"If Trump wins, I'm moving to Canada!"

Why do American liberals always threaten to move to Canada every election? Why can't they just go there already, right now instead of waiting for the election results?

Canada already has most of what they want:

>universal healthcare
>nationwide gun control
>guaranteed vacation time and maternal leave
>imminent legalization of marijuana
>bilingual system
>hate speech laws
>state-sponsored diversity and multiculturalism
>a Prime Minister left of Obama
>a Conservative party that's closer to Democrats than Republicans and sometimes even left of Democrats
>citizens are less critical and more supportive of government

Look, if you want to live in a social democratic heaven like Canada and Nordic Europe, it would take much longer and a whole lot more money to transform America into such a place than it would for you to move to Canada and become a Canadian citizen. Eight years of establishment Democrat Hillary Clinton is not going to fulfill your dream. If you want what Canada has, move to Canada right now.

Other urls found in this thread:


Hillary Clinton would be considered a conservative in Canada. If they wanted what Canada has, they should have voted for Bernie Sanders.

She's cute. :3

Who is that love dove?

Bernie Sanders isn't corrupt enough for the Democratic Party.

Because they're whiny cunts throwing a fit, not people actually rooted enough in what they say to change countries if they don't get their way.

They should move. Canada has more land than America but less people than the state of California alone. They could use the immigrants.

Looks like Saoirse Ronan.

How comes they never want to move to africa or the middle east since they love non white people so much.

>If Trump wins, I'm moving to Canada
>Why do you hate Trump
>He hates mexicans
>Then why don't you move to Mexico if he wins?

A lot of those things are great. #1, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 10

Fuck off we're full.

You're right on everything except citizens being less critical to their government. Dozens of my friends, family and coworkers are bashing Trudeau and the libs daily.

Yea, more land but 89% of it is uninhabitable due to weather, forests and stupid natives.

Ironically, I've seen just as many conservacucks on cancerbook say the same thing if "those gosh darned socialist libtards" win.

More sympathetic but still fucking full.

They've been trying to direct the potential Americans to relocate to Cape Breton. Fucking kek. Have fun finding work!

they did vote for bernie you massive retard. how casual are you?

>Yea, more land but 89% of it is uninhabitable due to weather, forests and stupid natives.

Don't worry, climate change will make that problem just evaporate away. Soon you'll have enough inhabitable land for everyone!

Is it true that Canadians are nice?

>gib shekels for my retire- I mean, campaign, goyim
>we will take the white house and tax all the rich
>oh well, Im about to lose the nomination, but keep donating, stupid goys
>now vote for the person who represents all that I said we fight against

>isn't corrupt enough


No, we're worse than Australians. Fuck you for asking. Do not move here.

We only take super rich high iq chinks and bro tier sikhs as our immigrants.

no room for whitey, sorry.

Not even close to full, leafs.


I'm sorry about this guy, he is the minority.

Why do people always hype up canadad healthcare system when there are a shit ton of cases of canadians come down to the us to get treated for shit like cancer because they say the healthcare system is shit.

Except that I work for Immigration and Naturalization so I'm the one they'll get to deal with first. Maybe if they make it past me you can suck them off.

>"If Trump wins, I'm moving to Canada!"
I brought this up at lunch yesterday. Why Canada? Why not Mexico? Why not Chile? Why not Argentina? Why not Brazil?

Strange, isn't it?

most beaners, shit skins etc. dont want to come here because its too cold.

We have a totally unsecured border with you guys and your spics never cross it into canada even tho their life would be exponentially better living off welfare here

Backlogs due to too many fucking immigrants. We're full.

>all the niggers and white guilts try to move to canada
>America becomes great again
>niggers and white guilts destroy Canada instead

>Canada goes full ultra-nationalist

maybe you meant "Funny, isn't it?"

its good if you are poor or middle class because its free and if you have a serious illness the wait times aren't long.

If you are rich tho the best best specialists are in the usa, so rich americans are better off than rich americans.

I had a rare type of lymphoma. There was a top specialist in the states but I wasn't able to afford to go see him. ended up getting treated here for free and lived so it worked out alright I guess

I get that but ive also heard shot like canadian doctors giving out bad treatement options to the point where i think it was stefan molenyux was told he was fucked then he came down to the states and got treated and survived.

