you know its true.
You know its true
Niggers don't know how to use books... what's her point?
it would be empty
what is a pdf?, almost all my college books are just printed pdfs
Except you guys have a book making factory next to your school that you aren't using!
did africa even publish a book before colonialism?
What she means is that other schools would give enourmous amounts of donations to Africa University and everyone their would still fail because they're illiterate niggers more inclined to spread AIDS than learn.
Yes they were an advance civilization until ebil wyte men stole everything from them.
God I hate these fucking people.
I am an illegal fucking immigrant, yes that means I have less shit than niggers, AND I'm not even authorized to work in the country, yet here I sit one year away from getting my bachelors in electrical engineering.
Yet these niggers who actually have papers, were born here and have all the benefits of being a fucking citizen cry >muh fucking system
>muh fucking oppression
to justify their stupidity and laziness when they were given all the right fucking tools to make something out of their lives.
>inb4 you have to go back
Fuck off.
>Students never read, show up maybe a day a week at school
>Most of their time is spent playing ball because they all agree that recess is better than studying
>Schoolboard notices that the students aren't using the books they've been given
>These books are very valuable and should be used for learning
>Another school is low on books, and need more to aid in the region
>Take the books from the school and give it to the students who want to learn
>"Wahh they be takin our books n shiiet. how we sposta lern if they takin all our lernin tools"
You have to go back.
Yes, from a professor:
not only were the ancient Egyptians Negroes, but that they were great scientists and
inventors, who developed quantum mechanics and the theory of evolution and built airplanes,
which they used to fly around the pyramids for business and pleasure . . . until, of course, the evil
Europeans appeared on the scene and enslaved them and stole their inventions.
How can a school graduate?
tl;dr you have to go back
Donald never said educated illegals must go back, he simply wants to make sure the criminals do, and offer a path to citizenship through education and work abiding by the proper channels
But they live in the richest country in the world and still don't graduate
Technically, it would be the black teachers selling their books to white jewish merchants for their own capital gain. Then the jewish merchants would take those books and resell them back at non jewish white merchants at a markup so that the jewish merchants can gain capital from it.
What are the books in this scenario?
Jesus christ if it wasn't because that little dipshit bird is taking a shower it's completely a nigger, look how it becomes aggressive when the camera gets near it. Fuck that bird man.
why do you have to be this accurate tho?? :( :(
>Whites made Africa completely devoid of natural resources
>Supposed oldest humans
>Means they've been there longer.
>This would imply they've had longer to "study" for the 'graduation' test.
Do less with more. Black ambition.
You know, just because JaMarcus JaAurelius has is 35 and hasn't been able to graduate from middle school doesn't mean that you can expect him to make it this time because of his experience advantage.
>35 and hasn't been able to graduate from middle school
Public schools will no longer support you past the age of 21, m8.
What happened to no child left behind? Ageism I tells you what
you have to go back
>b-but I'm better than niggers
of course, if you weren't you'd be a nigger, but at least it's their country, even if they shit it up harder than you, it's their country, Americans have to take their shit, they don't have to take yours
Also they didn't break any law to be there.
>the west literally gives africa money for free
>ayy da white man be steelin are buks n shiieet
No child left behind has to do with funding.
It's been like this for a while.
If you pass 21 your best hope is a GED.
You still have to go back.
Uhaftagobak Pablo
Can you one-line shitposters please all kys? Sup Forums is a wasteland of bad threads. May Kek have mercy on our souls.
if africa was a school africans would claim it was run by whites and burn it down africa a school?
#ifafricawasaschool they would be getting extra funds.
oh wait.. they do.
I absolutely don't understand how the fuck you can enroll in a college without any documentation whatsoever. I mean don't they require at least some proof that you have a basic education? And how the fuck don't they check if foreign students have valid visas?
If Africa was a school all of the books would have been replaced with rape.
>niggers are delusional and stupid
ya don't say
>If Africa was a school
It would be filled to the brim with books, but nobody is reading anything. Other schools show up and notice they have too many books for them to read, so the other schools take them. Africa says "I don't care, I don't wanna read"
After all the other schools have graduated, the Africa school says "hey I never learned how to read. Could you teach me? You did take my books after all"
Unfortunately, what they meant by "teach them how to read" is they want to be read to so they don't have to learn.
A Mexican who doesn't understand analogies.
