Anyone else get sick of people wahing about whitewashing? You're playing a fictional character the director can twerk them as much as they like. But I don't mind if you have the mindset that people shouldn't be playing races the character isn't, I'm fine with that. AS LONG AS you also complain about Michael B. Jordan playing Johnny Storm or Lawrence Fishbourne playing Perry White.
It's either one or the other. It's a racist double standard if you're not for all races keeping to their established characters race or you're like me and you just don't give a shit as long as the actor is good. Personally I thought Lawrence Fishbourne was a great Perry White and that woman who played The Ancient One in Doctor Strange did a good job.
All this guy did was do himself out of a great payday and credit in a film to pander to the crying SJWs of the world.
>It's either one or the other. It's a racist double standard if you're not for all races keeping to their established characters race or you're like me and you just don't give a shit as long as the actor is good. Here's the issue. While I have no doubt you genuinely don't care, most people do care only when it suits their agenda.
So Sup Forums wouldn't have given a fuck about this, but whine on and on about Elba cast in Thor. Conversely, tumblr praise Elba being in Thor but get pissed off at the notion that this casting almost happened.
To play devil's advocate; the reason it's a thing is because historically whitewashing was a thing to keep minorities out of the film industry. On the other side, there has never been an institutional effort to keep white people out of the film industry. But that was decades and is barely an issue now. But historical context is still important to understanding where it came from
Charles Foster
Character isn't Asian American.
He's Hapa American.
Who wants to bet they'll cast an Asian guy in the role, or Idris Elba.
Jose Carter
>But that was decades and is barely an issue now It all just boils down to these people wanting to feel like their the victims of something. When really it's just the director who feels like this character should be done this way instead of that way, not because he wants do to any of these "minorities" out of a job.
Jose Thomas
You must be white
Carter Baker
You must be black.
Jeremiah Moore
Americans, ladies and gentlemen
Matthew Lee
I really don't care about this character desu
Ian Rivera
I wish people played devils advocate for the fact niggers are less generations removed from straight bushmen or the fact they traditionally are dumb as rocks and told people to understand historical context or why its important to understanding where peoples feeling about them came from, whenever anyone asked about it
Gabriel Murphy
> It's a racist double standard if you're not for all races keeping to their established characters race
Indeed, the argument that this is somehow about equality is a flat-out lie, it's all about attacking and tearing down Western civilization.