Goodbye England
>tfw you realize this article is more than five years old and the situation today is a lot worse
Goodbye England
>tfw you realize this article is more than five years old and the situation today is a lot worse
English schools...
That's a good thing. Diversity is our strength.
2011. article. pretty sure since that the situation improved...
Come on bro, ever since Brexit, it feels like there is still hope for the UK. Maybe...
Actually, I know a Hungarian-English couple who moved to Hungary, because they didn't want their daughter to grow up in the now completely cucked UK.
Allahu Ackbar! Finally, the disgusting pale Englishworm is going to be a rare sight on the streets of his country's towns and cities.
We have chased you from your urban centres, disgusting snivelling kuffars, soon we will chase you into the villages and eventually from this island.
Diversity is our strength and Mohammed is his prophet
Anglo Cucks love to hate on germans but lets themselves be replaced and fucked over for decades
Even the Brexit wont safe them if these are their demographics. London was just the beginning
The only Hungarian I know is a Tumblr tier SJW maniac. She's beautiful though. Such a shame.
Birmingham and Leicester are completely lost causes.
How progressive and tolerant, my fellow sandnigger!
We have replaced them in all of their major urban centres.
Now we are busy converting their disused churches into Mosques in their smaller and more insignificant towns.
There were no Mosques here where I live, and barely any of my countrymen but now in the space of ten years there are now FOUR and literally thousands of my own people here.
There will soon be nowhere to hide.
Britistan soon
Absolutely beautiful. Soon there will not be a head of red or blonde hair, neither any pale flesh. We will have erased the Englishman without a single shot being fired.
Remember this though when whites snap again and start murdering people. They gave you a hand and you took their arm
Yeah, we're well aware how fucked we are.
Whose "we" supposed to be? That's mostly niggers, probably "Christian".
Those cuck teachers smiling their dead smiles in the back...
Us people of colour. :) but I digress
It is about erasing the English pig.
Ugh, I'm not surprised. There are three kind of emigrated Eastern Europeans :
The one who doesn't want to move, but he has to, because with his level of education, he and his family will starve to death here. When they get enough money, they usually move back.
The cucked libtard who hates his own country, because in his twisted mind it's already a fascist dictatorship, so he chooses to move to the "progressive" and "enlightened" West.
The filthy gypos, who realized robbing richer Westerners and leeching on the Western welfare system is much more profitable, than robbing old Eastern Europoors
>ever since Brexit, it feels like there is still hope for the UK
A heavy influx of black and brown people is not the EU's fault. It won't stop because of Brexit.
Should I care?
What's up with the blue eyed niglet? is (s)he(?) a boy or a girl or a mental illness?
Its likely that white flight also happened.
Guess who the largest immigrant group to Ireland is?
fun fact: richard dawkins coined the term meme
bin in leicester from 01
ax me anyting
It will never stop - we will keep lobbying their politicians more diversity, we will keep preaching that our religion is compatible, nay, even better than the native Shitstainanity and all the braindead atheists rally to our cause.
>There will soon be nowhere to hide.
They're all hiding in Wales because we know you won't fuck about here.
Its hilariously ironic that the UKs former subjects are flooding back into the UK.
Pride goeth before the fall, and you where oh so proud.
Goodbye, UK.
Not just Islam here you idiot. The country will turn into Brazil when we're no longer holding things together and all the diversity starts clashing.
>Should I care?
Nah you shouldn't. English are getting their comeuppance and they deserve it.
>it was this bad 5 years ago
Glad I'll be dead before it gets too bad... I honestly feel sorry for the future generations.
At least we'll go down in history as the people who ruined a once great country - obviously, utterly despised for not doing anything, but a shining example to surviving white nations of the perils of shitskins
if you're white, yes, you cuck
>We will have erased the Englishman without a single shot being fired.
Sun Tzu would have been proud...
Fellow whites treat me like shit though. White women ignore me and are odd cunts. I don't give a shit what happens. I have no stake in society.
Oh yeah, the fabulous whites...
Bunch of old fucks, bunch of trannies and self-hating beta cucks.
I'm sure fighting age Jamal and Abdullah are shaking in their pointy shoes.
we shouldn't be commenting about this. whites are the minority in the generation being born now
Where will the whites find refuge when their countries are conquered?
PS: I just invented new meme.
The white refugee.
