Who is a worse German leader?

Who is a worse German leader?

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define "worse"

She is Hitler's daughter, she just want to end what he started.


Merkel because Hitler at least gave pride and honor to Germans.

it's too early to tell. if she's reelected and keeps the floodgates open, she'll technically be worse for germany because she'll completely destroy its people and culture within a generation or two.

for now i'll say Hitler because the guilt from that time is what has led to this imo


Worse leader, as in, better at fucking up his/her country or even continent.

Merkel hasn't managed to have nearly all major cities reduced to rubble.

Definitely merkel

It's because of Hitler Germans never were allowed to have pride which meant East-Germany was born which meant Merkel got brainwashed and now there is no Germany soon enough
Hitler made all this possible. Fuck off Hitlerboo

What's the difference?

Yes. Onkel Adolf would totally have replaced the germans with arabs and niggers. You are absolutely right.



What other German chancellor managed pic related?

Definitely Frau Merkel

Looks better here than it looks now, Köln cuck. Your multiculti shithole needs to be razed again.

Hitler was in despair because the changing paradigms of war were such that even the courage of the German people could not protect them from such overwhelming odds.

However, and this is key, no people, ever, in the history of the world, have shaken the Earth to such a degree as the Germans. Not the Mongols, not the Romans, not the Americans, not the English. Nobody has, through force of will, caused all nations to tremble in such unison.

There is nothing more terrible than Christians whose patience runs out. I will tell you something true, that few people know: "Turn the other cheek" is a cultural reference to Judaism around the time of the birth of Christ. At that time, striking a man with an open hand was considered a grave insult, but it was not grounds for retaliation, as it could be interpreted as a crime of passion.

Striking a man twice was grounds for a fight to the death. When you "turn the other cheek," you are inviting someone to give you permission to kill them. Christ's message was that you should always give your enemy a chance to repent before you destroy him--just as God does. But when that offer is spurned, the Christian has no obligation to show mercy.

Merkel by far



that is the most bad-ass christian message i've ever fucking heard.
Maybe you aren't so fucking fucked afterall.

fucking merkel

yeah, it was merely war that Hitler started at the first place. Never let facts get on your head though.

according to popular opinion, Merkantel

They're both shit. Post the good German leaders

I judge by endresult.
Merkel chancellorship was also decent until ~14

Merkel, causes more than 10 times bigger death toll.

There hasnt been a good German leader since Otto von Bismark

You should read about the Third Reich and its friends a bit more. German and Nip relations weren't exactly all that friendly, German and Finn relations also weren't something to write home about, same goes the African leaders, especially the Turks. If you think that after taking over the Soviet Union and England, and eventually the US, things would just magically work out than you're quite naive. A lot of the allies from the Axis sides were thinking of expanding on to the other allies sides eventually.

That's pretty interesting. Thanks.

Those things only count BRD chancellors.
Not Weimar or Kaiserreich

Well Hitler did improve Germany while he was in power: He used the war to pull their economy out of the cesspool, but it did all turn to shit for quite a while after he failed. Merkel had the chance to rule a Germany that wasn't in a economic shithole, but still gave it all up to the sandniggers in the end. So I'll say that Merkel was worse.

Lmao fanboy... she turned Greece into a 3rd world shithole and made Germany pay tens of billions for that...

Yeah right, its hitlers fault and not the others who needed to gang up. What would have happened without hitler, i.e. no natsoc party in Germany? The commies would have been elected instead. And guess what commie Germany and the USSR would have done? Their combined strength would taken everything between them withing a month and then heading west and north like it is a walk in the park. All of europe would be commistan by now, including britain.

Thanks frog, we need people like you.

Hitler got his country destroyed, millions of them killed and his country split in two for 50 years


Germany was able to rebound from Hitler but it won't be able to rebound from her facilitation of mass migration.

>Yeah right, its hitlers fault and not the others who needed to gang up
Bismarck already knew that that would happen.

And I don't think the KPD ever had a real chance after Eberts used the Freikorps to end the Spartakusaufstand


That's some incoherent drivel. Drink more self-made vodka. Fuck.

>He used the war to pull their economy out of the cesspool
repeating the propaganda I see. What he used was printing lots of money to achieve that and the economy was restored and unemployment nearly eradicated before the armaments started in 1936.

>but still gave it all up to the sandniggers in the end.
You make it sound like our current situation is as bad as the weimar republic or Germany in 1945.

>she turned Greece...

Yeah, lets treat greece like a stupid child and pretend they are not responsible for their fucked up financial policies.

They gang up again.

Yeah. The WWII was pretty stupid gamble. Not to mention it killed of 3/4 of the master race, leaving the rest to be raped by slavs.

She is ethnically Polish, you retard.


Spotted the east german
It would soon be obvious even to leftist who's the worse leader

Alright; I'm not actually a Hitler fan; I just felt like making him look better than Merkel.

While Hitler gained the most votes in 1932 or 1933, the social democrats and the KPD together had more votes. Yet, Stalin ordered the commies in Germany to make a coalition with Hitler, because Stalin knew when the social democrats were elected, war would be prevented for "eternity". Yes, that was stalins thinking in at that time.

>Spotted the east german
Spotted the kike who can't read filenames

>Hitler bombed himself
>Hitler built the Berlin wall

It wasn't a gamble, Hitler needed a war to keep his Germany afloat.

>implying hitler was bad

saged u fukk

He actually said, if the muslims had one at Tours we wouldn't have been cucked by Christianity. But the Berbers wouldn't have been able to hold down the superior Nordic races forever and they would have formed Islam into their own as they did with Christianity. And if you look at it this way, it is not so wrong in the end as your quote out of context implies.


Let's not pretend like SPD and KPD would have been ally even if Stalin would have wanted so.
Too much bad blood.

