Do you think africans, middle easterns and asians
will respect and defend your rights to your values, culture and opinion, once whites are a minority?
White rights
Other urls found in this thread:
Right to get taxed, give up your women and slowly commit suicide as a people.
Only some of the east asians give a shit about white people, the rest want them genocided.
So they will consider white women as sluts, and white men as sons of former oppressors?
Both worthy of persecution as second rate citizens?
Penetration for the women.
Wageslavery and taxation into suicide for the men that don't get imprisoned.
Only American's with guns can really stand up and be heard. Europe just gets to cry and slowly die as their "protests" are ignored.
But whites in the US will be a minority already within the next 20-40 years.
Europe has somewhat more time (presumably).
How will your guns help you when you are a minority in your own country?.
Without guns all protests go silent or get the pepper spray/arrests.
With no voice, there is no resistance.
With guns the voice cannot be silenced because the second protects the first until it is gone.
Lol, No.
But the police, national guard and intelligence agencies will have guns too, as well as the entire apparatus of state.
Niggers have guns, but that has hardly improved their position as a minority, in anyway.
Will White Lifes Matter protests be shown the same leniency?
There will be no protest. There will be civil war and a coup.
>But the police, national guard and intelligence agencies will have guns too
Those people are on the whole white people
>Niggers have guns
They don't generally know how to use them. Ever seen a dindu shoot a handgun? The shoot them sideways because it looks cool.
>Will White Lifes Matter protests be shown the same leniency?
Probably not because armed white people never get leniency, I.E the Civil War
ha ha, fuck no.
This is pretty accurate.
Military is full of racist white dudes and blacks who have realized their race's nature.
If you don't hate niggers before Basic, you do by its end.
This is exactly the question you should ask when somebody accuses you of being a racist just for wanting to preserver your race.
What % of the white population do you expect to wage that civil war?
What % of asian/hispanic/africans/middle easterns do you expect to join alongside them?
That is why I am asking it.
I dont believe anyone will help a white minority.
Of course not.
Whites will be the next race that will be genocided.
You dont seem to understand the U.S very well.
Most citizens that have weapons are just waiting for an excuse. When you were born of revolution it is a part of your culture.
I dont hold much weight on the US military turning against other ethnicities as a result of whites becoming a marginalised minority.
>implying eastern europe isnt simply just going to march over the entire western world once eu degenerates into sharia and usa into niggers
Then explain it to me.
Do you envisage white militias declaring small autonomous zones, imprisoning other ethnicities, or marching on Washingron, or what?
I think the scenario you propose is a fantasy.
Explain to me, concisely, how that scenario would act out?
I dont put much weight in that either.
The ethnicity of western europe is irrelevamt to its industrial and military superiority to eastern europe.
The most eastern europe, and especially the balkans, can do, is try to curtail their own white minority becoming a minority. Otherwise, they are 50nyears behind western europe. Conquest is impossible.
But Russia has one of the two advanced biochemical weapons laboratories in the world, they are far more likely to cure cancer and such than UK or Finland. They are also pretty much the only people with existence today with space access.
>eastern europe is 50 years behind
They have literally everything you and I have, literally every single one thing. AND they have a much higher safety over there.
The only reason they are behind the west is because all of their smart people (Curie, Tesla, etc) leave to pursue higher paychecks but even they remain patriotic and return to retire there.
Soon enough, the west will crumble under the leftist policies, immigration, feminism, racial quotas etc, and the brain drain will shift.
Eastern Europe used to be the most advanced society and the greatest military might in the world during Byzantium. Eastern Rome prospered for 1100 years after the western Rome crumbled.
Why do you think that the eastern Europe wont rise again?
Declarations of rights and all of that are European concepts.
Look to the foreigner's native countries if you want to see our future.
Hell no! You think that the subhuman chinks who don't even react when a child get's hit by a car would care about others? They are basically Jews but there are far more of them.