Thank me later.
well... at least no hijabs in sight.silver lining, i guess
>Please send help
> this is what being "diverse" looks like
wow, they really let that pendulum swing... all the way in the other direction.
Post timestamp pic of your shitty Brown hand
>5 white children.
I'm at a loss..
Die faster you Protostant fucks! Due!
do they think africans and asians (middle or far) will give a shit about whites, like cucks/sjw do about them?
hell no.
except white women as sluts, and white men as descendants of former oppressors deserving of prejudice and persecution.
Meme is a Japanese word and Dawkins does not know Japanese
>Mfw I found Isle of Man's Islamic association website
You can find thousands of schools like that in the US m6
The take home message is no normal white person with a family wants to live anywhere near niggers/muds no matter how 'muh diversity' bullishit they spout
Its not the same though mate, we bought our niggers and then the leftists wouldn't let us send them back
You invited these people
You would be surprised how many whites stick around even when schools start to become excessively shitskin
The difference between you and me bong is 3,537,436 sq. miles. We have enough land to have pockets of homogeneous communities, while you have a small remote island. I'd find a pocket of whites and stick with them. The elites in all of our countries preaching "diversity" are trying to destroy all white communities
You can bet the White kids in that pic either have low IQ parents/single parents or don't have the money to move away. My statement is 100% correct, no normal person will live near muds if they can help it.
No average Briton invited any of these fuckers in, it was all done by our ruling class.
You have the land but your mindset is cucked - I'm heard so many White Americans say 'we are all immigrants' like they are trying to make that stupidity real and they know it's fake.
>your mindset is cucked
nigga we have huge amounts of patriotism here in the states. The only people who are believing the "diversity" meme are the indoctrinated liberal fuckwits that are affecting every western country atm
Why do people always use the altered one without a merchant steering the ship?
>tfw you live in a white part of Leicster
There are 6.
>Jamal and Abdullah
Jamal can't organize or plan anything
abdullah can't use the sights on a rifle.
It will be bloody and brief.
If whites would stop financing their own demise via welfare and exporting our food and technology to the 3rd world, it would self correct in 10 years.
>it would self correct in 10 years.
i can do it in 5
What do you think is going to happen a generation from now when the nearly a million Syrians we are letting in now have children?
Genocide -which way remains to be seen
Don't care desu. Why would I? I hate this country
I'll give you 5 years then.
their leaders made it all happen and yet the idiots blame the refugees
you'll pay for the wars in many more ways yet
so lets move their ppl here so we can pump all the oil
That poor child in the bottom left
You can stay in your shitty designated urban ghettos Mohammed, that's as far as you're going. We've priced you out of the suburbs, small towns and countryside.
Wherever you haven't been locked out by price our all-white small towns and villages will never accept or welcome you or any of your enabling PC bullshit.
It's what happened to London and Birmingham, the whites didn't disappear, they moved to places that won't get enriched or won't accept it and are too expensive for your ilk to along to follow anyway.
notice the ppl that hate the refugees the most don't believe in climate change?
this lad is such a cheeky cunt
Mate you know it's only a matter of time though (;_;)
London schools
Literally look anywhere else and the majority of kids in a class is white. Nearing 1 out of 25/30 (average max of students in a class) are coloured
Not really, away from the major urban centres middle England is gradually becoming a fortress against both the invaders and leftists. Look at the changes to Essex in particular, the South East. East Anglia and parts of the Home Counties.
>Whites move out from London and other major cities
>Push all property prices up beyond shitskin price range
>Low birth rates but kids inherit and keep areas white
>Change political demographics to solid Leave or Tory and UKIP in the most successful areas, left-wing parties get frozen out and PC culture doesn't get a beachhead
>Small towns and villages distinctive and culturally resistant to change anyway
>Gentrification in more exclusive areas further locks all but the top tier non-whites out (i.e. non dumb ones worth having)
It's a slow process but it's setting in place a new England and cementing the lines more clearly. Urban - multiculti, diverse shitholes. Rural/suburban - homogeneous white communities.
What's the point in moving? All other english speeking countries are fucked anyway.
It's Birmingham, what did you expect? Haven't whites been a minority there for years anyway?
There are plenty of places with no minorities at all.
vid related
>cucks... smiling their dead smiles
every time innit?
I never understand how this white minority thing where we bunch all the filth into one group to make a majority.
