Horror Movies Discussion

So I just watched pic related and I really liked it. I usually hate movies which use jump scares but the more calm parts really served the story well by setting up the characters and the relationships. The 2 hour run time was also really beneficial this time around, wish more horror movies would do this to flesh out the story some more

What is it with most modern horror movies not being able to do this? Is it the need to shock that lets most directors forget that decent stories are possible in horror movies? Also, can you guys recommend horror movies with actual good stories?

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the ouija movie was pretty solid

origin of evil

Fun fact: this lady also played the scary hobo from Mulholland Drive

I agree that was a pretty good one. Surprised me.

I feel like this latest batch of horror directors remembered two key components that Hollywood forgot for a long time:

Darkness and silence.

None of that fake Hollywood blue night filter darkness - actual darkness, and attention more to ambient sound with a sparse soundtrack. It sells the immersion.

Another movie that pleasantly surprised me here lately was "47 Meters Down." There's a three-minute swim in there that makes the entire movie. It's otherwise pretty meh, but that swim made it all worth it.

will check that out, thanks. always thought the ouija movies were quite low-quality

wanted to see that one for a long time. is it any good?

lmao conjuring 2 is still just a jumpscare setup rollercoaster ride, it makes mad money so you can anticipate conjuring 7 in no time

>I usually hate movies which use jump scares
What a ridiculous thing to say.

It's good if you like weird shit.

Conjuring 1 and 2 are horrible movies.

What do I need to do to be cast only as monsters and creepy dudes in movies?


i haven seen the first one, it's apparently as bad as they get
but the prequel by mike flanagan is pretty good especially for what it is. Flanagan has his own stile, i kinda enjoy it, but it's easy to see why others would hate his films

i also agree with this guy

you liked a generic hanuted house flick no. 3,256?
>le self-closing doors
>le long mouth effect xD
>le mid-day jumpscare :D:D
>le pronoun games

post some good 90s horror

Try one called A Dark Song. Its a weird one but realy good. It could have turned i to a sappy human drama switcheroo like Babadook, but it goes full supernatutal, and theres a few really tense parts.

Also, as I recommend in every horror thread, The Borderlands is one of the best horror films in years. Found footage, but they stick to the format and have a good reason for it in the story.

If you don't like jumpscares you more or less do not like horror, tbqh

> horrors
> jumpscares
> not atmosphere

Jump scares have their place, but if that's all a film has to offer, it's not really horror in my opinion, just startlecore. Good horror moves into your house for a while. Sometimes forever.

Give me some women-being-spooked-core kinos where they wet themselves, like the cheerleader in Grudge 2.

Horror has shifted, and still is, drasticacly. The perception of what 'horror' is vastly differs every generation/decade/years. You had slasher films who launched horror into the mainstream. The gore flicks, supernaturalism and Sci-Fi (not including horror-thrillers). However, the last couple of years it changed a lot. No longer is Paranormal Activity and Blair Witch type of movies popular.

Some movies I'd highly recommend are:
Sinister (its great)
Lights out
The Woman in Black
The Conjuring 1

I hate faggots like you who go "muh atmosphere". With "atmosphere" you can at best hope to get slightly creeped out by a film (unless you have the mind of a fucking toddler), while a good jumpscare can make your heart race and get the blood pumping like nothing else can. Jumpscares make horror films

Jezz, you're so retarded

>The Conjuring has been more succesful creating a movie universe than DC


Says the guy who gets scared by fucking people in a suit with makeup on. Grow up autist

You have to be a child to be actually afraid of anything on a screen, the best it can hope to do to get your blood pumping is a well-done jump scare in a place you're not expecting it despite watching a horror movie. The cerebellum has to be scared, because the cerebral lobes obviously know it's fake. Unless you're one of those homos who go "ahhhh ahhhh the screen made me question the nature of reality ahhhhh it's broken free of my tv ahhhh a curse spoopy the actor pointed and looked at me ahhh"
gets it
nice counter lol

Take Lights Out off the list and I agree

You have to be devoid of anything remotely resembling an inner life and an imagination to not find things that stick with you after viewing a good horror movie.

What good horror movies?


but for a horror movie, it's still set up pretty nicely and the acting is top-notch. goddamn, vera farmiga is the best actress in the entire industry if you ask me

how come? they are both solid horror movies. is it because of the jumpscares? I see how people could be bothered by that

I can find things that "stick with me" after a movie of any fucking genre, so that's obviously not an indicator of the horror genre, which is what we were discussing. Then again, you just used the term "inner life" on fucking Sup Forums, so you're not thinking clearly. Why do "spiritual" people actually only use their "spirituality" as a cover for them being stupid, pretentious, and shallow? Why is there never a "spiritual" person who can make a point?

so what if I did? you being condescending doesn't mean I enjoy it less. I liked it because of the story and not because it was scary. unfortunately, I don't get scared while watching horror movies anymore so I might as well take jumpscares which at least rattle me for the moment

man, both insidious and sinister were awesome. I'd say that conjuring, insidious and sinister are the best horror movies of the past decade. throw in babadook for the more realistic drama-horror kind of aesthetic and you have yourself a good time.

