just in case you don't know
we are a plantation,
and when the harvest season comes
they will crop our genes
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Genetic engineering be bad we don't want white or asian science mang god prevails we gon fuk
>be a shitskin
>nobody wants my shit genes
das raycis
Though, jews will be harvested first to gather the high-IQ bits
Can't fucking wait for it. Especially since this method would work with full grown humans, too.
Does that mean white girls with petite asian bodies and hints facial shape for all?
Or maybe tight asian girl with white eyes for all?
they can just clone me
Only China is using it for that
The West has placed a moratorium on it from anything further than test runs. Certainly no germline altering stuff will be allowed to take place for some time
Germans being germans...
to bad abo its happening. if god didnt want man to remake life then he should have made it more complicated
They will start with using it for removing genetic diseases first. Because there it is rather easy, you definitely know what is wrong and fixing it will most likely not have any unforeseen consequences.
>Only China
The place with no ethics, no morals and no regard for safety. What could possibly go wrong.
How the fuck does this even work
There are trillions of cells, they are going to change the DNA in a specific place in each one?
the main use is for generating newborns:
its the seeds.
They modify the seeds and then force the farmers to buy the seeds.
Also the GMO plants are aggressive towards non GMO plants and will literally contaminate them or weed them out. Once a field has become GMO, its basically impossible to switch back.
In countries where it isn't legal to sell modify seeds they have actually smuggled plants in illegally to contaminate fields in order to give nations no choice but to accept GMO foods which is a cash cow for corporations like Monsanto.
It may sound ridiculous, but like most ridiculous things...its all true.
They already did it with mice IIRC. Won't get absolutely all of them in the first run, but if you optimize them to be healthier than other cells the body will start propagating it itself.
Or you just inject enough doses.
I want off this wild ride
If Trump wins i'm sure he'll use it for the right things.
I'm pretty sure that's also the plot to mass effect.
>They will start with using it for removing genetic diseases first
This can work for an embryo (and by embryo I mean only one cell). But for an grown up human, its still far away from being doable.
There is two problems. First making the protein going into the cell. Because at the end il you replace the DNA of only 0.001% the cells, the genetic disease if far from being cured.
Secondly, the method is still far from being completely selective. So curing a genetic disease if you induced cancer at the same time, it's not very useful.
Pretty useful method for research... but very far away from having direct therapeutic applications.
>they are going to change the DNA in a specific place in each one?
No, only on one cell for the moment, then they selected the good cell and grow the organism.
The guy who thought up the double helix idea did it while he was high on acid.
This is literally the only way to save civilization from the low IQ hordes. once genetic modifications can be done to fix intelligence, race will simply be cosmetic
The main thing holding these methods back are ethic guidelines.
And the application on organisms with more than a single cell should still be possible I think. IIRC they used viral vectors to force frogs to express GFP. So instead of getting Cas9 itself into the cell it might be smarter to just get the blueprint for it in there.
>The guy who thought up the double helix idea did it while he was high on acid.
The guy, as you said, was in fact two guy, Watson and Crick.
Even if Crick end up in religious new-age bullshit and took lsd... he did not discover the base-pairing mode of DNA while being on acid. It's a work of several month... you cannot do that on LSD.
Stop spreading your bullshit canada!
Yes viral vector are useful to transfer genetic material.
But application to human is complicated... because you need to be sure that the virus is fully deactivated... but it's not a too big deal.
The main problem is that virus vecor, but too a limited extend... Most of the cells would not be affected by that.
And secondly, you can proceed to only one injection of the virus vector, because after that, your body will developed anti-body and make it ineffective.
Cas-9 is a wonderful tool for science, but don't believe all the hype around it.
>Cas-9 is a wonderful tool for science, but don't believe all the hype around it.
Don't worry, I'm a chemist myself (though inorganic, not bio) so I know that there's still quite a bit work to do and Cas9 will probably not be the final thing.
But it will definitely come and I want it to come in my lifetime ;_;
we're all bad apples
> once genetic modifications can be done to fix intelligence
...and all of the other defects. How do you know how the whole system interacts and which DNA sequences affect what?
You will also have to control all of humanity.
The rich will just get richer and richer in a meritocracy, being able to afford the treatment.
What would be the point of resentful underclass that results?
What would happen to religion and other ideological groups? It would be a boost to their cause.
Even the smartest person can be led astray by other people forcing their intellectual dishonesty onto them.
Your forgetting the politics and power games.