>muh trump is a businessman so he will run the economy well!!!!!1
This is what Trumpfags actually believe.
Muh trump is a businessman so he will run the economy well!!!!!1
Other urls found in this thread:
Clinton's policies are Obamas policies.......and thats a good thing to the voter?
Better than a man who will cause a recession. Unemployment is relatively low and the DOW has been at all-time highs lately.
>implying we aren't currently in a recession
Make like a tree and leaf
Nice "source" btw
This is probably because of immigration policy. More people = Higher GDP. Of course, GDP per capita is the figure that actually matters.
>thinking the economy is of primary concern to us
Fuck off, shill. Die in a fire.
nice axis labels
>Clinton's policies are Obamas policies.......and thats a good thing to the voter?
um, how do they even get the data for this, the effects of economic policy when changing or remaining the same are mostly speculation
You're welcome to read the white papers and find any flaws with their methodology or analysis.
>Macroeconomic forecasting
Completely meaningless. You might as well have put up a Pepe image for your evidence
>any flaws with their methodology or analysis
The entire methodology is fundamentally flawed. Economics isn't something you can study in a lab.
academia is infested with left-wing economists who's sole job is to confuse people about economics.
Trump, like Reagan, Will cause an economic boom.
>this seems like a reasonable graph
They can no the effects of trumps economic policy years and years in the future
You must be a special kind of retarded of economics was so straight forward in causality.
If it were there would be one objectively superior economic system not different schools of thought and policies to chose from
In short you are a retarded faggot kill gourself
>'forecasting' macroeconomics even a week into the future
Thank God they're so good at it and we avoided all those horrible recessions these past two decades right?
>look at post
>not American flag
>a fucking leaf
Stick to your homosexual leader that sucks muslim cock
>The entire methodology is fundamentally flawed.
lmao not an argument
>muh GDP
I'll tell you a joke. There were two wall street brockers walking down the street. One had a suitcase with 100k $. One with suitcase saw dog poo on street and said anither one that if heate that poo, hell pay him 100k. Other one ate the poo and earned 100k. Later they saw another poo, and brocker with 100k said to first one, now you eat it and I'll give you 100k. First one ate poo and earned 100k. Couple of minutes later, first one asked another one: "we both ate shit and nothing changed", other responded:"but we made 200k $ worth of transactions"
>forgot to greentext
>to lazy to fix
Stock markets spiraling out of control and being out of touch with other commodities isn't good whether its spiraling up or down, leaf.
Yes it is asshole there is no objective way to measure or determine what this graph is claiming
Fuck iff leaf
Restricting trade will cause a recession in the short term as companies adjust, but higher incomes in the medium and long term as the trade deficit goes down. By the way, you can have a situation in which GDP is stagnant or slow-growing but household income goes up, so people end up living better. This is what happened in Japan after the 1990s. America is not Japan, so we can have both higher household income and higher GDP after the adjustment period.
Look at it like surgery. It hurts in the short term, but it's preferable to slow death.
Yeah it is. Economics is first order logic, it doesn't rely on observations.
The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design
Actually it was largely Bernanke's command of macro policy that reversed most of the effects of the 2008-2009 recession. Most orthodox economists who aren't Austrian cranks will agree with this.
i like this chart
>Restricting trade will cause a recession in the short term as companies adjust, but higher incomes in the medium and long term as the trade deficit goes down.
Got any proof of this fantastical claim or is it just magical thinking as usual from Trump true believers?
Also do is bullshit look at China
China spent 2 decades building empty cities and giving hems Eve's massive gdp growth when really it was just a mis allocation or resources
stvarno te tera da mislis
You do realize that GDP only counts final sales, right? Transfers aren't counted.
If they were, the Us GDP would be in the quadrillions
>implying he isn't reaping the benefits of the boom in our boom-bust cycle.
He could literally implant trackers in each American and you fucks would still defend him as a great leader.
Your an idiot. You cant use numbers from the worst of the recession. we could have elected a monkey who could of done nothing but eat bananas and grunt, and the numbers would be better than Jan. 2009
The unemployment average only lists citizens, and people who have had jobs. Most of them dont include NEETS and those who have absolutely no ambition to get a job.
>GDP as indicator of economic and social well-being
Looked at China recently?
