Hillary Clinton just blocked a Trump supporter who literally was shooting truths at her.

Crooked Hillary has really bad temperament.

Where are the CTR. If this was Trump it would be on the news 24/7!

This woman is Pathetic.

anti-slide bump

There are at least 50 other Twitter bots that post anti-hillary stuff on each one of here tweets.

consider my record corrected, I am no #MentallyHill

So, are all trumpfags scrawny, beta 13 year old memers?

Hey but did trump ever block one? Did he?

No but Hillary did therefore proved she has a bad temperament.

She is a weak and easily controlled woman who will destroy not just your country but the world.

I have seen pro-shillary bots but never have seen Trumpbots.

I have been called a Trump bot for telling Truths before.

My record has never been corrected.


So you truly are a 12 year old.
Thanks for the confirmation.

>go on Sup Forums and shitpost
>someone shitposts back
>"oh so you must be 12"
fuck off spick

twitter says he's nineteen, actually.

How is it a shitpost to point out trumpfags are 12 year old scrawny betas when the evidence is right in front of you?

He doesn't look 19 by any measure, gee, surely he could not have entered a false age, right?

>shitposts again
some people never learn

Nigger spic kike

It's not a shitpost when the evidence is right in from of you, buddy.

Wow a dumbass Trump nigger was spamming shitty infographics and she blocked your ass


Quality campaigning Trumpnigger. No wonder Trump is losing badly.

>a trump supporter
His account uses a spambot. He's all over Trump's twitter too.

Congrats user, you did it!

Isn't that the guy who fucks his retarded brother?

>losing badly
must be fun inside your imagination all the time

>hrc blocks ppl on twitter


i expect more from you britbong.

>Losing in most swing states

lol can't wait to drink your tears in November. Hopefully you will kill yourself before next year so we won't have to waste space on a sub human trash such as yourself.

OP and I both follow Render. Nice.

>[worried taco intensifies]

>britbong fails again
