Just had to read Brave New World. What was wrong with that society? I would love to get fucked up all the time and smash pussy
Just had to read Brave New World. What was wrong with that society...
i agree
our government knows best
Ask youself what the point of smashing pussy is.
Ask yourself what the point of anything is.
well if society really managed to reach singularity as in that one, I guess it wouldn't be so bad.
But we're not even close to that, yet that's the direction we're headed somewhat.
It'll be shit.
You're American. You live in it.
>Just had to read Brave New World.
Indulging immediate pleasures causes society to stagnate and people to revert to infants supervised by a judgemental government.
You're already living in it, dummy.
I'd be up for a game of bumblepuppy .
Hoping for paradise when we're not there
Remind me how is this different than waiting for the 2nd coming of any god?
The whole fucking point is a warning against degeneracy. Didn't you read all the way to the end? Da Fuq, man?
>Just had to read Brave New World
High schooler detected. Also the most entry-tier Huxley.
I want to read Eyeless in Gaza but it's fucking impossible to get a copy of.
The alt-right, ladies and gents
trust me it gets old fast... in this world today you'll probably end up with a disfiguring STD for life or get AIDS and die like pic related
>I would love to get fucked up all the time and smash pussy
Actually you would love whatever your assigned role in the society was because you would be engineered to love it
You could be a mentally retarded epsilon with a hunchback whose job is to operate a lift all day long and you would still love it
that is what makes the book so interesting... a utopian dystopia. The core theme is whether we would be willing to sacrifice our own humanity to live in peace
>Just had to read Brave New World
How's High School?
Uhh..user? It's like 10 bucks.
Smashing pussy is overrated. I've been on the titty train for a while, and it gets really old and tiring. Thankfully found a beautiful, intelligent girl I can see myself with for a very long time. I think it's what we're all looking for; it's just so damned hard to find.
Because traditional fascism is better than crypto-fascism
Degenerancy: The Book
The hand is literally holding a blue pill, doesn't get much clearer than that
It'd cheapen sexual pleasure because everyone would be sharing everyone eventually. You'd only want this if you're a literal cuck.
>Just had to read Brave New World
You have to be 18 to post on Sup Forums
I dunno I read it and thought it sounded like fun.
>had to read
>not reading great literature on your own
Lack of freedom.
And no one was really happy in that world, I think you didn't got the point.
>reading brave new world in high school
I never understood this. Maybe I just spent too much time in AP classes but we never read the normal books, my teacher forced us to read shit like Kafka on the shore instead
I took AICE classes and we still had to read BNW
>Just had to read Brave New World.
What's the plot of the book? I've heard it's the complete opposite of 1984.
Where is my Soma? I cant bare vodka anymore
>You could be
I think we all know the answer to that one.
It's the smart ones that contemplate breaking free.
Thats not just a plot driver. They are the only ones given free choice and so must also be given incentive to stay.
in 1984, society becomes dystopic when the fascist right wing shuts everything down and crushes dissent.
In BNW, society becomes dystopic when the socialist left wing flood society with gibs and everyone stops acheiving things and just does drugs all day and becomes retarded.
It's all fake... none of it is real. Like real life I guess, but even worse.
Here you go.
And reality, is going in a direction of mixint these two extremes.
Bread and Gibs for the workers, who get spied on and rights continually taken away by their goverment.
>Trusting politicians to do a job
Nah m8 ain't gonna happen
From what I remember,no actual freedom and identity. Many people in that society are mindless clones destined to die after max 60 years with a specified role
Just ordered "White Identity"
What can i expect Sup Forums?
You are the problem
indulging pleasure be it sexual or drug abuse is the same damm thing, it causes peoples minds to never reach maturity.
with an government that watches the people like an mother looking for her sons, never giving enought space for the kid to learn by inself.
a bunch of misplaced achievements.
just guessing
its similar to 1984, and its a society where you cannot express yourself.