Explain this bullshit!
Hard mode : no Hitler and no hwhite hguilt
Explain this bullshit!
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the (((Southern Poverty Law Centre))) also declares internet forums to be hate groups
>internet forums to be hate groups
It depends which forums. Sup Forums is definitely a hate group.
Sup Forums is board of peace
Southern Poverty Law Center is run by Jews
>image is racist
This. Jews will be jews.
They're just employing a double standard. It's racist for white people to care about white people peacefully. It's not racist when black people have riots and hunt white people.
What's hard to get?
And what about that petition that declared BLM us a domestic terrorist group that got over 100k signatures and was sent to the White House? Funny how (((they))) don't mention that.
We are a board of peace though
no, a 'hate group' has a clearly defined structure and goals, typically anything that is anti multicultural
this is an anonymous internet board where anyone can post anything related to politics
you're very confused if you can't see the difference
>Southern Poverty Law Center
They literally have a picture of Pepe on their front page right now.
No one fucking cares.
People with power can't be the victims of systematic bigotry, since bigotry is about power and not about the content of what you say. White men are in the hegemonic position in the USA (just look at the previous 42 presidents for evidence). White Lives Matter is trying to take on the discourse of BLM but in fact is just a racist group of haters. The Southern Poverty Law Center got this one exactly right.
Do you understand everything clearly now?
>implying they do it because they believe so and not because of their hate towards blacks
Srsly. Look at then. Bunch of rednecks, worst of the white people. Literally the White "niggers"
They've showed up en masse and carrying guns to some places where they weren't threatened.
Germanic cucks are the worst of the white people
The hicks in the OP at least recognize that there's a problem with immigration, they have at least one redeeming quality
Wrong, Polbro, all I see here is peace.
> a problem with immigration
>implying they are not the immigrants
Fuck off French leaf. I can understand if Polaks, for example, have a problem with immigration, but a nation which is responsable for a big part of what caused the immigration, and is literally a nation composite by immigrants, who killed the rightful nation living there, should not have the right to act like that.
Idk, man.
Seems fine in here.
Americans are the rightful owner of America, and they can determine citizenship however they see fit... there's no obligation to let everyone into the country, doing that makes any kind of social welfare impossible
again, you're intellectually inferior to the hicks in the OP
>Americans are the rightful owner of America
Yea right.
If China decides to kill your nation and settle Chinese people there, you would not think they are the rightful owner of America.
It's easy, white lives clearly don't matter.
If Hillary gets in, I'd be fine with that, we're fucked anyways.
You mean like the 2nd amendment allows them to do? You know, tumblr, carrying a gun isn't unpeaceful right?
I hope that.
Well I'd prefer Russia :^)
Please leave your polophobia at the door thank you.
It's been ruled in much of the country that it's okay for states or localities to ban carrying guns. Some areas do that.
Our culture is none of your business, we are literally a board of peace. Maybe don't impose your normie-centric vlaues on us??? Bigot??
You can hate peacefully.
open and/or concealed carry is legal in every jurisdiction.
It's brandishing a gun, not carrying a gun, that gets global bans.
i don't know maybe it's all the confederate flags in the picture
They also declare several Libertarian and Constitutionalist Parties as well as private militias as "hate groups" even if they have no history of hateful acts.
They'll label anyone they don't like as a "hate group".
Did they shoot anyone?
The phrase in English is 'might makes right' - if you conquer a land by force, you're the rightful owner of that land
-- see all of human history for reference
t. tyrone
Southern Poverty Law Center is a jewish hate group that focus on enabling and furturing anti-white hate.
They're going around killing black people, right? Sounds like a hate group to me.
This pattern is everywhere.
what's with americans and swastikas? their grandparents destroyed the real nazis, and now they pretend to be nazis themselves. why?
that's a perfect example of cultural apropriation
>People with power can't be the victims of systematic bigotry, since bigotry is about power and not about the content of what you say
Have you been introduced to the term "mental gymnastics" yet, newfriend?
Nigger found
>Sup Forums is definitely a hate group.
Take that back you son of a bitch.
t. Isreal
SPLC is as unbiased as asking PETA to comment on animal rights.
It's embarrassing to see leftists cite them as a source on anything, especially when leftists wouldn't just take the word of AIPAC (for instance) on the situation in Palestine.
Is it really that fucking hard to see shilling navelgazing fucktards for what they are?
Wow, so intolerant. Nice way to blame all Sup Forumssters for the actions of a few. #Not all Sup Forumsacks
BLM Burns down businesses in three cities and loots but dey gudd boys they dindu nuffun just blowing off some steam beating and shooting white people in milwaukee. Not a terrorist organization although they fit the definition. demands and, all.
Russia is going down too. They are fucked without Putin and Putin isnt getting any young either
>blm says they want to kill whitey and cops, actually does do this and riots
>totally okay goyim nothing wrong there! poor oppressed negros!
>wlm stand around waving a flag and is carrying legally not hurting anyone
>wow so racist nazis omg I am shaking wow #imwithher
user why would you say that? :^)
CEO: Richard Cohen.
Case closed.
Oh shit. Is there one of these in South Carolina? I gotta join and go stir some shit at rallies.
>They've showed up en masse and carrying guns to some places where they weren't threatened.