>GDP per capita is what matters
Not necessarily, because not everyone consumes the same amount of products
>GDP only counts final sales
Then lets go this way. You both new VW, you spent 15k$ on it. You crashed it on first traffic light. Now city has to buy new traffic light, lets say it costs 1000$. You raised GDP by 16k and you have only created damage.
Yeah because Trump is known for his sound environmental platform as well.
Labor force participation is also at an all time low.
So is home ownership
Meanwhile food stamp usage is at an all time high
But don't worry, the economy is getting better! Just look at the U3! The Dow Jones!
I was wondering what this economist had to say about Brexit and here is the link to some analysis:
Mr.leaf are you able to view this on my/our behalf? Brexit predictions are a good way to see how credible an economist is and could potentially allow you to prove your initial statement in the OP.
Did I sleep in and miss the trump presidency? Where are these figures coming from?
Yes but that $1000 came out of taxpayer money, so it's not creating wealth. The broken window fallacy is just that: a fallacy.
GDP is the price of all goods and services produced. Conversely, it's also the total amount of income received within a country
Hey OP, I appreciate your effort, I just hope you're not a racist imbecile.
>quoting zerohedge
What's next, infowars?
>Muh drama teacher with no political experience can run the country well because he panders to liberals and goes to gay pride parades!
This is what Canadians believe.
I found a different graph from a reliable "source".
>slav economics
GBP is at a 10-year low, are you implying that Brexit is somehow good for the UK economically?
Yes, Hamilton's American System in the 19th Century and the corresponding decline of free-trade Britain. All of the Asian miracles (Japan, Taiwan, China) in the 20th, and the corresponding decline of the free-trade West.
Do you have any proof for your fantastical claim or is it just magical thinking? I remember the realtors' economists telling us 10 years ago that housing prices never go down. With fancy graphs and formulas, too.
He isn't homosexual, he just supports people of all sexualities and gender identities.
Looks reliable to me
Moody's: The ratings agency that valued sub-prime mortgages as AAA.
Why assume I'm a Trudeau supporter? LOL, Trumpcucks always with the false dichotomy.
Underrated. Keked hard.
>implying the environment is the point
By international standards, 1/5th of China's population live in poverty. A little under half of those live in extreme poverty. Meanwhile, they have the second highest GDP in the world and that rises annually.
People look at these abstracted numbers and think they mean something, which is hilarious since this graph means absolutely nothing without the information it's created from.
Now this is reasonable
Aren't these the same kikes who predicted that brexit would usher in a post-apocalyptic, mad max-like dystopia?
A weak currency is advantageous to exporters, that is why China artificially lowers the value of the Yuan. You do still make things in the UK right? Or did you fall for the "service economy" meme?
Zerohedge isn't a realiable source. You right wing retards use right wing biased sources and then chimp out when liberals use a huffington post article.
Sounds familiar.....
Why is a weak currency bad?
Those graphs are from the federal reserve itself you retard. Just look up St Louis FRED if you don't believe me. Nowhere is zero hedge cited
a weak currency has coincided with periods of growth for the most part.
See FRED is the most reliable source there is
Who's going to buy from the UK? Certainly nobody in the EU.
You are proving my point leaf. Manufacturing goods and then selling them as exports is good for a real economy. Having a high exchange rate on your currency is good for international finance and investment. Why do you think the media tells you that the brexit was another shoa? The Brexit is shifting the UK economy from a mode that was advantageous to the financiers to a mode that is advantageous actual productive industries.
I would :I
There's a nice thing called globalization you know? Or those that only exist when it is advantageous to elitists?
You're country is more than your economy you faggot leaf.
Remember when?
I love these so called "experts" crumbling to predict the future and fail again and again and again...
>no country in the EU will trade with UK
Ban on canadians when?
The EU is already Britain's largest trade partner
So uou think the EU is going to choose to punitively end trade with the UK? Even if true, how is it an economic argument? It's basically just a mafia threat
Lmao you think Germany won't look to punish the UK hard with tariffs? They're already talking about it.
>Manufacturing goods and then selling them as exports is good for a real economy
Why? The citizens of the country who manufactured the goods don't get to use those goods.
