If you smoke cigarettes then you are a superficial child, no exceptions...

If you smoke cigarettes then you are a superficial child, no exceptions. Maybe fifty years ago you could have plead ignorance to their innumerable detriments (smell like shit, give you several different cancers, cost a lot of money, are addictive, are gross, bother everybody around you) but if you're smoking cigarettes in 2016 then you have repeatedly made a conscious decision to act like an idiot in order to look cool. End of story.

I'm glad they cause cancer, I wish tattoos did that too.

B-but smoking is cool and manly. And it doesn't really have negative health effects, it's actually good for you, look at these blog posts that prove it [i don't actually have them because I'm just joking on the shill who will be here soon].

Cigarettes prove that free will doesn't exist.

I'm 25. Hopefully I can quit by 30, as has always been my plan.

People that don't smoke disturb me and I don't have any tattoos.

Look at this edge.

I bet you eat a bunch of fast food too you dirty hypocrite

I roll my own cigarettes with american spirit.

your move, kike

t. 14 year old

Cigarettes are cool, just don't smoke in public

Same here. I prefer the dark red/maroon colored pouch. Such a clean smoke compared to prepackaged cigs you get at a gas station.

>Such a clean smoke
This is how retarded smokers are. "Yeah, my smoke is much better than that cheap shit other guys have. Haha, I'm so cool". While all normal people see you're just a little chuuni faggot.

Hand rolled halfzware shag master race reporting in.

I have recently done a 3 weeks long cycle of nicotine, via filterless cigarettes. I actually recommend it, some of the effects are different than caffeine. One of them is a persistent sense that you will never sleep again, which I believe must be caused by the amount of dopamine it releases in my forehead. I am now off tobacco, it was easy to drop it. Whatever drugs you do, you should take some time off of it, you should study it etc. I recommend nofap cycles as well. I am now waiting to get my hands on some DRI called modafinil, pic related

Well I wanna die, so that's kind of why I smoke.

Addition ain't pretty, fampai

I smoke because i enjoy it you child

Dont be a pleb and smoke actual cigars or in a smoking pipe

>he isn't able to quit cold turkey

top pleb

how is addiction even a thing lmao? nigguh just stop smoking cigarettes, literally just stop putting cancer sticks in your mouth and lighting them lmfao retards

Leave my board or I'll open up a black hole and fucking destroy every molecule in your body.

Then die assassinating the fucking shitstain politicians you have, Sven.

Fuck off cunt, I don't want to live past 50 anyway. Fucking asshole, I'm making sure to light up around fucks like you
>E-excuse me, van you move over there
>I don't want 2nd hand smoke
So I look at these fucks, keep smoking without breaking eye contact. The faces get fucking flustered and they look like they want to act on it, but to fucking beta to do shit. Little shit fucker, I bet you support BLM too, fucking kike

>its not a fedora, its a trilby, what do you think of that
consider sudoku, hipster faggots

Well we all die some day, although you get more scared of it, the older that you get.

for me now, smoking gives me relief from the stressful moments at work. I'm not perfect, and I'm not living the perfect life. But who is?

Besides, obesity is worse than smoking. Heck, even inactivity sitting at a desk 9 to 5 may be worse than smoking.

Smokers are persecuted way too much, especially considering how many tax dollars they generate. Smokers subsidise government services for non-smokers.

No drugs
No alcohol
No cigarettes

how will he ever recover

Nah man, I'd rather die in the middle of the glorious national socialist revolution that will probably occur in a near future. Been lifting all my teens preparing for it.

He can't. Once you pass the event horizon of my intellect, it's fucking over for you. Not even light can escape.

Smoking is utter degeneracy.

Lots of people smoke here, and its fucking disgusting. I've had to end several dates because the boy starts smoking half-way through it, as though it were nothing.

Modafinil actually creates a tolerance rapidly... that and a lot of people find it doesn't work to whatever genetic factor (unlike traditional stimulants)

Tattoos are degenerate though...

It's a chemical imbalance where someone's brain will liken the need for nicotine to that of say... Food

thats such a bullshit argument. Do you not even realize what you are fucknig up by smoking? You could literally be enjoying a thousand different things that are more useful for you than that. Fatties have the same arguments.

>what? You dont sip soda??? But how can you enjoy life like that?
>what? You dont drink alcohol? Talk about buzzkill who doesnt enjoy life.

The same thing is said about all kinds of addictions. But you dont realize that you are basically not adding anything of value to your life. You are always doing the same, always detracting time from you life into something that is completely useless and even harmful to you.

You know what you could be doing instead of sipping soda,alcohol and cigarettes? You could be doing sports. You could read scientific journals. You could take a bit more time to eat properly.

Most of these things add value to your life, they dont detract from it, and if you look carefully for these things to fill up your life, you could even find a constant stream of original things. New habits that you form, use, and then abandon for something new that may aid you.

