Mexican CNN, but on twitter
It compares Anne Frank with refugees.
Mexican CNN, but on twitter
It compares Anne Frank with refugees.
Anne Frank wrote about fingering herself.
Her diary was edited for release.
It originally involved some sexual exploration and stuff about boys she liked.
Also contained references to lesbian incest.
Being trapped in a room with your family for years during puberty isn't a good idea.
I guess I'm a belieber now
how do you know
Correction her father did.
this shit is hot as fuck nigga
It's well known.
Her father even commented on it.
Have you seen her sister?
>Extracto del artÃculo "Anne Frank Today Is a Syrian Girl" de Nicholas Kristof para THE NEW YORK TIMES
It's basically saying that is from a new York times article. Also the author seems to be on twitter, not CNN.
Does this imply a muslim holocaust? Because I'm ok with that
Some sauce or bull
Just google it, m9.
Except the Muslim is the jew and hittler.
A trans-hittler if you will.
>A little girl persecuted for her religion and race by the state, citizens and police.
>a girl (80% male refugees) forced by her family to migrate to europe for free gibsmedat
Damn, she's hot.
I'm surprised they didn't just end up in a fucking orgy everyday.
Maybe they did, maybe papa franku planned it that way from the start.
Wasn't fritzl Jewish?
You tell em annie
jews does not kill ppl for being gay
jews does not treat woman like shit
fuck islam.
say no to the repefugees
Except for the fact that the majority of """refugees""" crossing the meditarranean sea in boats do so from already established refugee camps or safe cities. The influx coming to Europe is that of people seeking a better life, not running away from war.
And previous immigrants from similar countries have failed to integrate after decades, to the point they are the perpetrators of the majority of terrorist attacks in european soil. The fear is completely justified when in Germany they have already said that hundreds of ISIS operatives are already in the country after sneaking with refugees, and people have died in terrorist attacks also made by refugees.
> Jews>Muslims
Get the fuck out of my country, fucking kike.
I am being sarcastic you morron
Why isn't Israel taking refugees then?
>women and children
>Not young savage Muslim men