10/10 chad who asks every girl out

>10/10 chad who asks every girl out
>always gets rejected
what sort of butthurt manlet wrote this

What? Johnny's a manchild, not a Chad. His body and looks are fantastic but he's a literal child. He has more in common with the average Sup Forums user than a Chad.

Chad is entirely in the personality, being a dominating alpha male. Johnny is a beta male on steroids.

so he is a /fit/ user?

>asks every roastie he sees out
>gets constantly rejected
>literally never affects his outlook or confidence

Admit it, Johnny is alpha as fuck. Some beta wrote this to try and ignore the obvious fact that Johnny IRL would be pounding pussy 24/7.

Asks them out using pick-up lines he got out of some book, not by being a manly dude. The only person who thinks chicks literally go for a meatsicle with a malignant brain tumor is the kind sitting on this site who's never touched one.

>got out of some book
>implying Johnny Bravo reads

I maintain that everything Johnny said is genuinely his 100% raw mental output.

>height: 5'9
but he was a manlet user.

>Chad is entirely in the personality, being a dominating alpha male.
It's hilarious that the (((people))) who say shit like this are anything but.

In reality a guy like Johnny would be swimming in pussy. Was this cartoon made to scare white boys from acting alpha and instead pursuing effeminacy?

This is the guy you think should be slamming puss on the daily?