Instead you are stuck in a constant minus.

First and foremost smoking cigarettes absolutely has a biochemically stimulating effect on the mind which helps me wake up in the morning and work late at night.

Second of all, I don't give a shit if I don't live to be 88 and die at 78 instead, assuming of course that we don't cure cancer in the next 40 years or at least treat it.

Finally, throughout history, significant portions of the greatest minds in all of human history were profuse smokers-chimneys really-and I doubt that the 4-7 odd stoges I roll myself a day are going to reduce my quality of life more than. I recognize that you probably love Hitler and wish to instate his anti-smoking policies but tbqh sempai you can fuck off, I've found a socially acceptable way to maintain a quaint high and I'm not about to give it up when 2/3 of 'Muricans are fucking obese anyway.

I buy my own tobacco and make my own cigarettes which makes them incredibly cheap
>Smells like shit
Subjective, some people told me my cigarettes smell pretty nice
>Are addictive
I suppose there are people addicted to cigarettes, no arguments here
I find them tasty, and some of my friends that dont normally smoke enjoy smoking my cigars.
Fair point cancers always the risk, but what doesnt give you cancer these days

>Implying smoking is even cool anymore

It used to be cool before the 90's when we started taking them out of our movies and television shows, now there's a massive stigma attached to it and it's banned everywhere.

The only people who smoke to look cool are edgy teenage faggots.

Smoking is just like drinking or any other "degenerate" activity- It's not degenerate if you do it in moderation.

I've never been "hooked" on cigarettes. I've been an on and off social smoker most of my adult life. I'll go through 9 months to a year with out a smoke but then every once in while on like a holiday or special ocassion, I'll allow myself the guilty pleasure.

We're all going to die anyway, one or two cigarettes every once in a great while isn't going to shorten your life or give you cancer. Smoking every day will.

Almost everything gives cancer nowadays, its just a meme. My grandparents died at age 85+ and smoked their whole lives.

>Implying I don't have a handrolled cigarette after sport, while I read plato and enjoy a fruit plate.

People like you think you have it figured out, and you talk all the shit in the world. The problem is you are still young.

>Haha i'm so cool

I've never met a cigarette smoker who thinks they're "cool" for smoking.

The only thing more obnoxious than a person who smokes constantly is a person who makes generalizations about smokers.

If we want to judge people based on whether they do or don't smoke, I will say that most of the insufferably faggy obnoxious beta-male cucks are non-smokers who feel superior simply because they don't smoke, as if the fact that they avoid 1 degenerate behavior makes up for the rest of their faggy choices in behavior and lifestyle.

Well, most of us started when we were teens. And the addiction is real man.

>Implying one cannot smoke a cigarette while reading a book or having deep discussions with others about philosophy or politics.

People like you are the worst. You think you know what's best for everyone else. "I don't do X and neither should you! I do X and you should too!"

>Such a clean smoke
AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA is this the new official propaganda by the tobbaco industry?

I vape.

nice blog post, faggot

Thankyou for your post.

Thankfully as an adult i'm free to do whatever I please.

Ironic that it is a childs actions to lament the choices of others.


I smoke Marlboro. You smoke cock.

>Smokers are persecuted way too much
>have smoking areas just for them
>litter all the ground
>always in the entrances to any public space
>always spitting
>create a unbreathable air in clubs and any closed nightlife place

> Smokers subsidise government services for non-smokers.
What about healthcare costs?

i started when i was a teenager dude, it's very hard to quit cigarettes, they say cigs could have the same addiction-feeling to something such as heroin or even cocaine

>Vapers vaping near me

will reddit ever stop pissing it's senior faggots to this site?

>this beta cuck cares if what he does bothers people around him
>doesn't realise girls like it

top kek

>First and foremost smoking cigarettes absolutely has a biochemically stimulating effect on the mind which helps me wake up in the morning and work late at night.
Yeah, and it fucks up your lungs and throat. There are much better natural stimulants.

>and die at 78 instead
You keep telling yourself that. I told myself that.

Smokers pay for their treatment and even more. Non-smokers enjoy healthcare subsidised by smokers.

There is also a lot of evidence that links smoking to psychotic disorders. I think they started adding something to it for it to have this effect. There are so many disturbing chemicals added that could potentially cause this. Carbon monoxide poisoning has a similar effect, and that's merely one chemical that is put off. Compare the symptoms of psychotic disorders to carbon monoxide poisoning:
>Dull headache
>Nausea or vomiting
>Shortness of breath
>Blurred vision
>Loss of consciousness

Now isn't that just interesting as shit?

Good thing I vape weed then.

Your opinion doesn't really matter, you chastise people for smokinh to look cool while you're trying to be cool and mature on fucking Sup Forums, think about that for a bit.

What's a bullshit argument? Be specific. I see nothing wrong with what I said.

By the way, I can still do all those positive things you mention while being a smoker.

