You dumb faggots have been worshipping the Devil all along. How much of an idiot can Sup Forums be?
In the Egyptian mythology Kek (in male form Kuk=cuck) was known as the "bringer of light", which is also the meaning of the name Lucifer. To put the matter in a single phrase, the greatest deception of Satan is to prompt you, me and everyone in the world to believe that he is not Satan
This fuck also sent us his messiah, Trump, who's viewed as a savior by millions around the world, not just in America.
Did you really believe it's gonna be this easy Sup Forums?
well at least it's gonna be a fun ride t'ill we get to the end times
Eli Bell
Also my numbers confirm
Connor Moore
You dumbass, every nonbeliever is the antichrist by definition, even those fedora-wearing edgy atheists.
Jeremiah Sanders
Kek = frog's Is one of the 10 plages of the kingdom but they aren't plages is the tao balancing himself after this time locusts will arrive and if we have frog's will be able to withstand the locusts atack.
frog's prepare for the locusts!
Kevin Perry
The Egyptians believed that before the earth was created, there was nothing but a dark, directionless, chaotic watery mass. In this chaos lived the Ogdoad of Khmunu (Hermopolis), the four frog gods and four snake goddesses of chaos. These beings were Nun and Naunet (water), Amen and Amaunet (invisibility), Heh and Hauhet (infinity) and Kek and Kauket (darkness). The chaos existed without the light, and thus Kek and Kauket came to represent this darkness. They also symbolised obscurity, the kind of obscurity that went with darkness, and night
Praise him, Kek vult
Carson Nelson
Then God wills it.
Kayden Torres
hungary moving up the shitposting ladder... i'm so proud of you!!
Charles Collins
Who cares? It serves our own purpose.
No contracts necessary, just sick dijits
Cameron Turner
Come to him, repetitious digits compel you, check'em
Jonathan King
yes thats totally more realistic than things simply being that nerds are praying to a cartoon and chalking up coincidences to it, and that trump is a 60 year old business man who's been in the public eye for the last 30 years. yup.
Josiah Young
Why did "God" not want us to be smart or be mixed with other gods but the Devil did? Why does it seem like the Devil was the good one and "God" is an asshole?
Connor Cooper
nice dubs but... check em
Nathan Sanchez
You're a faggot. We've been over this. Kek is god of the darkness before dawn, he is the slash-and-burn before sowing. Lucifer is a bringer of knowledge. Different dieties.
Jonathan Hernandez
Because the devil never sent anybody to die for our sins.
Tyler Anderson
If that God still believes that Jews should inherit the earth then praise Kek.
Chase Adams
The problem of theodicy, why does a good God fuck us up so much >inb4 muh free will So what about tsunamis that kill loads of kids?
Kayden Young
Yeah lol his own SON! Why didn't God forgive the Devil?
Ayden Sanchez
You assume Lucifer is the bad guy because that's what you're told. imagine you're evil and someone wants to shine a light on your bullshit? what are you going to do to ruin their reputation so no one will listen?
even jesus tried to warn the abrahamics so they killed him and took over his followers.
funny how that whole crusade worked, no? them holy christian knights templar and their banks, bringing a whole new economic ideology back to europe with them...
Ethan Stewart
You're the same kind of dumbfuck that thinks Soros is the bad guy. Nice digits though.
Mason Cook
>the antichrist will be a charismatic figure loved by all >meanwhile a shitload of people still hate trump shit theory 2bh
Luis Bailey
Logically: P1: If godn does exist, is omnipotent, is omniscient and is omnibenevolent, then evil does not exist. C1: (Contrapositive of P1) If evil does exist, then godn does not exist, is not omnipotent, omniscient, and/or is not omnibenevolent. P2: Evil does exist. C2: (From C1 and P2) Godn does not exist, is not omnipotent, omniscient and/or is not omnibenevolent.
Anthony Edwards
What's wrong with Satan? He punishes bad people.
Carter Taylor
you're not God, dumbass nigga
Chase Morgan
Someone had a more than usually productive shit this morning.
You're so wise, OP, not at all a faggot like how other OPs are faggots.
Matthew Parker
Fuck if trump is the antichrist then shilldog must be spawn of Satan, moloch, polpot and Sam Hyde combined
David Turner
>bringer of light
heyw guys le kek pepe is satan, look at the deep correlations i maed
Islam is satanism and mohammed is the antichrist.
Nathan Gomez
I just love how Christcucks label everything they don't like Satan regardless of whether it existed before their religion or independent of it.
Wyatt Hughes
Michael Garcia
good i'm a bit tired of this world. I am ready for it to be over senpai.
