What the fuck happened to bill?

What the fuck happened to bill?

He's an actor playing to a select audience so he can make a living

He's just pandering for ratings

He mistakenly believed people gave a shit about him when he was really just a meme.

Why do you keep reposting this thread, you fucking loser?

>pump your children full of puberty blockers and fuck them

race doesnt exist


Isn't his degree in mechanical engineering? How does that qualify him to talk about race and genetics.

>still believing the out of Africa meme

>notice your son is playing with a doll? Chop off his cock and balls

Isn't it weird that people who focus on race have nothing else going on in their lives? Plus, they are usually the worst their race has to offer.

Isnt the concept of being a cuck also a spook?
Speaking of spooks, a spook also is an abstract concept so it itself is a spook and thus we should pay no heed to it.

>star in an entertaining kids television program that's showed in public schools across the country for years
>2 decades later a generation of people have nostalgia for Bill Nye the Science Guy
>Bill sees this online via reddit
>"Hmm, they must be interested in my political opinons as well!"

And then Bill used his platform to ramble inane ultraliberal shit under the guise of being a science guy* who understands everything

*legally distinct from "scientist"

>just stop worrying about becoming a minority in your own *BURRRRRRPPPPP* country, goy
>dude stardust a pale blue dot light years lmao
>t. science man


He's an out of touch has-been and thinks acting like an SJW will make him cool and hip again, thus resulting in him becoming relevant again.

Christ you're thick

bone marrow transplants literally prove that race is biological. They've found that mixed race people need bone marrow from people pf the same mixed races or their body rejects the marrow.

also there is a gene for darker pigmentation so there's that


Well, he isn't exactly wrong. It's not really race that differentiates people, it's culture and ethnicity. People don't have genetic dispositions towards behavior (inb4 some Sup Forums infograph with articles from the 40's) and it's largely defined by your surroundings, which is why black people from the ghetto continue the trend.


>If you hadn't *BUUUURRRRRPPP* been a Nazi and let that Syrian kid drown we'd have fair trade avocado farms on Venus right now! Venus! Could you imagine that?
>fucking christians and white people are holding back SCIENCE! we coulda been interstellar an sheeeit!

I thought race and ethnicity were the same thing?

you're not wrong in that people are who they are largely through their environment, but over time the environment also shapes a people to have distinct biological traits

like epicanthic folds in asians, or the ligaments in north africans that make them good sprinters

you cant acknowledge the effect of enviornment in one breathe, but in the next say it can have no long term average effects or results. its evolution baby

My work is done here
you're welcome

I'm not arguing against those physical traits, I'm saying that the inevitable shitflinging over 'those dumb nig nogs ain't got big brain like me' is stupid, since Bill Nye is now on the Jewish sock puppet watch list on Sup Forums.

race is a large sweeping generalization of ethnicity

a nigerian is an ethnicity, so is a ugandan, but both are "black"

a german is ethnically german and a frenchman is ethnically french but both are "white"

inb4 memers tell me neither of those western europeans are considered white. i was very careful to avoid the irish and slavs because whites with obvious shortcomings are typically seen as "not white" by supremacists, despite the fact that germans are cucked to all hell, which is a massive shortcoming. still white though!

Cut your penis off, mutilate your vagina, buy a new iPhone, keep believing the media.

>common sense


If that's true then why do Okinawans have different life expectancies than Brazilians? Or mean heights, or weight? Or children per household? There's more to science than rote biology, Bill Nye The SJW Guy.

>If that's true then why do Okinawans have different life expectancies than Brazilians?

Different diets and lifestyles mainly

>talking shit about Carl Sagan and comparing him to Bill Nye
Kill yourself

Yes, you figured out the point that I made by the end of my post. Thank you.

He's not wrong friend

So why does Cystic Fibrosis affect caucasians twice as much as other races?

Why do red cars crash more? There must be different races of cars.

He's literally just after money. He's suing Disney now, too.

World-renowned biologist Benito Mussolini

I get what he's saying but he's saying it in a retarded way. Literally all he's saying "were all just humans", which is true. Going from that to saying there is no race is retard logic.


You, my good sir, have a very low IQ

>no such thing as race

WTF I wasted money on a DNA test!!!



that is a nigga my nig

bill the shill nye? i dont know, such a shame really

Can someone tell me what the FUCK is going on? How does "race" not exist? It's in the dictionary. It's in the fucking dictionary. What do people mean when they say that race doesn't exist?

It's these fucking word games that the alt-left keeps using. Race doesn't exist. Alt-right are nazis. They bend the words to their choosing.

they do, but they are not wrong about this, are they? how is promoting hormon treatment to kids a good thing? and then in the same sentance say there is no such thing a gender

its funny because your argument actually hurts you

in the same way cause and effect explains that people who drive them tend to be reckless, cause and effect explains how the environment can shape a specific group of people. think before exposing your lil' brain

Except that the Warrior Gene, which makes people dumber and more agressive, is present in only 5% of Europeans and white Americas, but amlost 80% of Sub-Saharn blacks. Juat to name one example.