What a surprise.
She is not talking about literal books.
>I sit one year away from getting my bachelors in electrical engineering.
I have bad news for you
Yes, ancient bibles by the ethiopian orthodox church. Second first nation to make christianity state religion
go back to where you came from
>we wuz laser guns n hover tanks n interstellar travel n shiiiiiet
>get conquered by a bunch of people with muskets and swords who are suffering from scurvy because of long voyages on their wooden ship
If Africa was a school it would be like one of those doujins where all the male students gangbang a female student.
If Africa was a school, you kicked out all the tutors before graduation day, burned and murdered everyone on the faculty and all the top students and then wonder why you didn't graduate.
>it's all whitey's fault
>a fucking leaf
The teachers would try to teach math and science but the students would only want to fingerprint
no blacks hate being fingerprinted
more like
>if africa was a school the students would leave the books completely sealed and never wonder what could be written in them or what to use that information for.
I agree with you, but I'm sure Mexico needs good electrical engineers.
You don't have to go back, I just expect you to know the language, basic history and have a respect for the country and it's traditions and values.
That's really the problem with immigrants, illegals or other wise. A bunch of lazy pansies that have no respect for this country and ask what it can do for them, live in their own community and refuse to learn english or let their children learn english and then expects the government to put up their language so they can function.
hahahaha always blaming whitey! so fucking comical.
Sucks that you won't be able to finish your degree
You can stay. But, when you have kids were sending them back.
>inb4 you have to go back
Fuck off.
fuck off? really?
I don't know. Diamonds? Niggers?
so go make whatever shithole you came from Great Again cuz you have to go back :)
I have been an illegal from canada in usa since I was 10 and I'm in college now. Their schools require no documentation of immigration or citizenship. Colleges require documentation if you want in state tuitions. Out of state don't also student visas are handled by the government for entering and leaving the country that's it. It has nothing to do with actual schooling. As for school transcripts you can just bring them any. Pretty sure it is illegal for them to ask if you are an illegal immigrant and you can sue them out the ass for that.
If Africa was a school, the students would kick the teachers out, burn the classrooms down and then wonder why they didnt graduate
This nigger thinks that books are a natural resource and that's the only way people learn or some shit.
>Black """intellectual"""
If Africa was a school the books would have AIDS. You know I'm right.
What would that mean in the context of this analogy?
I literally am asking, I don't know what you mean
It is a metaphor. She is trying to be deep claiming white people stole all of Africa's shit and thats why they live in mud huts to this day.
Honestly understand the trouble user. My wife was illegal until this year. Her family brought her here when she was 2. She's basically american. Speaks english fluently and is well integrated. Her family only speaks spanish in the home, and english whenever they are in public.
Honestly after going through all the trouble to get her green card, I understand why they come here illegally. Also after visiting her grandparents in Mexico, I really understand it.
The immigration system is completely fucked. We need to secure our borders then rework the whole fucking thing, because it doesn't work.
>illegals don't steal jobs
>even if they did they are the bad jobs nobody wants to do
How can you be such a leech?
get out you fucking wetback leech
Niggers are failures because their dna, blame evolution bitches.
Nobody stole Africa's books- Africa sold its books to buy weapons instead of capitalizing on its own resources.
You buy books in a store, schools usually have a specific dealer, at least, where I live. A school doesn't get books from another school.
You've broken the law.
After you pass your degree, you should go back to mexico and apply for citizenship, so you can be LEGAL and bringing skills that are needed.
You're just as bad as them if you break the law and expect everyone else toward around you.
Have to ask, a-mi-go, how did you get into college if you're an illegal? It's a legitimate question, I've always been curious
Huh, I guess it's just a cultural difference then.
I had to bring documentation that my German Shepard was pretty re blooded 10 generations back when I applied for university
No wonder they can't read.
America confirmed nigger tier. Would there be any capable nation on your continent you'd have been fucked long time ago 2bh familia
my uni in colorado literally has an Undocumented Students Union and also the illegals pay in-state tuition. the school doesn't care as long as they get their Guaranteed Student Loans and Illegal Bean Scholarship Funds
If Africa was a school:
>It would have been an empty field with sleepy niggers before White People came along.
>Whites would then build a school, install running water, hook up electricity, stock with books and import the best teachers known to man.
