Why do leftists support feminism AND Islamic immigration? Muslim countries are overwhelmingly some of the shittiest places to be a woman. Islam condones rape, forced marriages, female genital mutilation and a lot of other practices that put the modern feminist movement back into the fucking stone age. How do they reconcile this shit?
Why do leftists support feminism AND Islamic immigration...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Confusing Feminism with Common-sense
How stupid can you get?
pretty fuckin' stupid i guess, shlomo. i want more answers
You probably don't even know what feminism is. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt though.
As you've pointed out, countries with Muslim majorities are usually pretty much garbage, especially for women who'd like to be more.. oh my, liberal. You know, probably like what you would call a leftist.
So why wouldn't people, who support equal rights for women, make this societal framing accessible to women from across the world and shittier parts? Is this hard for you?
>inb4 you're just a racist imbecile
Because apart of their ideology is relativism
Nothing can be objectively better or worse than anything else
>one gender can't be better than the other
>one race can't be better than the other
>one civilization can't be better than the other
>one nation can't be better than the other
>no person can be more beautiful than he other
>no art is better than any other
>no people can be richer than others
It doesn't matter weather objective reality would make that obvious they will rationalize things and create pretend nebulous social causes of any differences
>corporations man
>systemic racism
>the legacy of colonization
Etc etc.
They support Islam because, "Islam isn't evil or wrong all religion is the same, muh crusades, my inquisition, muh colonism"
And they support feminism because "muh equality, muh patriarchy"
If liberals were logical and saw the issues with this insanity... Well they would stop being liberal. Just understand that they don't come to these conclusions based on objective facts they come to these oppinions out of immaturity, jealousy, ignorance and emotion
>I'll give you the benefit of the doubt
>procedes to make a series of unfounded assumptions and name calling.
never change, Gertrude
>Just understand that they don't come to these conclusions based on objective facts
at least, they're upfront about putting emotions over rationality, I'll give 'em that
Gee, get your head out of your white male loser ass, will ya?
>They support Islam because
>they support feminism because
Who is "they"? What feminists actually support religious oppression?
Because the right doesn't like them so the left has to take the opposing side.
You cannot support Islam and female liberation at the same time
They are irreconcilable belief systems
Also they are leftists in general
Exceptions don't disprove the rule, most "leftists". Support feminism and Islam
Both are based on the idea of relativism and equivocation
Men and women are he same because it's nice to believe so
Islamic culture is the same as western culture because it's nice to believe so
They don't actually consider if that's true, they just chose to believe that it is
> ctrl left embraces extreme conservative culture
> alt right are a bunch of fag loving sjw2.0's
kill me already
"Leftists", whoever they are, don't support rape, forced marriages, female genital mutilation. They also don't support an interpretation of Islam or any cultural norms which do this. They do support human rights and freedom of religion in the boundaries of the law and societal norms, which you dumb shits usually conflate with the above to fellate each other on the daily.
Do you know anything about Islam and Islamic culture
It isn't a simple religion it is an ideology of word conquest with a built in religous law that it advocates (and even demands). Be the law on which people are governed
It is incomparable with your concept of modern western culture and civil rights
No amount of feeling will change that reality
>most "leftists". Support feminism and Islam
Well then you won't have a hard time proving your dumbassery I suppose.
>inb4 you cannot into basic reading comprehension and will cite garbage "news" with misconstrued bullshit from the interwebs
Not all muslims user
"No true Scotsman" isnt an argument faggot
People on be political left
American liberals
You are being an obtuse cunt
If Christianity hadn't gotten its teeth kicked in over the course of centuries, it wouldn't be compatible with modern western culture and civil rights either, you imbecile.
No western politicians who aren't nutjobs support anything like ISIS but try promoting a softened, less retarded Islam.
You can certainly interpret Islam as you portrayed it, but if that were the reality of the billion of Muslims across the world, you'd probably be dead by now.
