Why do poor conservashits vote against their own economic interests ?
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Because they're fucking delusional and actually believe they'll get a piece of the pie if they work "hard enough."
How many people live there and what percentage are white?
We are still racist, hate other countries, and are proud of our flag.
>America = large, unmanageable multicultural shithole.
>Denmark = small, homogeneous nation where people actually have a sense of belonging, and, for the most part, unlike Americans, trust their institutions.
I suppose more than 60%
> Denmark's population - 5.614 million
> Americas population - 318.9 million
Gee I wonder why they can afford to do all that
They don't realize that banks 2007-2008 and the super rich under Bush were the largest welfare niggers in recorded financial history, at expense of the tax payer.
Oh look, this thread again
Don't rub it in, Hans
>what is scaling
Here's a snapshot of some key differences in everyday prices: [See citation 9 for complete list]
● Basic Utilities: 49% more than US
Clothing (Jeans): 3-4 times what we pay
● Shoes: 77% more than US
● Car (Volkswagon): 2.5 times U.S
● Milk: 22% more than US
● The major cost indices: [10]
Consumer Prices in Denmark are 38.08% higher than in United States
Consumer Prices Including Rent in Denmark are 25.05% higher than in United States.
● Restaurant Prices in Denmark are 84.82% higher than in United States.
● Groceries Prices in Denmark are 12.87% higher than in United States.
● Local Purchasing Power in Denmark is 24.45% lower than in United States.
So let's be ironic here, and ask, "How many McDonald's Meals can a McDonald's worker afford to buy in each country?"
DENMARK: $21,982 net income, at $10.91 per McD Combo Meal (or similar)[10] = 2,015 meals.
USA: $13,943 net income, at $6 per McD Combo Meal (or similar)[10] = 2,324 meals
USA wins by 15%.
its like 98% white
Look it's that 9gag meme once again
watch this^^^^^^^
Bernie bro, can you not grasp the idea you can have nice shit like this when your scoiety isn't only 60% White with million of spics and niggers to pay for, along with 12 aircraft carriers, 275 military bases around world to play world police, and billions to give to Israel in extortion money?
This picture is a shitty meme of diainformation.
In fact, the opposite should be asked, why do minorities vote against their interests?
Stop responding this shill thread gets posted 5 times a day you retards
Because they are distracted by racial, religious, and cultural scapegoating, among many other things.
Make someone hate and fear and you control their mind.
False consciousness and classcucks
Sup Forumsyps are willing pawns of their masters.
We have half the population of Ohio, and the welfare state is also failing. In a few years more people in Denmark will be getting more welfare thne they're contributing to our society.
I do 45hrs in 3 days so does that mean after 2.5 days work I can go home ?
You get a D for effort
BTFO commencing:
#1There is no legally stipulated minimum wage in Denmark. Pay rates for blue-collar and white-collar workers are set through collective bargaining agreements. More than 65 percent of Danish workers belong to a trade union, and the collective bargaining agreements negotiated by those unions effectively cover 80 to 90 percent of Danish workers. An agreement may set actual pay rates or minimum pay rates at the industry level. The wage rates set under collective agreements vary on the grounds of age (different wage rates for workers over or below the age of 18 years), experience (higher wage for more experienced workers), qualifications or performance and difficulty level of work. Though Denmark has no official minimum wage, the collective agreements often instate a de facto minimum for different types of workers, and are renegotiated ever two or three years.
#233 hours is the average number of hours worked per week calculated from the average hours of combined FULL and PART-TIME workers. The comparable figure for the U.S. in June of 2015 is 34.5 hours! (Updated data at the US Bureau of Labor Statistics). In 2006, in Denmark, the figure was also 34.5 hours, but due to an increase in part time workers, the average hours worked per week has gone down slightly.
Oh look
it's this autistic thread again
OP please fuck off to denmark if its so great
considering how similar the US is to Denmark I don't see why the US has not done the same yet?
Personal income tax 65.5% so twenty uro an hour is now 7 euro take home..
Homes are about half the size of an American home. Land is impossible to buy. Enjoy your euro solution I'll keep my big house 2 cars and comfortable lifestyle. . Jackass.
Jew boy, the fact that you'd have the balls to even post here speaks to the sort of parasite you are.
your scum PM was offered a huge increase in the military handout he gets. He turned it down. and that's only the 6 or 7 billion there "offically", not counting the loans, grants, technology given for free, contracts for things we sure as shit shouldn't be having a hostile foreign power doing for us (the phone tapping, data collection, etc..)
Hate Israel and jews more than I hate Arabs. We have to pay through balls for healthcare, you kikes get everything free, on our fucking backs.
At the same time, Jews here are the cultural arbiters and think it's their right to name "racists," but funny enough they never name Israel, the most "racist" nation on earth, demolishing arab villages to move Jews in against every Un agreement, jews only roads, towns,, Arabs in gaza in world's largest open air prison.
If I live to see Israel nuked, even if it costs the US everything, will be worth it for the betterment of the world. Die hymie.