I went to a school where whites were 7% of the population. But honor roll was 90% whites. We should encourage this to further embarrass minorities.
>oh it's just London
>oh it's just Birmingham
>oh it's just the whole country
The British level of cuckoldry will never be surpassed by anyone.
AKA 0% White.
Birmingham has been gone for probably 10 years.
My question for people like you is very simple. What do you expect me, or other nationalists to do? The general population DON'T CARE, there's no point going and killing a bunch of politicians at this point because your average person won't be willing to fight anyway, and has zero loyalty to you. You're the definition of a cuck if you give your life for people who couldn't give a fuck about you.
All you can do now is just hope and pray for war.
>All other english speeking countries are fucked anyway.
Years ago, my sister lived in Germany and I visited her a few times.
What a beautiful country! Koln Cathedral, Garmish, Black Forsest, Neuschwanstein castle, so much gorgeous beauty. England was amazing too.
I took my daughter through there a couple of years ago, and holy shit it wasn't the same place at all. Completely overrun. It's over.
I have no idea how a country could to that to themselves voluntarily. Europe is beyond fucked up.
Forgot to quote
Kek, even the dog can't believe this shit
>A decade from now, our latino shithole wll become whiter than fucking UK
God dammit you fucking anglos, the argies will NEVER stop laughing.
>tfw my school was exactly like that
this place is too far gone i want out
brexit is gonna stop this invasion for sure, god emperor farage said so.
>still the largest group by far
>not merely saying those two cities have plurality populations
All the demographic meme articles make it sound like there are other groups with higher population than whites. or at least that is what the reaction to it implies
if we add up ever other group only then will they come close to whites
if this is the reaction from being a plurality, imagine when whites become a legitimately smaller group demographically speaking. even then, right now it is in a few cities.
in america all the demographic meme articles spout 2050, but again that's when a national plurality is expected. there would still be a long way to go before any singular group outnumbers whites if it even happens. We all know the hispanic numbers are inflated with white hispanics. Never min that hispanic is not even a race and is constantly compared to actual racial categories in media for some reason.
I wonder want the non third-worlder parents think when they move to britain and there are no british people in their childs school
or some Japanese student goes on exchange and thinks they're accidently went to africa
>The Detroit of Britain
This isn't news to anyone m8.
Funnily enough, the Remain camp were banking on Birmingham and London winning the EU referendum for them, yet astonishingly Birmingham actually voted out. There must be lots of whites hiding there somewhere.
So many Commonwealth brothers have already reached mother England. Let's ferry the last few!
lol the fuck is wrong with you
The people don't have to go full 14/88 or even be 'redpilled', they just have to move to homogeneous areas capable of resisting both demographic and cultural change.
It's why the small towns and villages we have outside of the major cities are really the place all white English with any intent on protecting their future need to be headed. I've seen this from both experince and relatives who still live in rural areas.
They're perfectly built to resist both migration and cultural attacks. Despite the usual social disconnects of 21st Century life, most are generally still quite close-knit and have a sense of community, even with new urban flight arrivals. It's the best way for whites to stay homogeneous where they are but also have the benefit of a sense of community again, something missing for decades in major cities.
Most small towns and especially villages retain a strong sense of both local culture and identity. Think about the South West especially. There's a Cornish town that still annually celebrates 'Darkie Day' by getting blacked up and celebrating blatant references to slavery and despite the impotent rage of Diane Abbott and the other PC cucks they try every time and always fail to make them give their tradition up. They won't accept cultural change and they use the ballot box against whoever tries to impose it so nothing significant changes.
They resist enrichment too. Not only are your average small towns and villages too expensive for nigger-tier migrants, they're cultural exclusive and unwelcoming to non-whites. Think of the response if they tried turning the village church into a mosque in rural England, it's just not happening. The whole community will galvanise against it and they’ll find no PC cucks willing to defend them as they can find in cities so they end up losing.
White civilisations have been built from being tribalistic attached to the rural world, it's in a way going back to basics and finding ourselves again.
A lot of pakis hate the EU la
t-thanks for the insight hong kong.. hope you're family is doing well
hey you weak little defeated faggot im talking to you
the fuck is wrong with you
>britbongs:'' damn it we need to kill more poles to get our country back''
its ok UK, your white women can come here for refuge as Sweden becomes based once again