In my exchanges with Muslims I've come to the conclusion that most don't even know much about the religion they're so keen on defending. Like most religious people nowadays I guess. They generally don't follow your portrayal of their religion either, also because they are exposed to western definitions of human rights etc.
>No amount of feeling will change that reality
>more dumb shit, the post
You reached into your ass and pulled out claims, not me, you dumb cunt.
I hate everything identity politics has brought to the table... where do we stand in all of this?
It's very simple.
SJWs created the term "moderate muslim" to disregard what happens in the Middle East mudslimes shitholes. To them, islam does not praise violence against non-muslims and women, simply because SJWs are too ignorant to read the Quran.
As a result, you see waves of SJW cucks, leftists and feminists calling you islamophobe for disliking muslims and calling out on their violence. When you point out that Nice, Paris, Brussels, Orlando, Toulouse, Madrid were done by the same people, you see waves of #notallmuslims and the usual "But they're not all like that, european muslims are moderate, those who kill people misread the Quran, muslims are the first victims of jihadism", etc. etc., while completing disregarding the origin of religion and pic related.
tl;dr, the leftists and feminists know very well the true face of islam, but they stick their head into the sand when confronted by the truth and use made up shit like #notallmuslims and """"moderate""""". The feminist and the leftist are the Jew's finest tools for destroying the white race and Europe.
The ultimate gamble:
Cuck Islam and have a large happy family
Or fail and face extermination
Only your leftists would go for it, I'll watch from not your area
Let's get started,
Even if your claim about Christianity was true it wouldn't make a difference because it has evolved with us to this modern point of mutual exsistence. Obviously plucking the Orthodox Church out of 900 Constantinople and put it in DC we would have some problems
But that's not the fucking concern, the concern is modern Islam interacting with the modern west and they are not compatible
As for your personal interaction with Muslims that is irrelevant
Have you read the Quran? The hadiths? Do you know about he history of Islam and how it came to be? No I'd guess not, but I have it's fascinating stuff. But let's start with the basics
Islam is not up for interpretation, in fact the Quran itself tells the readers that it is the literally word of God and exactly how it should be interpreted.
The book itself is practically incomprehensible so there are ways called hadiths written to help clarify what Muhammad actually ment
However because it is designed to not be interpreted here are some basic hints that Islam teaches not up for discussion
1. The goal of Islam is to spread to all the world, the people of the book will be tolerated as log as they submit to Islam and pay a tax (people of the book being Christians and Jews)
2. The way to spread Islam is by migration, mission or conquest. Any means neccesary really.
3. Islam comes with a legal code called sharia. It actively states this is the law that is gods law and must be followed
If you look at surveys of moder. Muslims they by and large support above
You are a piece of shit
4chinz eating its own young as usual and reshape in some other contrarian pain in the ass for the sake of hardcore free speech and casual keks in the process is the best I can hope for. too much cancer right now
>Even if your claim about Christianity was true
>1. The goal of Islam is to spread to all the world, the people of the book will be tolerated as log as they submit to Islam and pay a tax (people of the book being Christians and Jews)
>2. The way to spread Islam is by migration, mission or conquest. Any means neccesary really.
>3. Islam comes with a legal code called sharia. It actively states this is the law that is gods law and must be followed
Yeah sounds like Christianity.
>No I'd guess not
You're wrong again. Ask any non-ISIS supporting radical shithead Muslims if they're for shariah. Then ask if they're for corporal punishment such as chopping hands off. They'll most likely say no because they're dumb as fuck.
You should get it into your head that Islam != Muslims living their dumb religion.
>possessing the most common of common sense
>sounds like Christianity
No actually it doesn't and never did you ignorant snarky dick
Did you watch the video
That's a pew research center poll about what Muslims support and assume some of them lie due to social pressure
1. From everything I can find ISIS is a closer representation of Islam than a westernized Muslim
2. Based on history I can postulate most of Islamic history agrees with Isis than not
3.your annecdotal bullshit asking 2nd genneration German Turks isn't an accurate representation compared to the billions of Muslims throughout time
Go know what you are talking about before you pull your bullshit with me kraut.