It really makes you think.


the canadian healthcare system is actual garbage. to get tests done for ANYTHING it takes 8+ months to see a specialist. it takes forever to DO ANYTHING and by then you're already dead. Most people want a pay option to get stuff done immediately

>yfw Vermont will try to secede and join Canada

>Why can't they just go there already

Because it's quite hard to immigrate to Canada and generally speaking these people have few marketable skills.

This phrase
>If ______ becomes President I'm moving to Canada
has been around for a while, I remember when Glenn Beck said that about Obama
It has nothing to do with Canada and everything to do with that person's distaste for that candidate.

all those other countries require more effort to get to
why would someone too lazy to grow up and fix their country go through extra trouble to move?

We accept foreign credentialed doctors. If Dr. Pajeet from Mumbai says he's a neurosurgeon, who are we to doubt him?

Still fucking full.

The big problem is, you get referred to a doctor and then you are stuck with them.

When I got cancer I was referred to a team of doctors at BC cancer and that was that.

In the states if you are rich you can "shop around", go out of state/city to find the best, famous, doctors who specialize in whatever the fuck is wrong with you. in canada you cant do that.

I wanted to go to john hutch down in washington because they are famous for treating lymphoma but it woulda cost like 200k or more so fuck that, might as well roll the dice

Most of the time we would allow either good doctors or those who are half canadian to come in to canada.

I see and thats why i hear that canadians come down for anything serious, again doesnt seem like a system to brag about. Dont get me wrong its better than going into debt for the rest of your life if you need to go to one but still.

Hit them with the 'Why not Mexico?' and see how they start shivering in fear because they came to the realisation what a faggot they are.

You know damn well their virtue signalling isn't a sign of any virtues.


Moving to Canada to get a better life if Trump is elected?

Oh boy, do you have the wrong idea. You are in for one hell of a surprise.

And nothing of value was lost


That also sounds like kind of a fucked system, is there a chance you end up with some dude fresh out of school? Also i assume you beat it, in which case congratulations if not glhf.

Fuck off we're full

"I don't like the heat"


Well they have to go through their residency but yep. You have no control over how long who you are assigned to has been practicing.

>sit right next to a country that treats medical care as a business, has medical insurance bleed its citizens, does not give a fuck about medical bankruptcy, and hands out H1Bs like candy
>be upset that people are following the money and there is a shortage of doctors in Canada
Can't wait for medical-industrial complex to implode.


by the time you are seeing a specialist they are pretty damn decorated, smart whatever so they will be decent.

But still, some are better than others, advocate different kind of treatments etc. and as a patient it is nice to advocate for yourself and who your doctor would be.

Also I imagine the really good/smart ones maybe end up in the states because they can make a hell of a lot more money there than here.

doctors here top out only at about 500k a year I think. I would imagine americans earn a lot more

>if Trump wins i am moving to a country that is north of the country that is building a wall on its southern border

These people don't fuck around do they? They seem to be more scared of latinos then Trump fans.

Kek, liberals here said the same thing about Brexit. "Im moving to Canada if brexit happens, fucking bigots ruining our economy and helping Russia take over the world", I wonder how many actually packed up and left?

Ok so can non liberal Canadians move to the U.S. Or are you trying to sluff off your problems thinking Canada will save your ass again/as usual?

>Why can't they just go there already
Because they're being whiny babies who think they can get what they want by claiming they're going to leave.

Also, Canada is a communist shit hole

They say that because they don't realize actually how hard it is to immigrate to Canada. As a policy Canada just doesn't let everyone in. They have to have a marketable skill and a degree in something actually useful. If they are a liberal arts major they get put on the bottom of the list. However if you're a tradesperson such as a pipefitter you get top priority. They also don't understand the thousands of dollars and months of waiting it takes.

t. Canadian Citizen who tried to help an American with no skills immigrate here

>Those hips though

she is welcome

No she's not you thirsty weeb. We're fucking full.