I get where they guy is coming from but I think you are both right. making a horror movie without jumpscares is hard nowadays since people don't get scared the way they used to before. usually, people screaming "atmosphere" refer to movies they watched way back in the past because they were actually scared while watching the movies. now that people are more hardened, it's harder to produce the type of movie people with nostalgia would like

It was good

The last horror movie with "atmosphere" imo was Sinister because of the haunting soundtrack.
But if not for the soundtrack it would have been very mediocre.

Have odd facial features like she does.

>Jump scares make horror films

You don't know anything about horror. It's as simple as that. Overall, yes - fear is subjective. The issue in the "jump scares make horror films" is that isn't not fundamentally true. The Exorcist's scariest part (the last exorcism scene) had no jump scares. Yet people were still scared. Michael Myers chasing Laurie in the first Halloween was scary even though there weren't any jump scares. It was tense. Tense situations make a horror film scary, you stupid motherfucker.

>is Mulholland Drive good
Yes it's one of the best movies ever made. Anyone that says it's not is being a contrarian. Not really scary horror though besides that one scene. It's more existential dread.

Yeah but those are old movies and people were retarded as fuck back then

Nope. Even Insidious and It Follows had tense parts (again, not jump scares) that people found scary. It's a fact. Jump scares aren't the only way filmmakers can scare you.

The jump scares that annoys me the most are the ones that are only directed at the audience. Like a musical sting when you see a shadowy figure that the main character doesn't notice.

>for a horror movie
This is the problem. Horror fans have completely forgotten that a good movie is different that a fun or entertaining one. Now, they're so used to accepting terrible movies as good they have no perspective on what actually makes a good horror movie now. This is what happens you you start holding up shit like Halloween 4 to be as much of a horror classic as The Excorcist.

I think they can be done effectively. The Exorcist III and The Innocents had the right kinds of jump scares. Don't expect your average Jew like to even know what The Innocents is. Overall, you should stop watching the garbage Annabelle and whatever latest Exorcist rip off. You could be watching the somewhat obscure horror classics of the 60's instead. Or 80's, if that's your thing.

I don't know why people tend to instantly say modern horror movies are shit. There are plenty of good ones while obviously, like in any other genre, there is an abundance of shitty ones.

I love Conjuring 1 but Annabelle was dogshit. Paranormal Activity was also shit except for 3. Conjuring, Insidious, Sinister, and Babadook are all well-made movies in general though. Nevertheless, there are so many different kinds of horror movies that it's actually possible for everyone to find something they can like, whether it be more modern horror movies, old slasher horror movies, or just plain body or psychological horror movies

i laughed when she charged while holding the painting in front of her head

No relation

I like some of the new horror, but I don't watch most of it. It's not a lack of interest, it's just laziness. I thought It Follows was great. I appreciated the subtlety. I don't want to sound generic, but it was atmospheric. It wasn't really in your face like an Insidious. Cabin in the Woods was fun. You're Next and V/H/S are mumblegore classics. I thought The Conjuring was overrated. It just kinda took the best parts from Amityville Horror, Exorcist and a few others I'm forgetting, and mixed them together. In my opinion, The Conjuring is the horror film that gets praise from people who only watch a horror movie or two per year. I think most people that really know the genre knows that it's not bad, but just lacking in any interesting new ideas.


what were they thinking?

I saw 1 in theaters and was a huge waste of time.
I expected a horror movie not that bland shit.

was it supposed to be clear that it was a demon in disguise? I thought that it was the nun from his past that the husband mentioned in the middle of the movie so I was actually waiting for some story from his past to come up later on and how he had it coming all along (dying on a pointy log)

Thumbnail looks like Freddy Krueger.

wouldn't go that far but every now and then something fresh comes around
The Witch and Creep are both really good recent ones, there are also some that I personally liked but that's mostly because they tickled some subject I fancy, basically things with possessions, devil, demons and cults are always enjoyable to me even though they are mediocre all around

What are some good horror movies when the victims don't act like weak retarded children and are actually capable of fighting back?

well, as someone who doesn't watch that many horror movies, I can agree. it definitely didn't bring anything new to the table but it was a solid movie overall. I don't have anything against movies taking good things from other movies as long as the story is not a carbon copy and as long as the atmosphere fits, which it did. If a movie copied lord of the rings but in another setting, I'd still like it if it took the most interesting parts and used them correctly

I liked that monster. it didn't really have that much horror but more of a crazy and creepy vibe to it. definitely would like to watch a movie about it

the movie in itself wasn't anything special but if you like movies about cults, you could check out Regression with my man Ethan Hawke

You thought about it too hard, it was just a demon

Thanks doc

Could I get a few sources, please? Genuinely intrigued to see proof that Halloween 4 is commonly thought to be on par with The Exorcist.

same, nothing really scares me anymore. best case scenario you get a reflex shiver from a well timed jumpscare, worst case scenario you break out laughing/cheering on the monsters.

I recommend Lake Mungo if you haven't watched it already. it doesn't really have any jumpscares but I can honestly say that the concept it presented stayed in my mind a couple of nights afterwards. one of the few times a Sup Forums recommendation actually scratched my itch for something creepy.