Op's picture are actually orthodox jews
>No actually it doesn't and never did
Yeeah, right.
>what are Christian missions
>what was Christian racism and forced conversions of native peoples
>what's Mosaic and canon law
You're just talking out of your ass while claiming I am, aren't you? I mean, you must be, you link to fucking asshole Shapiro.
And no, I didn't watch your dumb video. If I want to read the findings of a survey, I'd read the survey and not watch a dumb video about it flavoured by a retarded right wing American asshole.
You on the other hand should read the recent study among non-Muslims and Muslim Germans on their perception of Islam.
critique my fresh OC
Stupid is as Stupid does.
you're supposed to change the guy's face to an enemy entity. is this your first strawman?
Both are anti west, feminism is just the Marxists using the useful idiots to try to bring down the West using culture, after they realised there would be no economical revelation.
They share a common goal, destroy Western culture, but the moron feminists think they can control Islam afterwords, it will be the other way around.
No, bayou are wrong
Islam does, it says you must spread Islam all over the world
Christian missionaries and spreads are the result of non-divine dogma aka "Christianity is truth". Thus we shall spread it
As for forced conversions Christians have done that before. But almost entirely centuries ago and as the result of responses to Islam who have down forced conversions far more often and still do today.
You can disagree with Shapiro politically but he uses data from a 2012 pew poll it can't be twisted to push his narrative it's quite straight forward and I encourage you to watch it rather than live in your assumption that Islam is no different than other religions
It is differnet, it's very different and it's dangerous for you to act like it is not
why yes it is
Just to spite white conservatives
because of white guilt and fear of being called a xenophobe or racist
plus they don't actually think islam is as bad as it is because they are naive and have on rose tinted glasses when it comes to all non white cultures
>as the result of responses to Islam
Yeah lots of Muslims among the Inca, Maya, Aborigines etc.
You're full of shit in a rabbit hole.
Christians are as retarded as Muslims here with their book stands or Quran handing out bullshit. They can both go get fucked. Your US flavour is the most repulsive and backasswards shit I've witnessed and they're actually influential.
They also support stuff like being homosexual but want to balance it with religions that openly think gay people should be killed, and invite people into their countries from places that legally put gays to death.
The medias/ politicians response to German women getting raped on new years by asylum seekers was also interesting. They blamed the women and said they should keep at arm length of strangers. And when that muslim shot up a gay club, despite the guys father saying he hates fags they made the entire issue about gun control.
I think it comes down more to politicians/ the media being pathetic cowards who don't actually care about ethics. Muslims will literally kill them for disagreeing/ not doing what they want. That's what happened to the Danish News paper after all, and most medias refused to post the photos of the offending images -- not because they wanted to be polite in regards to other peoples beliefs, but they were afraid they could be killed. It's really quite pitiful and when papers or news stations bleed viewers I'm happy. They and the shit stains who work at their companies don't deserve jobs.
No you are an edgy athiest
Once again forced conversions are an isolated event centuries in the past vs Islam where it is a major and common weapon used in their conquests and continues today
So fuck off someplace else with your equivocations
You don't know what you are talking about
Because in the process of giving these stronk mudslime wymin a safe spess in the west for them to escape their shitty sharia countries you're turning your own into one as well.
Get cucked to death, Hanz.
I'm as marxist, ecologist, anarchist... as one can get.
As a consequence, I'm anti globalist, which implies I'm against mass immigration as it causes social dumping and stengthens capitalism.
I'm somewhat attached to equality, which means I despise affirmative action.
I also tend to despise most forms of authority and having people bowing to One God and supporting a hierarchical organisation (a Church) is not something I would encourage, especially when it gets thousands of people killed because a book wills it. (Although I think having a spiritual life can be very fulfilling).
Please stop calling "leftist" anyone you desagree with, especially when they don't have a drop of consitency in their political views.