Denmark, where nobody owns a car until they're 35, nobody owns a house ever, and 60% of your earnings are taken by the government. Yeah, where do I sign up?
>I bought my first car at 16 and bought my first house at 20
>Restaurant Prices in Denmark are 84.82% higher than in United States.
USA wins by 15% at an AMERICAN-OWNED restaurant McDONALDS? Also in the US you're expected to tip, another reason why Denmark is 85% more expensive to eat out. You're making some very skewed, biased calculations here.
Plus - I don't eat out AT ALL. It's a waste of money, even fast food is a waste. I grow my own greens, only buy basics, like dried beans, rice, sugar, yeast, flour & potatoes. With a multivitamin, it's all you need to live. Restaurants are for lazy people, fatasses and the wealthy.
77% for shoes, also skewing your calculations. Who spends a lot of money on shoes, besides women?
So how do you propose we shrink down the population, OP?
This again? You get BTFO every time you make these threads. You're shilling, aren't you?
Why would you feel the need to own a car when you live in a small country with an excellent rail system, excellent public transportation, excellent ferrys, etc?
In the US you NEED a car unless you live in a metropolitan city. This isn't a good thing. Auto insurance is a huge scam industry.
Homogeneous white European countries are obviously going to be better than the USA in every measurable regard. I don't get why people feel the need to defend the USA, instead of saying, "Yea, we get it, your country's better, whatever, let the thread die."
>Homogeneous white European countries are obviously going to be better than the USA in every measurable regard.
We're wealthier than them and we kicked their ass in the Olympics
whats your job
We know it's a shill thread, but the discussion here is still better than half of the shit being posted on Sup Forums
It's sad when the shill threads are the most engaging threads on the board
he's sliding, not shilling
Check the end of the catalog, find out what he's sliding, and bump the fuck out of it
Wouldn't work for Murrika they're too nigger.
Has nothing to do with local purchasing power
> Also in the US you're expected to tip
In a fucking McDonalds? No.
>You're making some very skewed, biased calculations here.
Show me where they're "skewed or biased", don't just assert they are. It's literally comparing apples to apples with local purchasing power and adjusted prices, you physically can't be more objective when comparing the two.
>77% for shoes, also skewing your calculations.
Show me how they're skewed, I'm using the local price indices for the country cited in the sources, so if you have a problem with them, then read up or contact them about their possible inaccuracy
>Who spends a lot of money on shoes, besides women?
You're retarded if you think women make up the huge difference in shoe prices between the countries. You have no understanding of purchasing power, local market price index, or exchange rates and cost of living.
You really shouldn't be making a post talking about economics if you've only read the first paragraph on Wikipedia about "economics".
Really? Are you being serious?
>#5 Denmark 15 5,676,002 378,400
>#43 United States 121 321,418,820 2,656,353
Without Phelps, US wouldn't be #43 but somewhere around #60.
There's nothing important. If he wanted to slide threads, he'd do it with a nonsense post, not a political post.
Also, sliding is shilling
if you make a worthless slide thread it will more likely get deleted and not accomplish the goal of sliding
You're clearly buttblasted, go cry over an economics textbook.
You think I don't know that you don't tip at McDonald's? I was referring to the 85% increased restaurant prices, you fucking moron. McDonald's is hardly a restaurant. Stop wasting our time, please. Go soak your economics textbooks with your tears.
Now remind me again, who competes in the Olympics? Is it the Olympic team of a nation or is it the entire population of a nation that competes?
Good job, Canadian user.
>It will more likely get deleted
Have you seen Sup Forums lately? The mods are practically hibernating
It isn't.
5,6 million
approx 95% white
We're doing great
11% of Danes are on antidepressants, 13% of Americans are.
Cry to me some more about your depression, Michelle.
i know of a few threads that got deleted today and yesterday that i was in
Except that you have the highest net household debt as a % of disposable income, with a level triple that of even America or Greece
>1. Grenada
>2. Bahamas
>3. Jamaica
Seems like winning in Olympics is a nigger thing. Not sure if I would take pride in having the most medals.
This would work if US didnt have niggers and jews. Denmark living hitlers dream
See Medals per capita is meaningless
Denmark is 15% the size of the Oregon, WHY THE FUCK WOULD SOMEONE THERE NEED TO OWN A CAR?!
>I reply to you asking you to clarify the inaccuracies in my post
>You think I don't know that you don't tip at McDonald's?
Your personal choice, even at that I don't give a fuck what YOU do, I care what the statistical composite average is because that combines EVERYONE. It is the most applicable number, you literally don't matter, stop pretending that your conformation bias means data I have pulled up is incorrect.
I was being ironic because many fucking retarded democrat shills will bring up Mcdonalds workers as not being able to make enough money, yet if you're a Mcdonalds worker in America you are objectively better off than in Denmark.
Suck my dick, and get BTFO
Kill yourself, you're the reason everyone thinks American posters are retarded.