The real good thing for an economy is if a country is able to import goods for less than they're valued domestically while exporting their goods for more than they're valued domestically. Trade deficits aren't a bad thing
leaf completely BTFO
Read my post again, I make no implications within it I am just trying to get to the truth (like everyone else here). I asked you whether or not you are able to view the analysis on moody's analytics as I assume you would have an account considering you got your source from there. I am actually rather worried that you consider the lowering of the value of a currency to be a negative thing from an economic standpoint, it is seen as an economic goal by many nations.
9th largest global exporter
Into the trash it goes
Plus any EU nation holding a grudge against the UK will chime in because you know, the whole show must be passed by all the members.
>tfw France wants to kick the UK in the balls
>tfw the UK agrees to all conditions, basically ends up in a shittier position than before but without any influence on the whole thing
>tfw I will sip an earl grey over it, smugly dripping milk into it
>Says the guy who doesn't trust the federal reserve as a source
Do you just dismiss every piece of evidence that doesn't fit your narrative?
>I am actually rather worried that you consider the lowering of the value of a currency to be a negative thing from an economic standpoint, it is seen as an economic goal by many nations.
lmao you're a fucking moron. go jerk it to farage
merely speculation
I think it's pretty obvious that he does. In fact, he is highly leery of every source that is not Austan Goolsby
Those are cherrypicked graphs with manipulative axes sourced by ZeroHedge.
Go away.
Are you sure that source is credible?
It's funny how these no such thing as nations types fall back on the very kind of confused Nationalist rhetoric they accuse others of having huh?
> (((WE))) are richer, hooray! Well done us.
Oh, so our source is bad, but yours isn't? Now I know this is just bait. 2/10 Have fun with your (you)s
Not sure how lowering business taxes and adding incentive for companies to come to the US and create jobs will cause a recession, but i do know that getting taxed at a higher rate and having the government pay for 3 times as many social programs can cause a recession. People have to know that her plan creates about 1.5 billion dollars for a program thats going to cost 3.5 billion. Math doesnt add uo for her ideas. Were are we getting the other 2 billion from? The rich? Not happening. She is the %0.01. She wont help anyone that hasnt helped her.
Actually the Tax Foundation, it is in the image leaflet. It has nothing to do with diffen who only conveyed the information. But stay with the fed, they are doing astonishingly great as you can clearly see. The next economical crisis is 2 years away at most and the base rate is still at 0.25, congrats!
Those are from the St. Louis FRED you retard. Just because you image searched it and zero hedge reported on the graphs doesn't mean they're untrue.
Those axes aren't manipulated and those metrics aren't cherrypicked. You can go onto the FRED for yourself if you want. Fuck, the website is listed at the top and bottom of both graphs (and none of them list zero hedge as it's source).
Or you can keep ignoring facts and acting retarded
>Those axes aren't manipulated
Really? Talking about student loans and food stamps while setting the x axis to {1960,2020} isn't manipulative? The fuck are you smoking retard?
You measure home ownership starting at 2006 (at the height of the housing bubble) and tell me that the graphs aren't manipulated? Pic related, it's what the graph would look like if ZeroHedge was honest and consistent.
It's a dumbed down video on the main reason for currency devaluation in this context for dumb people like you.
(((Moodys))) gave millions to Clinton foundation and her campaign.
So setting some graphs all the way back to the 60s is manipulating the axis, but not setting some of the graphs all the way back to the 60s is also axis manipulation?
That's not manipulating axes. Do you even know what data visualization is?
It didn't need to go back to 1970 to show the current trend. Your graph shows that the trend is going down. In fact, it's at its lowest point ever.
The data is all accurate, youre just butthurt because it doesn't fit your narrative so you're going full damage control. That's why you keep bringing up zerohedge
I was mocking him you retard. He was criticizing the credibility of the St Louis FRED, which is one of the most, if not the most, accurate economic database in the entire world.
Wait Trump has policies? Wtf are they?
Building a wall?
No John, you're the retards.
you're telling me that there /won't/ be a recession in the next 10 years?
haha jews meme
Measuring Home Ownership rates starting from 2006 (the height of the bubble) as if it's indicative of bad economic health is dishonest. Period.
Furthermore the "Health Insurance Costs" CPI graph doesn't match any graph provided by the BLS
God you sound like the most annoying ivory-tower command-economy-lite crypto-leftist grad student. Please start a bio-tech start-up and tell us in five years whether you still think more bureaucracy and special-committees are a positive for the economy.