I have an example of my friend

>He's about 24 at the time
>Develops weird bump on his calf
>Gets assigned to some "specialist"
>Specialist says its a tumor and they normally don't see this one someone so young
>Sends him to surgery, they remove the tumor
>Months later, leg heals like shit. Looks like a giant rash now
>In this time, he moves cities
>New city, so he gets a new specialist to look at it
>New specialist says the last guy fucked up big time, a tumor at this age they're supposed to do radiation therapy BEFORE removing the tumor (for old people they don't bother)
>Since they didn't do this, tumor now has chance of growing back, and if it does, they have to take his fucking leg
>After months of therapy, they are luckily able to get things sorted out

So yeah, some "specialist" almost cost my friend his leg and the whole thing could have been easily avoided by taking the proper steps.


What trades is Canada looking for? I don't understand. Don't all the immigrants Justin lets in learn useful trades like firefighting and locksmithing?

A slight follow up on this, she was my wife and it turns out it was actually easier for me to immigrate to the USA. Less time and less money, and I also had barely any marketable skills (dual citizen now). She always said she was going to move to Canada, until she actually tried and realized how fucking hard it is. She now tells people who say the same thing about her experience and it shuts them up pretty fast.

The mealy mouthed excuse I usually hear is something about how it wouldn't make sense for them to move somewhere to a lower standard of living.

Not an argument Justin.

Because most of us speak english.

See Look into it, you'll be fucking raw over it I assure you.

I have had the exact same experience, leaf-friend.
I was surprised by how complicated it is getting someone here. But what shouldn't be ignored is the fact that once you're here, you can invite your whole fucking family too. So John from the Philippines can find a way here, and then his wife and 12 children are permanently here too


>don't allow whole family in
>they will just send money out of Canada to support their family

Anything in the skilled trades, pipefitting, welding, electricians etc. Next priority is stuff like doctors and general scientists. Also weedman got those "poor refugees" pushed through for political points. Those refugees say that they hate Canada and actually want to leave because they just stuck them in a hotel and pretty much forgot about them. The African firefighters was also another liberal identity politics thing and he got rid of them pretty fast when it was obvious that they weren't helping his agenda. They got too much press coverage, so when they nigged out it was shown pretty quickly, but covered up as fast as they could.

They don't care about any of that, if you're a filthy flea covered Muslim or chink they let you in no questions asked.

FUCK IT. Just annex them
>yfw Canada will be the next global hegemon after Petrodollar collapses

No, just passive-aggressive.

I have no problem with this. Please LEAVE for Canada. Take the Liberals, take the Muslims, take the blacks, take the poos!

Why do they think this is a threat!?


What part of fucking full is confusing you, friend? We're fucking full.

>let family in
>now all 37 of them send money back
>from the 1 bedroom apartment they live in
>while 37 pay checks leave the country every two weeks
>all 37 get layed off (thanks liberals)
>37 approved ei claims (thanks liberals)

Yeah, keep them all out, our country will never benefit from them


Rush Limbaugh did the same shit you dumbass

>>now all 37 of them send money back
To who?

There's a mix of genuinely nice people, and people who seem nice on the surface but actually hate you with every fiber of their being. There are also a couple of obvious assholes, but they're in the minority.

Yeah the obvious assholes are the worst, not the guys who seem super nice but are looking to knife you in the back.

Still fucking full.

meh, 7 at best.

Ironically, modern Canada is the result of a very strict immigration policy and a very white population.

According to some shitlib "friend" that wants to move to Canada because of ebil right wing parties in Europe, they are going to change that now, which according to him is a good idea.

Extended family, which are often in the hundreds or thousands of people... Oh, you probably haven't seen a phillipino family gathering...

There is no such thing as a non liberal Canadian.


You're talking to one right now smart guy

joke's on them because if trump wins and builds his wall on our southern border, you just KNOW the leaves will build their own wall to make a point, those snarky assholes

Fuck off we're full

Move to Mexico....

Cadian Jew here, we don't want those faggots, you can keep them.

>number rating sys

Meh, not my cup of tea. Sounds like it adds unnecessary complexity where it's not needed. For me, a girl is either attractive or not attractive.

>change that now
Lel, they changed it 20 years ago. Canada is about 70% white and falling every year