Who is more to blame for the failed job market, millennials or boomers?
Who is more to blame for the failed job market, millennials or boomers?
blaming one or the other is a false dichotomy. Bankers are made old and young
The jews.
I don't know but I do know this I shouldn't have to go to university just to get a standard job you could of gotten from just walking into the place and giving them your resume face to face 40 years ago.
>Who is more to blame for the failed job market, millennials or boomers?
you're eating their blue pills OP.
there is only one answer -- globalists
The invisible hand of the market, lel.
No, really. Automation, globalization. There's simply no application for the amount of lawyers and biologists that are produced today.
>never considering gen x
>There's simply no application for the amount of lawyers
Sure there is, it's called divorce. Had a small fight with your husband? I'll be there to swoop in and convince you you need to get a divorce and take half his shit.
That's the brown pill - shit from your own ass
I would say its a combination of globalism (failure to negotiate agreements that benefit long term over the short term) and over regulation (creating unnecessary business costs).
While millennials hold the majority responsibility for being the biggest failure of a generation that America has ever seen, you can't pin full responsibility on them. There are many different factors that have tanked the job market in America, such as horrible trade agreements which exported American prosperity to Mexico and China and also the changing factor of technology from hardware to software. The machinations of bankers also should not be forgotten.
The major differences between the boomers/GenX and the millennials is that the prior generations worked for what they have and achieved great accomplishments that have advanced not only the country but the world itself. This is in contrast to millennials with their sense of ultimate entitlement and destruction of competition as well as functional societies and cultures that have brought us this far. It's almost as if the millennials know they are failure incarnate and seek to make the world burn as that's the only thing they can accomplish with their rampant laziness and entitled mentality. They didn't crack open the secrets of the atom, they didn't create computers and the Internet. Millennials created Social Justice Warriors, Feminazis, LGBT frenzy, cancerous growth of liberalism to levels unthought of, worship of communism along with other massive attacks on the Constitution, rampant assumptions on things without full understanding of entire systems such as the Earth and our Solar System, delusional unattainable utopian fantasies, rampant jealousy of those who work hard and earned what they have, and the list goes on.
There is many things in this world that millennials alone are responsible for destroying and ruining, but the job market is not one of them.
>Sup Forums still falls for "millennial" bait threads
Boomers fucked everything up. Demographically speaking, Gen X and Gen Y are both myths.
Boomers were the last proper "generation" in the western world, and put us on the path to globalism for personal benefit. They also failed at raising kids.
How are we entitled?
Boomers have had it easy, one should not be 100k in debt for just going to Uni to get a moderately paying fucking job.
They are Neoliberals, they fucked the economy.
>going to uni
Nice proxy, faggot
Get the fuck out
>That's the brown pill - shit from your own ass
how does it taste faggot?
Is the job market really shit or millennials just not prepared to enter?
>failed job market,
speak for yourself- I have a great job.
If you dont- thats on you...get the fuck of /pol and get a job!
Bit of both, really. There ARE less traditional jobs out there due to things like outsourcing and automation, but a lot of millennials come out of school with bullshit degrees that have no application in the real world.
Stop kidding yourselves
Americans don't say "uni"
So you're obviously a proxy
College is 2 years and uni is 4 years.
Yeah I don't see the issue with the job market. It's mostly a result of kids going to college who shouldn't, then get a degree like "management", then don't understand why they can't get a managing job out of college. Let's get real, if you go to college you either get a finance, econ, accounting, hard science, math, or comp Sci degree or you stay the fuck home and work your way up in a blue collar job. It's not hard.
this is correct and every other answer is faggotry
The answer is economics (which is completely controlled by men, not a fucking force of nature like most idiots think) and Politicians.
Both are a cancer on humanity now, nearly all of you don't see that though.