What he's failing to.communicate is that there is no biological difference between the races as we perceive them. Which is funny because there is no biological difference between a trans man and a woman. He's clumsily virtue signalling while shooting himself in the foot.

that 5% when influencing an entire fucking country of people tends to snowball into a big fucking difference

I think the scentific basis is that there is greater diversity within a genetic group ("race") than there is between a genetic group so while they can appear visually different and have different traits they do not constitute anything genetically significant and so are just social constructs.

being thick is just a spook.

This, the rest of it has at least a modicum of arguable subjectivity but
>we all come from Africa
is literally a lie
Fuck this popsci faggot, I never liked him anyway

>"race doesn't exist, we're all exactly the same" sounds nice
>in fact it sounds so nice that I've decided it's true
>it's like science and shit
>>where's the evidence?

Care to give a specific example?

but its basic evolution, living beings adapt to their enviroment, and that causes them to become different than the members of the same species living somwhere else, and in the extrem cases it causes the species to split

>Nothing will ever make me believe

Sounds reasonable.

Race is literally how you can tell one skeleton from another in forensics.
An african american skull will be much different from a caucasian one, which will also be different from an asian one.

Race exists. The trick is trying to stop everyone from murdering each other over it, which we've very, very slowly gotten better at doing.
We're still a very tribal and divided planet, but hopefully one day we'll get along even better if we can ignore the racebaiting media and people who keep the wars going.

the fact that africans have completely different socities when compared to say, western europeans? You can say it is environment but environment affects it's people. Over time it changes your average person. This is called evolution

what the fuck happened to you? when did you become so bitter and jaded? what happened to the times when you knew what happiness was? is this you forever? will you ever change? or are you content with making just shit tier posts

>denying evolution

What does that have to do with the 5%?

well if the populations were isolated in perpetuity and those differences allowed to develop between the difference racial groups perhaps the consensus would change, but as it stands that is the basic jist of why even though black people have adapted to tropical climates and white people to northern climates that we are still one species with no subspecies

So what you're telling me is that, race does exist. Not "there really is no such thing as race."

>well if the populations were isolated in perpetuity and those differences allowed to develop between the difference racial groups perhaps the consensus would change
You mean like how light skin/hair/eyes developed?

Saying race doesn't exist is a blatant lie even if the intention is correct. When you have people going around saying race doesn't exist, it's the same as people who say "they don't see color."

Race is literally one of the most important social constructs (and important in medicine), and it's not just going to go away if you tell people it doesn't exist.

>tfw get DNA tested and my paternal haplogroup is the same as hitlers and it originates from Egypt 25000 years ago.
>tfw have warrior gene but pretty calm overall due to DNA from my moms side

shows that a small deviation can result in completely different people

Pretty sure that's what Bill Nye is getting at when he says that race isn't an actual 'thing'


>race doesnt exist because my definition doesn't fit yours. I win goy heueheuhe.

>warrior gene but pretty calm overall due to DNA from my moms side
you mean the german cuck gene

What's going on here?

yes like that, a grey horse is still a horse

as a social construct to describe a group of people it exists. If you want a semantic argument twitter bill nye I'm sure he cares enough to go into it with you. If a black guy and a white woman have a baby, which race is it? Bot-- neit--. I am not a race denier, because 95% of what humans refer to is a social construct if you want to go into semantics. I was just telling you the TLDR of what he is referring to when he says that without giving a reason.

No the German cuck gene is from my fathers side, which is why it's my paternal haplo group. My mother is Northern European with a bit of Ashkenazi and from the DNA test it seems I got about 5-12% Ashkenazi DNA.
Not that you give a shit I just think it's interesting.

um, some of these naked people look underage


wew lad


I don't think we're on the same page. In the quote, Mussolini says he is 95% sure race does not exist meaning he also leaves 5% to doubt that race exists. These percentages are all about his personal beliefs.
Also, race might have meant something different to people and to Mussolini in that era.

LOL based dolph

>photographing a bunch of topless children

oh, but it's OKAY because it's A FEMALE photographer

Jesus Christ

Hair and skin color are very minor evolutionary changes, they can usually be accomplished within a few generations. So people with darker skin/hair might look very far removed, but on a genetic level we're basically the same

Then why twist the words? This is propaganda. Just like saying that the alt-right are Nazis. And as you know, PUNCH ALL NAZIS IN THE FACE.

>but on a genetic level we're basically the same
It's so cute when liberals pretend to understand biology

>Published in PLoS One

I would leave that one out...

Tell me what SNP means.
No Google.

do you know what an SNP is?

Make up shades for skin types I think

Bill Nye the Weimar Guy

>If he doesn't know what this acronym means then science must be wrong!
It stands for single nucleotide polymorphisms. Now neck yourself

Yeah, but what does it mean.
Again, no Google.

What is it user? You don't like science?

>I better quiz him on the technical terminology to distract from the fact that he proved me wrong

Why? I don't know what that is.

whoa, that's a lot a races

Based on more than 30 years of research, compared to Whites, Blacks in average have...

A lower cranial capacity
A lower cortical neuron count
Slower reaction times
Lower IQ in every test ever performed