>Blacks would grow weary of working hard and exile the White owners and kill the white teachers.
>Then they would sell the books, strip the copper out of the walls and break the water pipes.
>The few graduates that managed to learn from the school would take over the remains and oppress the other dumber students. They would also demand their former White benefactors pay them to keep up the school.
>The few rooms that still have roofs would be rented out as rape rooms to ward of AIDS.
>Black people that have never set foot in the "school" and had the luxury of going to the finest schools in America and Europe would condemn Whites for having the audacity to try building a school in Africa. Sheltered Whites would shed tears on behalf of the poor oppressed blacks that want nothing more than to murder/rape/brutalize/etc all other races on Earth.
Complete your degree, go back and apply for actual citizenship. I'm sure American, like most western countries, appreciate higher educated individuals to several hundred thousand of your non-skilled cousins.
If you won't go back, then you must go black.
is that the only school that does that?
Well it's more like same setup, but
>school board is corrupt
>figures noone with power will notice/care
>sells books at discounted rate to a private for-profit school that can increase profit by exploiting corruption, ineptitude, and laziness of the african school
>corrupt school board pockets money
>a few students find out and overthrow school board
>new school board makes a stink about it in the wider academic circuit
>a few nominal changes occur
>new board becomes corrupt
>cycle repeats
>accept race realism
niggers are born stupid and theres nothing we can do about it
but maybe they deserve a bit better
If Africa *WERE* a school. Fucking illiterate.
You would think, but in actuality no. Unless they can get an H-1B visa, which is a scam.
The immigration system is incredibly fucked up.
To further elaborate, H-1Bs can apply for citizenship, but rarely get it, because the employer is smart and wants to retain slave labor. They can cut you off at any time more or less which fucks your citizenship process, since when H-1Bs are terminated you have to leave pretty much immediately. Not to mention you have to live in the country for years before you can even apply.
Just coming in legally is hard enough, it's faster to come in on a work visa, but it also makes you a slave.
#ifAfricaWasASchool then mugabe would be your principal and your parents principal and your grand parents principal
Inner city schools are well funded. Nobody steals their shit.
She's an idiot.
Doesn't matter. They have a plethora of natural resources, fertile land, opportunity. They do nothing with it but shoot each other and spread AIDS. That's noones fault but theirs.
>bachelors in electrical engineering
Not everyone can get free college faggot.
#IfAfricsWasASchool everyone would get raped there.
You have to go back
The implication is Africans have the resources to pull themselves out of their shit lives, but lack the knowledge/capability/drive do to so.
It should take a week to learn everything in a textbook.
More like...
>Africa gets a school
>Mostly immigrates whites
>Africa decides to burn the school to the ground and kill the whites
>Go back to mudhuts and continue to slaughter each other for frugal reasons and spread aids
No, if Africa was a school,
>It'd be barren, filthy, made by a bunch of retards who only just barely learned how to slap mud/wood together
>Different classes hate each other to the core, try to separate themselves in various ways such as drawn-on tattoos, and piercings made through paperclips
>Enslave, war, kill each other on the spot
>Town's school system realizes this place exists properly after having only just been on its 'grounds' and nearly dying of AIDS
>One of the rich schools consistently attempts to reach out to it, every single time they get met with spears and wailing
>Finally, a local growing Muslim school manages to break through to them via a smaller charter school
>Very basic trade begins to happen at the very ass-end of the school, with lesser supplies being loaned
>Other classes continue to steal from the lead trading class who claims to 'represent' the entire school
>More war, enslavement, etc. from the school itself
>Rich school needs janitors for its new charter school
>They contact the very edge of the school's grounds in order to buy off some of the enslaved students to make them into janitors
>After decades of this bullshit, the janitors get a chance to be students
>The students' children start claiming it was the rich school's fault they were slaves
>Ignoring all this bullshit, the rich school makes several attempts to help develop it
>While architecturally it improves, 45% wants to kill the other 5% and vice versa because the 5% controls the 45%
>The another 30% barely scrapes into something vaguely actually school-like
>25% continue their inter-class warfare
>Remaining 5% managed to actually get their shit in gear
>Two years later said remaining 5% get ripped to shreds and is no different than the original 45%, which has mixed with the 25% to turn into an ugly, tribalist 70% who try to kill any student who goes NEAR another class they dislike
>And yet they claim the Muslim school is their roots