>Slavs have shitskin genes
>Americucks have shitskin genes
>Slavs have shitskin genes
>Americucks have shitskin genes
Who cares people from the Middle East are white
Irish people are subhumans
>calling anyone shitskin
tip top kek
Middle east people are caucasian.
t. Turk rape baby
>the goydian
I mean ya kind of. The original caucasians were Indo-iranians and people of the Caucasus.
Explains the affinity for car bombs both peoples share
Reminder that the middle east was the most advanced area of the world before the ar*bs raped everything into the stoneage.
>implying most white people aren't just Iranians who wandered too far
Caucasian and white are different things
Here in Wales, this is common knowledge. We came from Syria.
Explains the sheep fucking.
Le Europeans aren't actually European meme
Fucking kikes shilling this shit
>fmc am primit 50 de lei de la becali mergand in fata casei lui de craciun
mergeam la un tovaras in plm si dadea la toata lumea lui
slava lui
Don't you have a mart to shart?
>the gurniard
So the Celts settled in empty lands before history was even written, but the Celts across Ireland, Britain and France look nothing like 99% of the people we call Middle Easterners today, so does that mean the people of some Middle Eastern countries are just immigrants who should give the land back to the Celts?
Am i the only one who is really sick of the irish american meme? The Irish make up a tiny part of the american heritage, the most common heritage for white Americans is German. Why are the Irish so overrated? Is it just because people are afraid to be called nazis if they admit that they're german so they pretend they're Irish instead?
It's a shit country with shit culture and shit people. Irish genes are basically insignificant in the US outside of shitholes like Boston. The few good women they had were taken to Iceland anyways.
You are forgetting that Ghenghis Khan had red hair and "Irish" genetics covered the entire world where mankind lived in peace -- before disgusting freak mutant anglos and aryans corrupted society with their lecherous ways .
>Am i the only one who is really sick of the irish american meme? The Irish make up a tiny part of the american heritage, the most common heritage for white Americans is German. Why are the Irish so overrated? Is it just because people are afraid to be called nazis if they admit that they're german so they pretend they're Irish instead?
in new york most white people i meet are Italian/irish
They probably just guess because they're a bunch of mutts with no heritage. But yeah, i forgot to include New York in the list of shitholes. Sorry about that.
Muh immigration Muh ancestry
You're the same people
Most of Europeans are descended from ancient middle eastern farmers
Goddamn op, I never knew the Leprechauns with their pot of golds were Jews. Now I know where the Jews got the rainbow flag for the fags.
Really makes you think.
impliying that englishmen are a mixing of celtics+preindeuropeans, romans and germanic somet tribes
some germanic tirbes*
>It was a study that was 4 ago
>The Guradian is bringing this up when people are telling rapefugees to fuck off
Really makes you think.
>He doesn't realise most Europeans also originated from the ME
>A gypsy calling anyone shitskin
t. flyover state, stay mad kraut, us micks are the backbone of America, look at the police forces, the military, do you know how many Mc and O's are in there? The only thing germans ever did for America was settle the frontier an be target practice. go back to your wisconsin cuck shed hans
So it turns out ireland is really a nation of immigrants and therefore must have open borders
It should be known that the Guardian writers have an agenda against Ireland.
Enjoy your inferiority complex and shit gun laws you butthurt yank.
t. Texas.
How bad are ahmeds over there?
Its only Dublin and Galway that have mudshits and non-whites.
I haven't seen a non-white in person that wasn't a Chinese restaurant worker in about 10 years.
top kek
>forgetting the actual heritage of america
Nice try cuck, did your dink shrivel back up inside?
top kek, good going pakibro
hnnng. Give me the source for that?
The left are attempting to dispossess whites from their land by pushing the "we're all migrants" narrative.
Don't believe their lies, Sup Forums
That makes no sense if whiteness itself originated in that area north of the caucasus mountains. (Hence caucasian) They were called the Yamnaya.
This is the same as saying that all white people are actually niggers because we descended from them.
And anyway, this portrayal is even more inaccurate due to the fact that Irish are more closely related to Eastern Europeans because it's a pocket of Yamnaya that survived since the first westward wave of migration. A more recent wave of darkies from the south washed over Europe, giving us modern Italians and the like. Ireland was spared, and hence it is MORE white, not less.
Thank god for the Norman and Roman invasions. But seriously, Turkic mtDNA is fucking everywhere from Uralic Russia to freaking Irland. Just means somewhere along the line most western Europeans have a Turkic grandmother. Shit is conserved pretty hard
>people don't have legs and have been forever stuck in the places where God dropped them off 7000 years ago
we evolved
try it sometime
pretty good, m8. Got any more?
Well technically we all evolved from a common ancestor in Africa/Middle East but thousands of years have led to big differences. Also, calling them "economic migrants" is fucking hilarious but what else would you expect from the Guardian- just more Marxist bullshit to justify current mass immigration.
ba bagabontule.
So romanians have always been economic migrants?