The Final Stage
Feels like the article is gonna say that America is racist that's why he's gonna get elected. I'm personally fine with that statement and the results
Makes me to make vacation in this shithole so bad
Want to shank sone real murican negros
All the Left has to say a anymore is racist, racist, racist
i read it. he goes on about how the History Channel stopped airing WW2 documentaries and started airing shows like "Swamp People" and shit
America is racist. And that's not a good thing. We must fight until every white man is dead.
If it's coming from an insider jew it must be right.
Praise kek
fuck off shill
Hillary will win
As an intersectional feminist Berner who will be voting for Hillary in the general, this post really excites me.
That article was full of shit.
You know Trump will lose. Stop your denial. I've accepted that Trump will lose.
Its funny because 10 years ago, or even 5 years ago suddenly blurting out "RACIST!" Could end peoples careers, or at the very least have your opponent stuttering and back pedaling trying to prove that they arent.
But for like, 5 fuckin years its just been spammed everywhere by the left to the point that its lost its meaning.
Theyve watered it down to the point that racist just means "whoever I currently dont agree with."
Nobody gives a shit anymore. The SJWs wore it out.
They also revealed who really holds the power in society which emboldens any strong male who feels like flexing some muscle.
The Left is a Paper Tiger. They want to disarm civilians but then scream about government overreach on civil rights.
They don't act like they really believe what they preach because they all live in the whitest areas of the world. They don't even go to poor non white areas to teach basic math, much less to live and raise families there.
Their power only exists as long as the (((Central Bankers))) own the money supply, media and education.
Without the (((Central Bankers,))) all Left Wing movments not based on White Working Men evaporate overnight.
Spread the word and watch the magic!
No my friend. The final stage is everyone saying they supported him from the start, while quickly throwing our their Hillary signs and purchasing maga hats.
if someone is racist, its the left:
If you go around the real world trump is not liked or loved
Hillary is universally not liked. Nobody is voting for Hillary
The polls show Hillary winning because a bunch of cucks and lolbertarians and libs say "if the vote was right now if vote Hillary".
But those people aren't going to show up.
Also fun fact, no actually had a pollster call me yesterday and told them I'm voting trump
Ya! Bitch
So when Trump has won, will I be able to go on Pilgrimage in the US to honor him? How much will he charge me if I want to wash the feet of one of his statues?
Only your alliegence
Trump is an asshole but that isn't necessarily a bad quality for leadership every now and again.
If anything the asshole leaders tend to be the ones brash enough to get actual fucking change made.
Hilary on the other hand is pretty much another 4 years of Obama just with even more scandals every other week.
>America is racist
I wish
Trump is not doing well in the states that give the most electiral votes. Shillary has this in the bag.
$2,016, but it's a $100 discount for each rapefugee skull you bring with you
It's great that Hitler and racist mean nothing now.
Not acceptance, my sheeple friend. He's following the script. The Don already knows he's been picked.
This is how you condition the masses. You follow the old saying "There's no such thing as bad publicity.", then you drop something like you have there.
You could read and check for yourself.
I'm not gonna read it, but I think he'll say that regardless of who wins, Trump will still have been elected because he "poisoned our national dialogue" or some pleb whingeing like that.
Fuck, this article was even worse than I expected it to be.
Does he realize that the exact same thing could have been said about Obama in 2008?
I cant concentrate at work anymore
all i do i think about how to kill niggers
How many kills have you got so far?
It's going to suck when our UN controlled internet renders you unable to make posts like this
I want Jews dead.
Also Muslim child molesters will be tortured greatly.
Its basically just a long winded way of calling trump voters dumb rednecks.
Also, pretty funny thing I noticed, this guy is one of those liberals who have the idea stuck in thier heads that italy and france are still sophisticated centers of intellectualism.
Like... idk, are there really people who legitimatley enjoy opera or staring at paintings in a museum? Yes, there are, but this guy gives off the vibes of somebody who doesnt like doing those things so much as BEING SEEN doing those things.
Im hungover, what is a good phrase for it, plebian psuedo intellectual maybe?
Author is basically saying that people vote for ttump because they like monster truck rallies and dumb TV shows instead of the high brow hoity toity hobbies like opera and gourmet cuisine that leftists apparently enjoy.