>it's edgy to disapprove of one of the edgiest things you can do in the 21st century


use your brain a little more

>shit is awful
>consciously know it
>can't stop.

>Smokers pay for their treatment and even more.
source for this?

>look cool

under age b&

I'm addicted, bitch nigga. Suck my lightning.

I felt the same bro. You just need to try more. Get a substitute addiction (i started running, for example). Good luck on your fight bro.

What? Aboriginal girls like smokers? Or is that the entirety of Western civilization? Shouldn't be a surprise with the whole degenerate culture, but damn.

thx bro but I'm not an addict.

I was just explaining to him that guys point.

Good luck or gratz if you stopped smoking though.

Don't you have to eat dirt and fight off village rapists?

I have been smoking one cigarette (rolled tobacco) after dinner for about 11 years now, with no craving when I'm not home, am I a degenerate?

What kind of psychotic disorder has symptoms like that?
As someone who has had psychosis few times, that list is more like opposite of that.
(except nausea or vomiting, when very high stress on worst times)

nigga I vape and I love it. It is more of a hobby to me.

Fuck you broke niggas for being poor. I used to smoke 2 packs a day. Eat a dick for caring so much about other people.

Seriously, swallow my white nut senpai.

Serious question. I smoke like every 45 mins when I'm not working. Do you do a quick jog like once an hour? How are you addicted to running?

No, I'm eating organic veggies and fighting gypsies. What you're talking about is Moldova.

You're all the same to me. And your weekly potato ration is hardly able to be described as eating "organic veggies"

>nigga I vape and I love it. It is more of a hobby to me
Cringe in it's purest form has been witnessed by this simple form of text, shit.

You mother fuckers are going to feel like dumbasses when you get old and you're laying in a hospital bed dying of "nothing."

>"There's a lot of evidence"
>doesn't cite sources

I only smoke when drunk and don't drink that often.

Please do this around me. Act like a white nigger and you'll get laid out like a nigger.

>. Do you do a quick jog like once an hour
Nope, i run 3 miles 4 times a week. It's painfull to start, but after it's great to achieve each time better (yesterday i just ran the whole circuit without stopping, yay).

> How are you addicted to running?
I woudln't call it a addiction. It just feels good.

>I told myself that.

I've smoked in my life (I'm 30 years), but I have never liked smoking. It smells, it fucks your mouth, throat, lungs and your breath. Its effects are very short, they stop working after a while and all you're doing is a stupid routine of putting a stick in your mouth and sucking at it. It is the gayest thing ever. I don't smoke anymore, because I'm not a faggot.

>smoking a pipe
>forgetting the face of your father

Pick one.

having a smoke while I read your shitty thread

suck it nerd

Bro, you are just fucking up your own health. We don't care. Like my parents told me "It's your own health, it's your own problem".

If you are gonna RYO the only acceptable option is Peter Stokkebye.

Honestly I'd suggest that Stokkebye is the best tobacco you can buy without getting into pipes, cigars, and specialty shit.

Still falling for

>1 post from this ID

Come on Sup Forums sage that shit

I ran and lifted today. came home and had a beer and a few smokes. Don't care.

>smoking after sport

Now that's retarded.

different user but what helped me lose a shitton of weight was i would reward myself only after i went to the gym so that i would associate that reward feeling after hard work

just go for a run and only then go for some pleasure (junk food etc.)

I dont smoke, bit nicotine is a powerful nootropic

6/10 bantz

Bro, me neither. It's your own health that you are fucking up.

My brother lost 13 kilos in some months only by changing his diet.

I biked today and did not lift. But, I did not smoke or have beer so basically my day was healthier than yours.

yeah, smokers make up all the most retarded excuses and justifications to keep on smoking.

>cigars give you cancer

>while he eats McDonalds 6 times a day and drinks 6liters of coca cola per day

>I make asinine assumptions to make myself feel better for being a slave to the nicotine jew

but drinking booze is legal , and eating salt , and stinking people up with car smoke

Alchohol and tobaco is must less likely to kill you the way probably most prescribed medication for anons here do.
Seriously, you're a customer of a death cult while you yell, scream and distance yourself from perfectly fine things in moderation

tattoos do give you cancer lmao
tattoos put heavy metals in your body

>as addictive as heroin IV
more like they cant scape thru skin

Nothing is better than smoking a well made head of hookah.
I've smoked it all besides hard drugs and shit man. Hookah is unbeatable. Next would be like pipe>vape>cigar>cigs

I smoke them and I enjoy them. Moderation though

i hate tattoos but no they dont you fucking idiot lol.

ive met people like you

When they refuse I just wait around until my horrifying nasal allergies kick in and I start salivating at the mouth, making deranged facial expressions and feral sounds

Smokers may be apathetic but not even the most obnoxious one will stick around to be mauled by someone that's obviously tripping on bath salts/demon possesed kek