Trump is the Anti-Christ

I unironically supported Trump moments ago, been supporting him for more than a year. Then, I had an epiphany that Donald Trump is in fact the Anti-Christ.

>extremely charismatic
>problem solver
>extremely arrogant
>successful military leader (he will be, he wants another war in the middle east)
>ruthless behind the scenes (he wants to torture people, he wants to stoop so low like ISIS)

We've been duped, Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off leaf, ill still support him. The liberals make the world shit enough anyway.

if trump is the antichrist then I'm voting for him

this age is stale time for a new era


It's not about who is left and right. (((They))) are trying to divide us. The Jews today are not the Israelites from the Bible.

>been supporting him for more than a year.

no you havent

>>extremely charismatic

no hes not

>>problem solver

such as?

>>extremely arrogant


>>successful military leader (he will be, he wants another war in the middle east)
>>ruthless behind the scenes (he wants to torture people, he wants to stoop so low like ISIS)



>believing in jewish fairy tales

I don't think they let high school juniors vote. Sorry lil buddy.

shh canada

soon your two worlds will be one