Wiat, wait, wait just a minute.
This really fucking happened?
how did a fucking satirical containment board of authentic derelicts achieve such relevance?
This planet man, this planet is a joke
Wiat, wait, wait just a minute.
This really fucking happened?
how did a fucking satirical containment board of authentic derelicts achieve such relevance?
This planet man, this planet is a joke
old news
You mad faggot?
Who controls propaganda, controls the opinions.
Memes are that: propaganda.
That's Autistic Derlicts. Get it right plz.
Perhaps it's because the MSM has become bed of propagandistic lies. The only places truth can survive is out on the fringe. But no worries, they are coming for you and your frog God as well. Saurons eye knows where you live and breath...
Fuck Chile, you stole the Texas flag
No it didn't.
Yes it did
cant stump the trump
>muh undgerground memes are now mainstream
Fucking grow up, this is exactly what people wanted to happen anyway
Fucking kek m8
nuh uh
I usually find jokes funny, not agitating, unless im tired of laffin', which i still have reserves for today
I'm actually quite happy about it. The system is so corrupt it takes the corrupted to expose it, what better place to find the soldiers of this war than the morally bankrupt and warped minds of the typical Sup Forums addict
I thought memes were a way of influencing future events.
You stay neutral ya goy
Meme Magic is real. Zyklon Ben even uses it
You missed the other thread. The dickpick came from a friggin leaf. All leafs get a free pass for two weeks. It was amazing to watch...
i'm positive that you're wrong burger
Dammit we have to be nice to em, next they'll demand their own board
OP is a faggot
Dank memes will bring us back to greatness if kek wills it
This, taking sides is for poor people.
memes become reality
this has always been the case, but the internet age has given the power to us, which is hilarious.
And I'm positive Plustards are dirty shekel hoarding kikes
comedian saw through everything, thats why he had to die
I preached to Sup Forums of the power of kek before kek was ever manifested.
you're welcome.
you're correct
The blessing of the Leaf.
Memes turn dreams into scenes, bro.
i've predicted this ever since 2014. Sup Forums has a huge amount of influence.
I think memes are bit more than propaganda.
Miller said so.
Thanks, doc
Sup Forums never rests.
Our steady, invisible stream of influence pushes the world wherever Kek wills it. Like a 4D Ouja Board.
>tfw you were a laughing stock
>you never gave in
>now you are too powerful to stop
>mfw this whole time I just thought Texas had its own flag on Sup Forums
thanks don
Oh? Guess we forgot to send you the message about how we control the Jews who control everything
>World's Best POTUS
that's fucking hilarious
Shit like this is why you'll lose. No because it's right/wrong, but because you haven't considered the long-term implications properly.
If Hillary rigs the election we will
I'm down to become a Texan
implicate this
kek is real. meme magic is real. Sup Forums is reality.
This is what out kids kids will read in the future. when the world turned 180 for the better all because of us
Obviously that's not a serious meme, that's not designed to be spread beyond Sup Forums. It's just for cheap laughs, not for memetic espionage.
Consider well fellow Sup Forumslacks, that this is the last bastion of free speech.
Do not think for a moment that Hillary Clinton Barack Obama and their ilk will not do anything, stop at nothing, literaly everything to come and get ((you)) and your little board.
Enjoy your freedom while you can.
Dank memes will save the internet
The establishment is jealous if power and anyplace they cannot control the narrative or speech
Ya if trump loses thy will try to close this board
lit-er-al-ly shaking
If trump loses, they'll close ALL boards
Aquila non captat muscas.
>that's not designed to be spread beyond Sup Forums
That demonstrates your naivete right there. A meme isn't engineered to start and stop, the point is literally to spread like a virus without hopefully no limit. You can't control what information people regurgitate, you shouldn't be trying to, and you shouldn't expect it to work that way.
Chances are that gif is already on Twitter a dozen times over.
Chances are Donald Trump has literally already seen that gif and thought it was legitimately funny. It's almost certain that he eventually will.
This is why controlling Sup Forums is essential for baseline memetics. The real meme of Sup Forums is that it's an inadvertent memehub.
It is now a bipartisan meme hub.
Speak English fucktard
One thing's for sure, the attempts to slide and consensus crack Sup Forums totally backfired.
As we expected, shill posters just became slowly redpilled, and even without noticing, Sup Forums ideas slipped into their consciousness and made them unable to combat us.
Many once-suicidal liberals are starting to see the light, they are saying things they would have never imagined 2 years ago.
Then funny thing is I am now actually looking pepes in the normie world.
If I see em I will pic them and post up here.
That Pepe Trump retweeted just proves he's the dopest mother fucker and most savage presidential candidate we've ever had. The absolute madman
You realize of course this was the turning point, right? That was the moment the CTR shill-shelling started.
Literally that happened just a couple days before the shills showed up en masse.
These two events are no coincidence.
The correct term is Sup Forumssters
Piccolo dick is more of a signal to old anons to come out of retirement and join our ranks.
You'll see.
It's too late. The mainstream GOPdidn't find Pepe, Pepe took over the mainstream GOP.
>Pepe is a politically relevant to Normies nao
Let that sink in for a moment
>that pic
humanity is lost
We live in an age where memes will save the internet. Praise Kek
So little time.
Kek punishes blasphemous gets
Quite the contrary - humanity is being saved.
Meme Magic made truth, Trump will win
Wow the reflection of him in the glass is somehow disturbing. Perhaps a disturbance in the force...
Praise be
It's because we are right op
That was me actually
I came to post interracial porn to trigger the nazis and slowly became redpilled as fuck.
because this satirical containment board of authentic derelicts is the highest quality place for political discussion and discourse that you can really get 2bh
>This planet man, this planet is a joke
You just noticed that now?
Anthony Weiner tried to threaten me on Twitter. I made him look like a sniveling cuckold
Kek has a full house