Jacob Lopez
You idiot.
KeK is GoG
GoG is another side of Magog
Magog is another name for Moloch
Moloch is the god of the elite.
They are trying to summon him to our realm, legends say that he has been imprisoned into a mountain guarded by two towers and an gate of iron.
Some say Magog was released and that the mongolian conquests were Magogs work.
Either way, I wouldn't worship KeK, although it is fun, you just never know...
Chase Jackson
If Trump is the anti-Christ then he will win, but that's not going to happen
Samuel Nguyen
Matthew Sanders
Amen = user? Wew, lad...
Austin Peterson
Stop rebelling and obey God's commandments. Law and order is equal to justice and peace.
Charles James
AMEN is an Egyptian word. It refers to the Egyptian god of Thebes. The Hebrews adopted the word and it passed into Christian use as “Amen”. It is a petition for (the god – Amen) to fulfill our words. ”
KEK = obscurity = user
David James
six six six is no longer alone! he's getting out the marrow in your backbone!
Thomas Roberts
Carson Howard
This. Get that armageddon party started
Asher Turner
Well obviously it's because you wouldn't be greatful for not experiencing a tsunami if there were no tsunamis.
Noah Wright
Fucking checked
Asher King
The argument is that evil shit only happens because God gave man free will. So what about evil shit that's 'acts of god'? God can either stop that or not. If he doesn't he's a cunt. If he can't, then he's not God.
Mason Garcia
>Everything good is a property of Jewish God Yahwey >Everything bad is a property of Jewish Devil Lucifer/Satan >It's Jews all the way down Yeah, nah cunt. OP is a faggot, as usual.
Blake Walker
Reread what I said buddy. Without a bad event happening you wouldn't know that a bad thing could happen so you wouldn't appreciate that a bad circumstance isnt happening.
Mason Morales
Superstitious thoughts are why the Jews are controlling the white race with ease.
Jordan Gomez
Checked. So god makes horrible disgusting shit happens to to loads of people to make rest of us grateful it didn't happen to us? That's evil. Thats like those lone survivors of bus wrecks that go 'god was looking out for me' the corollary being God had a kill boner for the rest.
Cooper Rivera
And I thought Ozzy Osborne was the prince of darkness.
Isaiah Russell
luicifer is suppose to be hot. god called him "the full pattern no homo" he has a cherub who follows him around playing a barry white cd in a boom box
kek is a hermaphrodite frogman that turns into a snake woman
and jews are the antichrist since they wont follow jesus . anti = opposed to. and christ = jesus. even muslims quote jesus even if they dont know it
Angel Clark
>P1: If godn does exist, is omnipotent, is omniscient and is omnibenevolent, then evil does not exist. woah woah woah. let's see a proof of P1. Prove (explicitly) how omnibenevolence precludes the existence of evil. Such a being may decide that life without an adversary (or an evil agent) may be aimless. Perhaps in order to grow and encourage novelty, an all powerful being set up a training ground (call it life) where we can learn and grow from the evils in the world.
I just pulled this example out of my ass, but it goes to show that it's not hard to reconcile benevolence and evil if you look past the surface-level implications. I doubt that you can prove P1. But if you like having a shitty foundation...
Colton Cook
>lucifer is suppose to be hot. Well he was no angel when it came to the ladies. Actually he was an angel so must have been a 10/10 qt, would definitely allow temptation
Mason Butler
that would be the synagog of satan. they convinced most christians they are gods chosen people.
yahweh the jew god is a volcano god blood sacrifice evil shit goyem
the quickest route to antisemitism is reading the torah and the talmud.
>oh goddamnit inb4 some fucking kike claims to be christ in the next couple years and people believe him.
pic is a forgery just shut up and read
Grayson Perez
>omnibenevolent >evils in the world Pick one. Those are the 3 traits of the Abrahamic gods. If God allows evil to befall his creation he is not omnibenevolant. If he can't stop it he is not omnipotent. If he doesn't know about it he is not omniscient. Any of those apply, then he is not God.
Theodicy is one of the biggest issues in theology.
Jack Smith
Go on...
Mason Davis
Fuck, 3 x 77
Andrew Williams
Praise KeK
Henry Turner
Jacob Rogers
Colton Foster
The whore of Babylon agrees
Noah Lewis
So to be omnibenevolent, you have to coddle your own? You can never ever allow anything but jolly, happy, sunny, fun times? Then for me to be a benevolent father, I have to lock my kids in the house so that the world can't hurt them? If I let them play outside and they skin their knee or get stung by a wasp, I'm no longer benevolent because I didn't prevent it from happening?