The middle easterns and africans are control hungry subhuman mongrels too except they are far less intelligent than us and don't present a threat.
>Why do you think that the eastern Europe wont rise again?
Because you havent been there and seen what its like.
I dont include Russia as "eastern europe".
russia is socio/politically a continent onto itself.
as to the rest of eastern europe, it IS 50 yrs behind the west, in many ways including ownership of its own industries, resources, military development, economic develooment and infrastrcture.
They are 50 yrs behind because that is what communism and being a USSR satellite did to them.
You must not underestimste what a struggle life in eastern europe is to this day, compared to the west.
In all honest, no memes? Fuck no, there are some based blacks, especially those directly from Africa but the vast majority are drinking the leftist koolaid that white's are the world's enemy and deserve everything that gets to them.
Realistically, the vast majority won't take direct actions against whites, but the majority will be complacent and endorse it, just like with Muslims.
Asians on the other hand I don't know. They're an inert people, usually don't do anything. Middle Easterners aren't a group, do you mean Muslims? Because they're already attacking us.
It would be th government protecting BLM
Soldiers want to kill BLM
If gov sides with BLM protecting them from "white racists"
The soldiers will join the "white racist rebels" against rampaging niggers
No, because a lot of those white people would say a lot of things that are in this thread.
No for real give me one practical real world example of eastern Europe being 50 years behind...
Serbs purchased those giant missiles from Russia, or got them as a gift, I dont know. Poles also have supersonic munitions from NATO.
They seem to prefer that specific type of architecture, public transport there works exactly like it does in the UK, there are no.. coal powerplants or blackouts or whatever, bridges arent crashing either..... I dont know where did you find the infrastructure thing.
Literally more raw material resources than western Europe.
>private industries
They have private hospitals with MRI's and literally all the same shit we do over here. They can pull off open heart surgeries and most of that kind of shit. They die waiting for the organ transplants just like we do. They can also transplant organs.
Give me one concrete proof or example of this 50 years behind meme. I dont believe it.
I think if the west hits the shitter, investing heavily in the east is the only thing to do left.
You think that BLM is a serious enough of an issue for the US military that it would trigger a fucking coup? Are you actually fucking retarded?
I see that.
I dont believe they hold the same values we do.
Ergo: when whites become a minority, we will not be afforded the same as is now by us to minorities, socially/politically/economically.
We will become second class citizens, with our women considered as sluts and our men considered as former oppressors deserving of persecution.
No one will stand up for us.
Can you imagine africans/middle easterners coming to the aid of a white woman, except to then expect sex from her as thanks?
Or to a white males help, at all?
I agree, on all accounts.
As to middle easterners, I mean people from that region, which is saturated with muslim values., and whom maintain those values, even when abroad.
Be real.
Do you think the US military will en masse join a "white racist rebel" movement?
Visit an eastern european nation, anywhere that was behind the Iron Curtain.
You are misguided. You need some real experience of what its like over there, as well as understanding of how crippling the legacy of 50 years of Soviet rule was.
So.. that's zero real life documented examples of eastern Europe being 50 years behind, right?
For real, what you just wrote there are, by definition, buzz words. I am not a fucking communist, I am saying that muslims turned western Europe into police no-go zones while eastern Europeans turned eastern Europe into muslim no-go zones.
>look up news not 1 week ago
>headlines are literally "Serbian hunting party killed a 20 year old Afghani immigrant on the border"
>"Polish youth catapulting pig heads on a recently open mosque, mosque closed"
50 years behind meme is a meme. Soviet politics are absolutely disgusting, but soviet technology was just fine....
No. Definitely no.
Rysskie kvalitet
You dont understand.
What eastern european countries have you visited?
Do you think the largely-white military would just gun down their white countrymen without a second thought?
Globally we are a minority which is why I don't understand taking in more brown immigrants in "white" countries.
screw up your other thread chaim
Fuck no. They eternally hate whites because their ancestors were dumbshit savages that got hosed at every opportunity possible.
