Only 1st world countries can post ITT
If your country isn't on this list it isn't a 1st world country.
Only 1st world countries can post ITT
If your country isn't on this list it isn't a 1st world country.
Other urls found in this thread:
>eastern Europe
>1st world
>sees flag
Not even trying are you?
wait, we are not nr. 1? we are not even on the list???
America goes where America wants
What's that thing that's second to last
It looks like something I should know but it just doesn't ring a bell
Is it the flag of Germany or some other real country?
How many Eastern European girls get raped by muslims?
It's the flag of that one country that bravely broke free of their religion supressing overlords.
The term 1st world country was invented for America so I'll go where I damn well please you fucking leaf
Hello fellow first worlders.
you could be a 1st world country if you banned personal firearm use.
How many fires have happerned because Nigger firemen
only 1
not good at math?
Feels good man.
For now.
Hey guys, what's up in here?
Are you guys talking about how the higher on that list you are the bigger a target you put on for ISIS? I hope you guys own guns and practice border control.
Omg nor way
>#1 safest country
mirin bro, congratulations on being the best.
We would be a first world country if we banned niggers.
also you enslaved and brutalized them and brought them there so its kinda your fault.
>Source: 2015 Global Peace Index
A fucking leaf
The proof is in the FBI nigger crime statistics that are posted every fucking day on this board
But you enslaved them, you brought them here, didn't you?
you're wrong dummy
they were enslaved by Africans and brought to America by jewish slave ships
America didn't enslave anyone, they just bought slaves
> Sweden
Are you fucking kidding me, lad?
But Americans whipped them and shit didint' they?
learn history dummy, you're making canada look bad
First worlders only GTFO Muhammad
Oh so you are a fucking leaf after all
only when they didn't work good
american also fed, housed and eventually gave them freedom
Good thing our terrorists know how to blow things up, it's about time they make a fucking leaf blower for twats like you.
>Global Peace Index
Gee, I wonder if the Global Peace Index has any incentive on making these European countries full of refugees seem safe.
most canadians hate our government and support gun rights, those canadians are all at work right now
Canada will never experience terrorism, we will be comfy as fuck in our igloos while we watch the world burn, how does that make you feel Muhammad?
I'm in college m8, I don't need to work my rich parents pay for it.
Disappointed you have more chances of making it alive than me.
C-c-can I post here g-guys?
Fuck off to Serbia, will you?
Probaly thanks to Breivik.
He snuffed like 56% of your total population.
I'm from Kosovo, it's A LOT better here.
I'm from Kosovo, Sup Forums doesn't have a flag yet.
>Albania flag
Well that says a lot, doesn't it?
Found the southern ontario suburbanite.
But..muh Breivik
What do you mean Frogger?
Nah mate, if Sup Forums didn't have a flag for it you'd have had a question mark. You Kosovo people are too cheap to have your own network and have to rely on Albanian ones, that's all.
>gun related homicides
your cherrypicking has got me laffn
so that's foked up stat-map
Well we do have the same companies but there are plenty of people who don't use IPKO, how come they still have Albanian flags?
There is no Germany but Belgium and Sweden?
Slovenia is a country of peace!
>Blacks enslaved other blacks
>traded slaves for gibs
>blame whitey for what blacks started
Because your country isn't even recognised, it's merely a claim made by a group of 50 politically challenged drunkards.
You belong to Albania, end of the story.
We aren't THAT safe. Tourists are always getting their shit stolen here. Some get killed from time-to-time doing their outdoors adventure shit too.
Then there are the guys that drive on the wrong side of the road....
No massacres here yet. What's to explain.
USA goes where it wants whenever it wants
Stop trying to work on your street cred AUS, we all know you are nice on the inside.
>travel to the U.S
>get shot
>Constant rioting
>No massacres here yet
Are you waiting for one? No wonder Somalians jumped on the occasion to fuck you up...
While I do agree that Kosovo was created to trigger Serbcucks, I don't want to join a country that is even more politically unstable and just voted in a socialist party.
>based on militarisation, security and society
>not solely based on crime rates weighted on the severity of the crime
Kosovo might be more stable but still, it's not recognised, not even by Sup Forums which is a concern altogether.
Source 2015 global peace index.
I'd wager those figures came out before the end of last year. Uses 'domestic conflict' as a marker. So definately wouldn't reflect current situation.
Be interesting to see this historically. For instance I'd imagine France would've been in the top ten only a few short years ago. I'd also suggest Sweden won't be included before too long.
Get out!
Yea exactly, no Nice here yet.
Also, you can't post in this thread.
I don't think a graph like that should be based on terror attacks.
The probability to get into one is pretty much zero, this should be more about common things(riots, theft, robbery etc.)
You only have these things in the 2 biggest German cities, Germany is really safe afterall.
>Sup Forums supports nationalism
Well then I'm going to be a proper Sup Forumsack and keep supporting Kosovo.
Can't wait to snipe serbcucks when NATO collapses.
It won't be long until it happens, you transpires so much cuck.
>Also, you can't post in this thread
Kek, jog on.
Leaving your cuckboard.
That's the spirit.
wheres norway? is it because of breivik?
>when your prime minister is against violence and it's called peace
Enjoy your slow acquisition by China.
top molenkek
If you didn't know, Kosovo's electricity is supplied by our company called KEK.
If that isn't a reason to support our independence then I don't know what is.
what the fuck lmao
i mean its pretty safe until some knacker comes up to you on the road and says "ay man have any fags"
Praise him !
holy shit
>no data
Man, that's some dishonest shit, listing Russia at all if there's "no data". It's 9.5, almost three times the figure for the United States.
But then, Russia and the United States have a lot in common:
- Diverse population (means lower social trust, more corruption and violence).
- Large landmass, but
- Most people live in cities (81.6% urban for the United States, 74% urban for Russia).
Iceland topping these lists (for the time being, anyway, because they're going full-on multicultural at the moment) is not a surprise.
Have you actually ever travelled? Do you realize that tourists are getting royally fucked the world over. Their is a thing called perspective.
> tourists run over in France.
> tourists massacred on Tunisian beach
> explosions across Thailand tourist resorts
> armed robberies of tourists on South African beaches
> tourists massacred in Brussels museum shooting
> Malaysian and German pilots decide to take out hundreds of lives while an heroing.
And so on and so on and so on....
But omg, a backpackers van was broken into in while parked up at a remote Bay of Plenty beach. Literally whole country goes into panic.
> Their passports and camera where stolen.
> Their camera had lots of photos, now they have no good memories of their time here in New Zealand.
> Why are we so unsafe and horrible to our tourists? Theyll all hate us now.
> Quiick everyone theres now a givealittle page, we've already donated $2000 to them.
> Let's show them #notallkiwis.
Praise be unto Him!
Tourists in Canada are safe, there is literally a 0% chance that anything will happen to you.
Yeah right, let's ignore one of the actually safest countries on earth, why not.
White Man come home.
Kosovo is your last bastion, KEK accepts you here.
All praise KEK.
The only "Eastern European" country on the list is Slovenia, and Slovenia is a total bro, and is first world.
I've been to every US State west of the Mississipi. Back in 1974.
I spent several months in Washington State, Oregon and California. All totalled about one year.
I've been to Hong Kong and Thailand in 1988.
I was in Ontario in 1990.
I felt safer there than at home. Considering that I just moved out of fucking South Auckland, I stand by what I say.
>Picking Slovenia
>Not picking the country who's Energy company is KEK
You have successfully Corrected The Record.