Is there more of a cuck than John Oliver? He's literally a worthless piece of scum who has a show on HBO go...

Is there more of a cuck than John Oliver? He's literally a worthless piece of scum who has a show on HBO go. He's unfunny and uninteresting. Literally want to blow my brains out whenever my roommates watch him and laugh.

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Someone sounds mad. Don't be jealous because he has a successful show, makes more money than you, and is right.

I've found the cuck bigger than John Oliver

Bruce Jenner.


I think you mean shaftmates, if you know what i mean

Judge orders State to review, turn over Abedin-related documents


Topkek, they are shaftmates to eachother but just roommates to me

Yeah, we're your only shaftmates now bruv :^)

You can keep hiding your jealousy on Sup Forums. I should add he is better looking than you too. Shouldn't you be fapping to anime girls now?


If you guys are looking for some shaftmates, I might be able to make some room under my bed next to jamal and my cats. Rent is free.

Fuck you asshole, you degenerate FUCK!!!!
leave fourchan alone you normie before I have to use my gold account

Question: how many BLM activists have you sucked off?

No thanks, I have my own shaftshed.

Whats your shaftcount in that shed?

None, try coming up with a more original insult that you didn't take from Sup Forums.
I can't wait to see the suicide rate skyrocket with all you losers seeing Hillary Clinton take the president's seat. Just enjoy what little you have left of Trump, while I sit and relax on a sweeping victory for the most qualified candidate.

Give me one good thing about Hillary.

So do prefer jamal or abdul as a shaftmate? Im not judging

as a liberal, i hate john oliver's guts for making us look bad. i want to kick his dumb fucking teeth out for starting this candyass "drumpf" meme to be quite honest.

Her campaign and what policy she wants to do is incredibly clear. She doesn't flip flop around like Trump and change his views based on how people feel. Trump is bent over by his supporters and just does and says what they want. He doesn't even have a clear immigration plan, he just babbles like a teenager running for student council.


There is nothing wrong with these comedy shows the problem is they are so blatantly partisan and then they try and act like they are objective or even a reasonable source of news

That's what pisses me off

If the coverage was equal it would be better but libs take themselves to seriously to self deprecate prooperly

He was an unfunny failed british comedian but for some reason some american bright spark thought it would be a good idea to give him his own show. maybe he saw he was a cuck and would spout whatever bullshit they told him too.

Cuck spotted

I just dont find him funny

I know this is an alt-right website and my opinion is ignored with memes since a real response can never be made. It's a good thing this website is so incredibly tiny that people within the states know the right choice for president. Seeing her win will make history, and this website will crash and burn like Trump's campaign.

>Trump has no policies
>Trump is racist
I will never wrap my head around this incarnation of Leftist doublethink.

His jokes all follow the same meme-like, fill in the blank, format. It's predictable and annoying.

Yeah I'm not going to bite the bait with this one. How much does the Clinton campaign pay you to troll on Sup Forums?


I can never wrap my head around a Rightist thinking. I never said in my post Trump was a racist, I just stated he has no clear policy. Leave it to the Right to stir controversy with words someone never said.

>Things this faggot prays for every night

That's what happens when you use multiple writers in a commercial setting. It requires less comedic risk and ingenuity.

When did I say that you said he was racist?

Anthony Burch comes to mind

What will she do as president? What experience does she have?

His last week today's are usually spot on, you guys are just cucks assblasted over the fact that he btfo your God emperor and his wall


It's 2016, bigot.

I don't have to type out everything, view her campaign website and she clearly lays out what she wants to do. She is leaps and bounds more experienced than Trump. One is a politician and the other is a businessman. I don't need to explain who is more qualified for a political position


chill out dude

So you don't know and can't answer gotcha.

i dont like stinky breathed british wankers telling me how i ought to breath, think, and act. this is the united states, not the jolly old united kingdom.

john oliver is a twat and can go the piers morgan route of fucking off back to fish and chips land, where hes actually funny.

brit humor doesnt work here, and their accents are dumb as fuck.
brits fucking love to listen to themselves talk.

How big is your current throbbing erection?
I just assume you really get off on this.

I would share and type more info, but I have class in 3 minutes. Adios!

He wasn't funny in Britain either


You know, isn't it racist to call Trump by his family's original non-Anglo surname?

It's incredibly racist if you think about it.

Have fun in your women studies class.

He's a seriously funny dude. No one on television makes me laugh more at the moment. He's great at pointing out hypocrisy and satirizing human foibles -- that's the key to fantastic humor.

Like user, I think I can fairly conclude that OP is a much bigger cuck than John Oliver, despite the former also being an autistic virgin.

$0.03 check from Netanyahu must have cleared

>So Hungary said they won't take any refugees because they don't have any mosques!

He isn't famous here, HBO is a premium cable channel.

Outside of Reddit, no one knows who he is (i.e. my parents)

Care to explain this image?

He's massively popular on YouTube. Everyone knows what it means to invoke the current year.

John Oliver should let a group of troubled refugee youth stay in his home for a while. He isn't a RACIST, now, is he?

He's still an Olympian at heart, he's no longer the Liberal Darling ever since they found out he's still conservative as fuck.

I remember when the Current Year meme was in its prime. Those were the days.


Two things that he said on two different episodes. He really said those things, those aren't edits.

Shit, you're right its already a quarter after 4.

What I hate most is there is no consequences for left wing """"comedians"""" going on and talking complete bullshit.

Remember when John Stewart in his infinite wisdom and experience called Truman a war criminal because he dropped the bomb? I don't suppose John would have volunteered to be one of the 200'000 American casualties predicted to take the Japanese mainland, not to mention the civilian casualties.

So there was a fuss, he got on, made a mock apology. Then a few jokes.

What struck me was here was a man apologizing, but not sure WHY he was apologizing. He just wanted to be a thrower again not a target. It revealed the Champagne Socialist elitist he is, and John Oliver has followed in his footsteps and mindset to a T.

is he a beady eyed anglo, or a jew?

10/10 cucks BTFO FOR LIFE

>off by one

>trying to b8 this hard