Nah. That's not benevolence; that's complete control. With the gift of freewill comes the curse of evil. It's a necessary consequence.
Chase Murphy
>, chaotic watery mass. In this chaos lived the Ogdoad of Khmunu (Hermopolis), the four frog gods and four snake goddesses of chaos. These beings were Nun and Naunet (water), Amen and Amaunet (invisibility), Heh and Hauhet (infinity) and Kek and Kauket (darkness). The chaos existed without the light, and thus Kek and Kauket came to represent this darkness. They also symbolised
To oppose he who ushers the dawn, is to side with he who wishes to steal the sun.
To side with he who steals the sun, is to be the one to side with the true destroyer.
Ryan Edwards
Kek sure is here boys.
Charles Young
False equivalence mate. If your kid is naughty, do you teach them or punish them? If you punish them, what, you smash them out of existence using random events? Maybe send them to burn for an eternity? The 'bad shit happens to others to show us' is very solipsistic. What about the poor fuckers who got killed? Also what does it accomplish? Think I'd better pray extra hard today so God doesn't visit random destruction on me as well? What's the lesson?
Hunter Lee
>The chaos existed without the light, and thus Kek and Kauket came to represent this darkness. They also symbolised obscurity, the kind of obscurity that went with darkness, and night
>Sithis (or Padomay) is a representation of the one primordial state of chaos. Sithis is the darkness.
Jack Richardson
Daniel Cook
if i dont get repeating digits this is all bullshit
Kayden Gutierrez
The egyptian god Apep is known to be the enemy of ra, and god of chaos. Ra was part of the Egyptian ogdoad, in the form of the cosmic egg. Ra is also seen as a bringer of light, while Apep is seen as the one who takes the light away.
Now, Kek and Ra both in a way bring light, Ra being the sun himself, and Kek being the darkness before dawn. This implies they are on the same side.
Apep, is also depicted as a snake.
Easton Price
Fkn kek. Saved
Leo Campbell
Trump is not my messanger. It will not be a politician.
Elijah James
Praise KEK
Yes, I want the light bringer and bringer of truth. I want chaos. Please. I want to know the truth. You need to learn the truth.
David Diaz
Apep is also known as apophis, for you sg1 fans Also, if kek had an adversary, it would probably be set
Cooper Murphy
Praise Kek
Landon Collins
Checked. Kek vult
Parker Taylor
Praise Kek
Elijah Barnes
Isaac Brooks
Set, aka Seth, is the god of the desert, storms, disorder, violence and foreigners.
Seth is, in a way, Ba'al. I doubt he is the enemy of Kek, as Seth is also on the side of Ra, as he is portrayed to have slain Apep.
Benjamin Scott
The "lesson" is having the choice to do evil, but deciding not to. It's not "do good or god will X". Doing something for a reward is also part of the lesson: You don't do the right thing because it will get you something. The fact of the matter in this world is that if you want to get something, you have to take it. The enlightenment comes when you realize that, in most cases, the THINGS you want are material and you had to contribute to the evils of the world to acquire them. The lesson is that NOT being evil is its OWN reward, if you like to think in terms of reward. Again, the lesson is the decision NOT to do evil, NOT because it gets you some reward. If that's your ends, then your means are not wholehearted...and you haven't learned the lesson.
And I ask you WHY DOES bad shit happen to good people? When I look at it, the most common answer is that their pain is a result of another PERSON's greed. Which again, is a direct consequence of freewill. To have a lesson, to have a reason, people have to be free to choose. In order to have a lesson, people must be free to reject it and thereby, hurt others unfairly.
David Turner
fuck off with your third world bait, hungary. listen up because im about to clue you into some real shit: the word "is", a linguistic equals sign, is by far the most dangerous word in the english language, your clumsy, hamfisted attempts to use this word to draw false parallels do nothing but demonstrate your intellectual inferiority.
Jaxson Edwards
>their pain is a result of another PERSON's greed I see your point, but that was why the examples were specifically not about people vs people but natural disasters. Another way of looking at it:
1 If an OO entity exists, then no evil that isn't caused by human free will exists. 2 Evil that isn't caused by human free will exists. 3 An OO entity does not exist.
Also if not being evil is its own reward, why do we need God? Good to discuss this stuff civilly for a change.
Gavin Davis
What if there was an Omniscient being, who had all power over everything residing in our universe, but rather than stop evil, he allows it to occur out of curiousity, or lets it grow as he simply does not care?
