How do we uncuck the UK?
How do we uncuck the UK?
send them to Sweden
By deporting you, faggot
How are they clicked exactly, user?
Pretty sure 52% of Brits voted to be uncucked. Euthanize the rest and we'd be completely uncucked.
Remove England from the UK
A nuclear warhead
remove london and birmingham, and then britain would be the white holy land
im sure theres other briton countryfolk here, imagine a britain with just countryside. hell we'd be a whole lot poorer but it'd be worth it.
Legalize firearm ownership and make it a right of every man.
Absolute euthanasia.
you can own firearms here, you just cant pick them up in your local supermarket like you can over there
I'm from Birmingham, I'm white...
Keep heading down this road we're on. It may be dark and full of cucks, but I can already feel the winds of change.
Only of the Paki scum, the niggerscum and the pikies. I'd love to see a purge of the slums. Imagine Skepta being executed via firing squad
Fight, in civilized ways at first, all efforts to force "diversity and tolerance" on areas like education, entertainment, the media, sports etc. Because we know those are euphemisms for 'Less white people please.' Never vote for any politician that thinks the UK should ever be more diverse in the *liberal* sense of the word.
What if you guys branch out from anglicism and create a type of cristhianity that justifies divorce AND deporting pakis?
what has that got to do with the price of fish? its still a largely multicultural area
Remove sandniggers
Remove legal immigrants
Remove illegal immigrants
Remove liberals
Remove kikes
Remove hindus
Remove faggots
Remove trannies
Remove Scots
Remove niggers
Remove fats
Remove cuckservatives
Remove lugenpresse
Remove non-racists
Remove retards
Did I miss something?
Updated your flag OP. Where's Saint Patricks cross?
we need to jizz on each other
As a scot I hate to say this but remove the scots... I'll be voting leave if theres another referendum then moving to england or the US, unsure on which one yet.
Remove ireland, remove scotland
you have to understand, in the uk, the polish are like our niggers
I'm from Birmingham
I'm white
nice try mudslime
Without England, there wouldn't UK. The English conquered the British Isles.
Christian death squads
you already did it bro
you forgot luton
Everywhere apart from Birmingham and London are pretty much 90%+ White British.
The question is: How do we fix our two largest cities.
Give it to the Welsh.
Bring back Norman rule.
Frog detected.