I'm Asian and I will. I ain't a backstabbing cunt.
why do you live in England, Ivan?
it wont come to that, because the nature of the invasion/conversion is not military.
i am talking about becoming an ethnic population minority, with all that entails.
you are living in a fantasy.
it wont involve guns, it involves political/socio/economic force, and democratic majority.
>Do you think africans, middle easterns and asians
will respect and defend your rights to your values, culture and opinion, once whites are a minority?
Obviously not, thats why I'm a racist. Its self preservation at this point
i have three threads, each unique.
Why though?
Is it cos whites have been good to you, because of what you have been taught and afforded in Canada, or because of your cultural heritage as whatever asian nation you originate from?
Are we discussing facts here, or is this a thread for ad hominems and insults you shart in a mart's smart shartcart?
They just wont supress them without media coverage
In europe there are marches with tens of thousand of people that get broken up before we even heard there was a disturbance
Lol, no, only a fool or a liberal thinks that.
Whites are already a minority. Look at the global population; whites are well outnumbered by stinky brown people.
No to values and opinion
Culture ok
obviously yes
when have any non-whites attempted to utterly genocide whites and white culture at any point in history?
Lol no.
No in fact what we're taught in Canada subtly makes us despise whites.
I say so because of the way I was brought up. I will respect the owner and his home when I am the guest.
Im IN europe.
You are wrong. There are 10k protests here that get broken up. 10k is unheard of except at the last moment.
The only option for whites, once a minority, as time passes and we are marginalized by foreign ethnicities with a different srt of values to our own, is to protest.
Will the NON-WHITE majorities provide us with the same rights we gave them?
Humans will be produced in test tubes in the future.
You will just order your customized child on the internet.
Globally yes, and have always been.
Nationally, no.
Dont be naive.
>interbreeding between spics and Asians results in happas who in most cases are passably white
>those happas go on to produce quadroons who are for all intents and purposes white
>spic immigration dies down eventually and European immigration is increased dramatically once tensions there result in refugees
America will remain a stable ~60% ""white"" until AT LEAST the turn of the century. Demographic projections aren't an entirely safe bet. And by the turn of the century America will be geopolitically divided in some way or another anyways.
We are the canary in the coal mine. Take heed, this is your future.
But when you are in majority, and have been there for some generations, whos home is it then?
And what have you been taught in Canada that subtlybmakes you hate whites?
that is a far future.
fucking still works.
"Nationally" doesn't mean anything when there is more than one nation. Whites are a majority in a minority of nations.
the nation's youth is already less than 50% non hispanic white. jesus christ some americans are so delusional.
Heed is being taken by me, but apparently not by many others.
Albeit there is the diffference that SA was a colonial state where a white minority ruled an indigenous majority.
BUT significance is returned,when considering what has happened to the white minoritynin SA when the black majority took power.
nah, give it two weeks
Yes, you are right. Our history is very different to what is happening in Europe and the US. However, I doubt that the outcome in the long run is going to much different. Whoever thinks that there will be minority rights for whites or protection of the culture is delusional.
And as it stands non-Hispanic whites are 63% of the population. Is it THAT proportionally skewed that we comprise 50% of the nation's youth? yes, the birth rates are dipped in comparison to other races but that's because the spics are breeding like rabbits. Much like the Irish and Italians before them.
The "melting pot" is a sad, sad reality, but the future isn't that bleak. Statistically speaking, there's a ~90% chance you are not a WASP, which is the population this country was intended for.
whites will be a minority in the US within the next 20-40 years.
t. psychic with a crystal ball
In the year 1960 no right-minded American would have even considered the thought that an avalanche of spics would invade their country and become a major sociopolitical group within American land. Who's to say that current projections won't be certifiably false in the future?
ok, lets assume that
then what race will parents choose for their genetically modified children?