Asher Thompson
Lucifer is as much a part of gods plan as we are. If the memetics are lucifers work, then let gods will be done.
Brody Reed
How is nature evil, though? I mean, sure there are wild fucking tigers that will drag you out of your tent and eviscerate you without batting an eye, but is that evil? Should an infinite being look at that as an EVIL process? If thousands die in a tsunami, how is that different from 322 reindeer killed in a lightning strike? Is it evil to create a dangerous world? How would species evolve if this place were candyland?
I guess I'm coming back to that perfect, sunny, happy land which the world would NEED to be for there to be no manmade evils. And in such a world, no species would ever have to compete to survive. No species would ever need to develop tools to take down these huge beasts for food. No species would ever have to install a seismic array, collect tons of data, process it, and infer if another earthquake is on the way.
It seems clear to me that life is propelled by its struggle. Would you read a book without any conflict, about candyland, where everybody wins at the end? No. Then why would you life a candyland life, without any struggle or challenges?
I don't think that the challenges and heartache which are inherent in nature are evil. If anything, they've made us stronger.
Xavier Ramirez
Dumb. God gives us free will, we cause evil with our free will. In the time before knowledge, predator sat with prey and the water ran forever. But we failed gods test and took the knowledge. At least try if you are going to troll.
James Rivera
Soros is Hungarian.
Samuel Rogers
Better the devil than the jew god and cuckening of christianity.
Dont you have a familiy of needy congloids to feed and comfort?
Gavin Mitchell
It would be a better fit with observed reality, I think. He could be a trickster like loki, or a scientist type running experiments. Or maybe he's just bored.
Asher Gray
holy fuck, someone screencap this
Thomas Powell
I thought this much myself but I can't think he'd reign in Jerusalem lest his Jewish son is given reign and he is the beast getting power from the first?
Lucas Sanchez
I totally agree with you evolution and struggle are absolutely required. Wars move us forward technologically. But that isn't how the Abrahamic God is described in the books. I think an infinitely good and all powerful God could find less painful and wasteful ways to accomplish growth for his children (I'm second guessing God here obviously). Anyway mate its been good but I got work tomorrow so I have to sign off, take care.
Brayden Evans
it's the opposite hillary is the anti christ and she also got something in her brain which could be called a headwound from which she will recover blabla
Adrian King
You too, bro. If my dog can't ever hope to understand Newton's law of cooling, then I imagine that there are plenty of concepts in the mind of "an infinite being" that we'll NEVER be able to grasp. But my dog can understand that hot things get cool with time. In a similar manner, we may never be able to understand the WHYs, but we can probably get a good idea if we're openhearted. Cheers.
Caleb Gray
Because he did not become an angel to dye for his sins
Blake King
Let me add to this..
Amen comes from the egyptian god of all gods from the old dynasty known as Amun or Atum(Atom lol) (in old egypt you will see a lot of t-m shift), before ra was born. Amun was created by himself in the primordial waters known as Nun (lol). But he was very lonely, and to ease his loneliness he bore two children, the later heathen legends say through masturbation, but earlier ones say he made love to his shadow. Always remember egyptian gods have male and female aspects. Allegory either way.
These children were Shu (god of air) and tefnut (god of moisture). Through these gods many others were born, including the planet gods whose lineages are worshipped today.
Seb-Saturn-Kronos Typhon also is related to saturn, and in greek mythology is the force imprisoning the titans.
But before this, at some point shi and tefnut get lost, and atum in his grief creates Horus the elder, later known as Ra (most likely lucifer) and his eye to illuminate the darkness. He finds his children, much rejoicing, etc etc.
The first official god of the sun was Osiris, who appeared as a man, green-skinned with a royals beard. He bore the flail (lead by force) and the crook (lead by diplomacy). Typhon, being of all evils, seeks to kill his brother osiris and take his throne. He locls him in a sarcophagus(this is where they come from) where he is set to die, and then scatters his pieces across egypt. He then rapes Isis, Wife of Osiris, and forces her to bear Anubis, king of the underworld. Within 3 days, Isis manages to get all the pieces if Osiris back except for his penis, however as a crafter she is able to fashion one out of gold (why its so valuable). Through this she bears Horus the younger and his eye, who casts down Typhon. At some point Horus became two seperate beings when he was always and older and younger. Osiris is reborn in the underworld, where he casts down anubis to a mere judge.
Jaxon Hall
Hunter Lopez
"God" is a demiurge
Kek is a manifestation of the monad.
Easton Kelly
Trump is married you dumbass. Also the Antichrist is supposed to be attractive.