Why don't Asian girls interbreed with niggers at the pace white women do? Their men have even smaller dicks...

Why don't Asian girls interbreed with niggers at the pace white women do? Their men have even smaller dicks. What's stopping them? Literally every Asian girl i've met would not and have no fucked a black men. Even the libtard SJW 2% Cali Asians that are pro-BLM haven't actually fucked multiple niggers.

They'd rather go with a man with a bigger dick and wallet than just a bigger dick.

They're ahead of the curve.

They arent like white women that care only about dick size but money too
Theyd also rather not get killed

Higher IQ

no white guilt
no cultural brainwashing
no muh dick apex predator male syndrome

Japanese women are pretty money centered as a result of higher IQs.
The best partner is the one who can provide best for the family, rather than who has the biggest dick or best smile.

Their government doesn't brainwash them.

Last Asian woman I talked to asked my about black people because she had never seen one in person and she didn't like the idea of being around 'charcoal people' because they looked creepy to her. So I think you have a combination of seeing them as an inferior model of person and just flat out being creeped out by them.


>98.7% of white women who marry married a white husband

>17.5% of asian women who marry married a non-asian husband (15% married a white man)

Asian women are destroying their own race at an astounding 13.5 times the rate that white women are.

Stop pulling "stats" out of your ass, moron.

Both white and asian women love the BWC

Asian women are a perfect puzzle fit to white cock

White women or white hispanics latinas match well with asian guys if they arent size queens. They make a strong duo if they overcome racial differences and the asian man is heavily westernized

shame you can't own a firearm to defend yourself in nipland or they wouldn't have to worry

asian women don't like black dick because asian vaginas are very narrow

black dicks are more painful than pleasurable for them

white women wont marry black dudes but this doesnt mean they wont fuck them

Really makes you think...

>98.7% of white women who marry
yea well, that doesnt mean much when every moether in a single mother

>Actually posting an attractive gook

Thank you. Yellow fever has been observed to compromise judgement.


Family shame, honor killing, loss of friends.

Maybe if you're black.

You didn't ask the south east Asians, obviously.
Nice comfy bubble you got there.


If there is one area that pol clearly lacks in intelligence on average, its in women.

Do you not get out much?

The WF/BM meme needs to die. 90% of the coalburners in America are WHITE MEN. I've maybe seen at most 15 WF/BM couples firsthand in my lifetime and I live in one of the most cucked cities in the US. You almost never see asian women with Blacks because there are far fewer to begin with in this country. Blasian women are hot af though.

You guys spend way too much time watching porn. For a bunch of people who claim to be above Jewish control, you've proven yourselves further and further to be gullible Goyim.


Asian women actually have standards.






Got back from Thailand a few days ago. They fucking hate niggers out there. They say that they stink.

Why are Asians fossas always amber brown or straight brown? Fucking disgusting.

Why is that such a big deal to you guys if they wind up breeding with a White man in the end? If they bang a Black dick while not producing progeny or STDs from it why is that an issue?

I personally know this 9/10 Aryan cutie who dabbled in black dick during a rough point in her life and is now living happily ever after with a guy who looks like he could be her brother. Their beautiful White children would make you Sup Forumslacks proud!

Did you get thai pussy? How was it?

Asians are red pilled and are wary of niggers.



I dont know what that means

I met this girl in a bar who skived work for a week to stay with me in my hotel. She was fucking gorgeous and an amazing fuck. You dont need to pay for sex in Thailand, its so easy to pull, just be white and look approachable.

It depends on who offends daddy more.

When you're a white whore you fuck niggers because that gets right up dad's ass.

When you're asian you fuck white guys because it makes daddy mad and you keep your money.

Blacks aren't even on the radar for asians because they still see them as literal animals.

Your own graph argues against you idiot. Learn to spot trends.

>White women skyrocket from 1995 from 20% to 29%
>Black women have been stable since then.

Also your own chart says 30% of fucking women are single mothers you idiot. That's 1 in 3 instead of 1 in 10 back in 1979.

Nice man, glad you got some. I talked to this hot thai girl on kik and she sent me masturbation videos, i got scared and stopped using kik for a bit. Thai girls are hot af if they're in the upper class. Thai rock scene is the best in asia at the moment


what pace? where is your evidence?

according to the actual evidence, literally no one wants niggers and no one finds them attractive, despite kike television shows and kike internet posters telling you otherwise.