Black history month is forced. And WHITEY DID THIS WHITEY DID THAT is emphasized in every lesson. History class is all about how Europeans are violent war mongers and how Christians fucked shit up. Whites are put through a fucking guilt trip about aboriginals and shieet. The only almost non-violent-ish history white history taught is fucking pioneers. Pioneers are fucking boring.
>Do you think africans, middle easterns and asians
>will respect and defend your rights to your values, culture and opinion, once whites are a minority?
Not in the slightest
That's what scares me the most
I will fight to make it so other races don't become the majority. Or die trying.
No. The exact opposite occurs
I might be way too advanced in synicism, but it is essentially impossible to stop a demographic time bomb. I really hope you are right that perhaps all projections may prove to be off, I really do.
>Whoever thinks that there will be minority rights for whites or protection of the culture is delusional.
This is my concern, and one I think should be on on every white persons mind in the EU and US.
I dont see it happening, that anyother ethnicity/race would reciprocate the weight of tolerance in the 21st century that whites have, to us, when we become a minority.
Its a foregone, predictable outcome.
White women will be considered easy sluts and white males will be considered sons of the oppressors and both worthy of justified persecution and second rate citizenry.
Nobody of the minorities we have accepted onto us, will reciprocate us.
I cant even imagine SJW movements among africans, midde easterners and asians that would speak for us.
>right minded
Exactly though, your argument is things got unexpectedly worse so things can theoretically get unexpectedly better.
Unfortunately, as the boomers die off, USA will drop below 50% whites, at that point it's over, just a matter of when USA goes full RSA or zimbabwe
senpai when I land my chink hands on big cash I'll make sure to repay. If someday you fags here about me on the news
>rich billionare chink blablablah is extremely racist and anti-Semitic
That'll be me. I'll even nickname myself KEK so you fags will know.
I am not psychic and my crystal ball (bought in Moscow in 92), is chipped cos i dropped it while drunk.
I dont need either of them to prognosticate this outcome.
Whites will be a minority in the US, and most EU nations, in a relatively short period as compared to population change in our past.
Within the next 100yrs, whites will be a minority, globally, and nationally, everywhere.
How will we be treated?
Unfortunately, America's future is brown. There's no doubt about that. But we can only hope for the best, and that is Balkanization and division into ethnic conclaves.
Mexico will probably reenact Reconquista in the late 21st century once south/western USA becomes ethnical majority Latino.
fuck hiro is at it with filters again.
F @ M not senpai
There will be no protests
They will just shut up white people and ignore them
There is no protecting minorities, there is overthrowing white people with jews and shitskins
Yep. Pretty much this. The only way to survive is through self preservation of culture and language. Unfortunately we are failing abysmally at this at present. It makes me anxious to think that in a few centuries western culture is going to only exist in isolated enclaves.
Of course not.
The only culture whites have is rape.
Whites are already a plurality in the US. Slavs, greaseballs, Finns and other mongoloids aren't white and without these groups the US is only ~35% white and even less if we exclude mutts with 1-5% native American and negroid admixture.
ehat is your national/ethnic root?
why did you choose to resist those lessons?
what do you foresee as the future of a white minority in the coming century?
they already don't give a fuck about our traditions and national holidays
this is futile.
we csnt win this.
the inertia of immigration and conception are alresdy in effect.
whites are alresdy set to be a minority within this century in many present day white nations.
US as the foremost..
They will just say "we (you, not them) deserve it" and turn their nose up at you
>ehat is your national/ethnic root?
I'm Chinese. Mainland.
>why did you choose to resist those lessons?
Because every culture in existence has faults and brutalities. I wondered why they preyed the most heavily on whites and made us love niggers and muslims.
>what do you foresee as the future of a white minority in the coming century?
worst case scenario? g00ks/poo vs muslims/blacks in a slow grind race war until every white country is turned into an Africa tier shit hole.
well, thats great, man.
but you are only one man, and one among many billionaires.
even then, you will be reviled as a "chink jew", by all your contemporaries and other substantial ethnicities (not white).
See what I mean?