bloc, just like in the book