I heard that someone somewhere abroad started killing Germans and so it went.

> But the Berbers wouldn't have been able to hold down the superior Nordic races forever
Berbers are holding down Nords pretty well these days.

No it wasn't. Wtf?

This is not pretending. The most importing goal of a party in democracy is getting into power, or staying in power, and they will do nearly anything to achieve this. I mean fucking Hitler himself went into coalition with the commies, then the social democrats would have too.


Yeah, nice meme. But we are talking about reality here. And if we are diving into meme land it is actually our own leftists and cucked population who are holding us down, not the Berbers. They are tiny minority among our muslims anyway.

If we inspect both nutcases with the same measures, and results are the only thing that matters, than they are equally good at ruining Germany.

At least Merkel hasn't made Germany lose another war.

The rapes from immigrants aren't nearly as bad as the amount from the Russians.

Good heavens, is it time to ruin europe again already?

Once you've replaced the native population: there is no going back as after a war.


>At least Merkel hasn't made Germany lose another war.

Just wait another year. Thanks to hear we will become the only country in history to lose their own civil war...

Merkel is worse than Hitler.

Russia lost their civil war

both are shit

china lost its civil war since Mao and the commies won

Oh, phew, I dunno, I think I'll go with Hitler.

Does this count when the leaders of the revolution are foreign jews funded by wallstreet? Because in our case, it would be germans leading the fight against germany....

>funded by wallstreet
you mean the Kaiser?

Merkel hasn't started and lost a world war yet so it should be clear Hitler did worse.

hitler was a great philosopher, and he was a great leader.

If you are asking who will do more damage in the end to germany, I would say it was Hitler

But on it's face, from a white winger, i would say that Hitler, with his authoritarianism, predilection for public speaking, ability to focus the will of the people on specific tasks, and predilection for propaganda, was one of the greatest leaders of all time

That's the thing. From the metric of a leader, he is great

I mean, Jim Jones was a great leader too. Doesn't mean the direction which he led his people was good.

The Kaiser knew about Lenin yes, but the one pulling the strings was Max Warburg, high ranking officer in german intelligence at that time and of course, bankers... The amount of money Lenin received was small compared to that of wallstreet. In addition, It was trotsky with 300 revolutionarys and wallstreet money who was send over canada to finland into Russia... sanctioned by the US president. (((They))) pulled the strings behind everything.

Merkel is actually a decent leader. Somebody has dirt on her however and is pulling the strings. She cannot do anything and is currently compromised.

I hope she has a successor in mind who is clean otherwise Germany will not survive unless Trump wins.

Imagine where we would be if Hitler didn't start the war and just rebooted your economy. Millions of whites would still be alive, Germany would be so fucking based.

Merkel. Hitler at leaat had support from inside his country. Merkel is having to import all her supporters.

Merkel, obviously. Hitler gave germany hope and truth and something to fight and die for.

Merkel has nothing to offer but despair for everyone involved.

Ok just looked it up again. The highest german politician who sanctioned lenin going to russia was bethman hollweg. The kaiser didn't know/approve.


One is a consequence of the other

Why would the US want to see Russia turned communist? Germany had a reason because the Boleshviks were the party most opposed to the war, but the US wanted planned to join the Entente.

Are you drunk, Hans?

>he actually believes this

Without Hitler there would be no Merkel. Hitler was a Jewish plant to make Germany feel so guilty about being white


US government was HEAVILY infiltrated by Bolsheviks.

Also, the last name Roosevelt is thought to be an Americanized version of Rosenthal.

I'll let you put the other pieces together greatest ally. FDR and Truman administrations were, as an example, heavily infiltrated.

the cunt of cunts merkel is by far and away worse. much much worse. hitler was a great man and did nothing wrong, but that evil cunt merkel wewlad

>Why would the US want to see Russia turned communist?
Woodrow wilson was a complete puppet at that time. He approved of the FED and basically did was Colonel House told him to do. Wilson was a complete retard. They were already bought by the (((money lenders))) and one very important goal of them was to remove the Tsar from power... which they tried for nearly 100 years. They hated the Tsar and made this interest known to the US.

But one has to keep in mind that while Germany and the US supporting the bolshevik revolution (ok basically all money interests supported them, their "socialist movement" were planned by trostsky, lenin and stalin meeting in fucking london before 1910 while they were expelled from Russia), they did not expect it would turn out to be a complete maniacal dictatorship genociding left and right.

Wallstreet already funded completely the first tried Commie revolution in 1905 in Russia, with germany having any hand in it.

>hought to be an Americanized version of Rosenthal.

Rosenfeld, literally translated as "Field of roses".

That's seriously a cool story.

Deus Vult.


If hitler were succesfull europe would be a shity place for everyone but the Germans.

If Merkel is succesfull europe willl just be a shitty place for everyone

more bad

Even if the US hated the Tsar, why support the communists and not a White like Kerensky?

You dont understand. The US didn't hate the Tsar, the US/Woordrow Wilson was just a puppet to the money interests which were represented by Colonel House (who is said to be the president behind the scenes). The same money interests "dictating" Wilson where the ones supporting the communists. Of course with Colonel House there was also a direct link to British money interests, especially Rothschild.

You always have too look at what the money lenders did and who they supported, not the nation itself.

Hitler was actually amazing for Germany. He turned their economy around from lower than "great depression" levels to Reich tier glory in literally just a couple years.
It was the allied bombing that was bad for Germany (and the prisoners in Germany).

With Whites running Russia the damage done to Russia would be minor compared to what bolsheviks did.

So why did these money lenders support the boleshviks and not the whites?

yeah, he was great until he started a dumb war and forever destroyed his country

>turning an agricultural shithole full of divisions into an industrial superpower in 20 years
yeah nice damage