I watched conjuring 2 before conjuring 1, and I have to say I enjoyed 1 more. found the story more cohesive. you'll get differing opinions, so watch 1 too.

as for nuhorror movies like The Witch, they are definitely NOT horror/scary movies. good for story, setting and some suspense though. so I'd recommend that since you asked for good stories, but don't expect to get even remotely spooked.

It was sort of hyperbole, but have you seriously never encountered the kind of attitude I'm talking about? Bad movies are routinely praised and lauded as classics among horror fans, the debate over remaking 80s slasher movies is proof enough of that. I mean, it's pretty obvious there's something wrong with a genre when tons of people think movies like Friday the 13th are untouchable classics and remaking them is sacrilege.

Specifically related to Halloween 4, I remember a shitload of positive press relating to Danielle Harris being in the Halloween remake because people were glad Rob Zombie was including someone from a movie they liked.

Conjuring 1 and 2 are both excellent examples of jump scare horror done right.

Mulholland Drive is objective shit and David Lynch is an embarrasing masturbatory hack. Deal with it faggot.

It Follows is arguably one of the best horror movies of this decade, that and Babadook.

This chick s thicc

Actually, just because I was curious, I did a quci search for lists of best horror movies. The first result is this Rotten Tomatoes list of highest rated movies:


The Shining is number 75, and there are lots of much worse movies rated higher. That's pretty telling, especially on Rotten Tomatoes, which also includes more recent reviews that are raising the score of movies that were poorly reviewed at the time.

If your opinion was a physical object, I would stick it up my ass and shit it down your mother's throat. You deserve to get cancer for having such horrible taste.

I wish I was inside her

>Number 1 is Get Out

Rotten Tomatoes confirmed for absolute dogshit.

Annabelle 2 was alright, saw it at the theaters last night, couldn't concentrate tho cuz a qt was cuddling the shit out of me.

> ywn cuddle a nameless qt at a shit horror film

>can't concentrate because of it

are you implying there was movement involved? nigga, I have a girlfriend of 4 and a half years and while I'm one of those fags who occasionally likes to hold hands or let my gf put her head on my shoulder, anything involving me not being able to concentrate is nothing less than a death penalty

I thought this movie was pretty good without too many jump scares.

im autistic as fuck this was good step up, i dont touch alot of girls

It just compiles reviews made by critics. Blame the critics themselves for praising mediocrity and pandering in modern movies.

shoulda just pulled my pants down slapped her w my dick and nut on her tits

Nigga my gf is fat and loud and never shuts up at any flick we go to. Sometimes I have to pretend like I don't know her when I'm out in public.


>Have a plastic bag over your head
>Don't immediately just poke a mouth hole in it with one of your fingers

>im autistic as fuck this was good step up
>not reacting with a "ey yo bby, if u do dat 1 mo' time I'mma stick my dick right in your ear"

just tell her to shut the fuck up. sometimes I notice that my girl ventures into the "I can criticise you anyway I want all the time" so I go harsh on her so she knows what's up. women need that (as much as men do actually).

tell her she's an annoying ass and she'll get the hang of it if she's a little bit intelligent.

>tfw I'm actually the one talking while watching flicks because I'm a wiseass who thinks people want to know trivia while watching movies

I must be an annoying fuck but I'm trying to better myself

if you keep staring at the picture you'll start noticing that she's actually pretty cute

Would you?

oh good, I'm not the only one who thought 'I wonder what her demon nun pussy feels like' when I watched this movie

You're welcome. Any recommendations?

that's the most jewish face I've ever seen

also, yes

>horror movie
>a being beyond human comprehension
what movies do this?

please spoiler these OP pics

im trying to fall asleep

goodnight user

Good luck

>a being beyond human comprehension
not even possible considering they're all beings conjured up by the human imagination

Inb4 contrarians start spouting the usual inane shit about how jumpscares are bad and how they are so clever and smart for liking shit like The Witch or It comes at night or whatever 'atmospherical' drama bullshit and start cirklejerking about being in le wrong generation and how modern horror is so dull and other stupid bullshit

No, your shitty period drama is not scary, no it's not clever, no it's not deep, grow out of your contrarian shit

>>le long mouth effect xD
so you didn't watch the movie

The first one is shit. The ouiji origins is pretty great. Same with Annabelle. The first is pretty shitty. The prequel is pretty well done. I don't understand why.

How, Jumpscares are cheap and lame. Making the movie silent and then railing the loudest sound possible into your ears isn't scary. It's lazy. It's best to let the scene play out without all the dumb theatrics. It's scarier.

*Clapping intensifies*

I love that movie. I never see anyone talking about it.

So Solomon killed her kid, right?
That's why she sabotaged the rite and got him killed? Then asked for forgiveness and buried him?

After waiting for months a torrent for "It Comes at Night" finally came out.

What the hell? People kept saying there was a big twist. There was no big twist. There was just no resolution. What a fucking waste of time. Reminds me of that movie where the two snorkelers get left by a boat and float there for two hours and die.

stop being a pussy

Jump scares are based on reflexes, not fear.