>assuming unlimited budget
How would you create the HH series in tv/film. Who would you cast?
>assuming unlimited budget
How would you create the HH series in tv/film. Who would you cast?
I wouldn't.
I'd make Gaunt's Ghosts or Eisenhorn instead.
Schwarzenigger in his prime. Use the unlimited budget to make him young again.
never ever. hollywood would take as a personal cruzade to absolutely %100 dilute any proto estoic-fascist, human supremacist sentiment out of the movie.
Why is this a question.
>oh hi horus
also the horus heresy would work perfectly as a tv series, each season could be a different book.
>tfw no high budget TV adaptation of Prospero Burns and A Thousand Sons
Nigga there's like 40 books
Yeah could work.
Slightly more olive would be preferable, but he looks good in long hair and has a strong looking face.
50, but to be honest a large chunk of them are trash and can be forgotten.
Wouldn't be more fitting as sanguinius or fulgrim?
I think they should be more boy band pretty.
He would actually make a pretty good Fulgrim desu
travis fimmel as sangy pls
Why is this guy's head so small? The armor seems to contour to his muscles. Is he deformed, or in a robot suit?
Bredan Fraser as generic_dead_imperialguard_04
Daily reminder that he was a Turk. A Turk! Kebab!
you bring yourself to a place of unhappieness when analyzing proportions of 40k
No he was not.
There were no turks in anatolia in the 8th millenium bc.
Big E was THICC. Not so much these days however.
Because he was FUCKHUEG. Spess Mahreen heads stay relatively the same while they genetically buff their muscles and replace their bones with metal.
And America is only 52% white, what's your point mongrel?
he IS proto armenid
No, 52% when you exclude the Mexicans, Arabs and the North Africans which the US census somehow considers "white".
he was just created by Turk shamen, doesnt make him a roach
Not that guy but US is 64% white if you exclude Mexicans. Non-Hispanic whites is the classification.
By merging multiple Turks together. He's a triple Turk. A triple kebab God Emperor of the Humankind!
Introduce the series with Guard movies. Fifteen Hours would be perfect.
Horus Heresy as a tv series. 2-3 episodes that are an hour+ long for each book. Start off with the first three in the series, then First Heretic and Fulgrim at the same time, leading up to Istvaan V. After that I don't know. Maybe Garro finding Loken, I don't know where I would fit in the entire Thousand Sons/Space Wolves story in.
All I know is that I want the climax of the first season to be Argel Tal saying "Forgive me, brother" while the raven guard and falling back into them, and giving the order to open fire. I need this.
>two left hands
Todd Duffee as... someone. He has the most space marinee face I've ever seen.
Young Rogal Dorn.
Good choice. Plus he can act. Not The Emperor though. Emps isn't being played by some damn jew.
>2-3 episodes that are an hour+ long for each book.
You could stretch Prospero Burns/Thousand Sons over an entire season, but otherwise that sounds perfect.
With his last breath the Emperor used his biomancy to alter his right hand to confuse all who would see him on the throne from then on, as a joke.
He's a funny guy.
>not having Morgan Freeman as the Emperor
>questioning the emperor
Unironically this
Rogal or Roboute?
Who could be cast as an Eversor?
Gary Busesy or Gilbert Gottfried?
>emps was essentially autistic, no social skills and only had one friend (Malcador)
>he had many forms and disguises while growing up
he could actually be the emperor for all we know
>all the clues are in The Room somewhere
Ferrus Mannus?
It is but he needs a booming voice.
Train him to act for years and he still probably won't have the chops to portray someone like those. Guill is basically a young Brando but that's obviously not an option.
Garviel Loken
Which Games Workshop aesthetic would the movie have? Early 1980s Rogue Trader goofy, late 80s thrash metal cover, early 90s satire, late 90s grimdark, mid 2000s serious or 2017s nu-Blizzard art style?
Personally I would like a grimdark mid90s atmosphere just like the 3rd Edition rulebook
>you'll never see Sigismund challenging and dueling thousands of heretic champions with his black sword
>you'll never see Sangy hold the gate solo against millions of daemons and chaos marines
>you'll never see the biblical encounter aboard the Vengeful Spirit
>you'll never see sanguinius duel Horus to the death, and get fucked up beyond all recognition
>same with empy
>you'll never see ollanious pious get blown to hell by Horus in a last act of futile defiance
Just kill me
Mid 2000s srs
Wasn't Garviel blond and light of complexion?
In warhammer I think I would like to see a movie showing the meeting of the primarchs.
3rd - 4th editions best editions
Grimdark and Blanche are the things that made 40k iconic
>>you'll never see ollanious pious get blown to hell by Horus in a last act of futile defiance
>scenes women will never understand
standing tall infront of a literal demigod with nothing but a rifle and a set of adamantium testicles, knowing you're going to die but at least you're not going to die on your knees. fuck the perpetual retcon as well.
Now cast him.
Patrick Stewart
>the one man to unite humanity in a facist dictatorship is a turk
Sup Forums on suicidewatch.
god i wish that were me
>perfect face
Would spend unlimited budget making hil good at acting
He was also Jesus. And Buddha. And Mohammed. And pretty much every single religious figure ever.
Liam Neeson? His true form at least.
>is a turk
but that's wrong
It's not lmao.
Sshhh user we don't mention this piece of fluff anymore because people might get upset!
He's not a Turk but his current body is Turkish. So he's kind of a kebab.
Never liked the retcon making Emps 15ft tall or whatever. Liked him being space marine size. Why does he need to be physically bigger than the primarchs to be no.1?
what's the sauce for this?
Based workshop when are they going to co operate with taleworlds for a wh40k game?
Because being bigger means that he's physically superior.
there were no turks in anatolia when he was born
so he was not a turk
He can alter his appearance anyway, hence how he's been Jesus etc.
the lore. Regardless of if it was Turkey or not, he's got olive skin and black hair, hated religion and considered all races equal (and above xeno filth) so people photoshopping Trump onto him makes fuck all sense outside of plebbit muh godemperor memes.
But Trump isn't a religious guy and he's not a racist, despite all the memes floating around.
>the lore
no way!?!?
where in the lore retard?
Originally the primarchs *were* superior to him in some ways (physically being one of them). But he had mong strength warp powers so that was moot.
Why can't they just clone his body and transfer his soul?
Cast Sanguinius
Wait, when did they retcon this?
Being as large as a primarch was stupid enough considering he is supposed to be alive today. Pretty sure an 11 foot angelic man won't be unnoticed for long...
Trump is also not in the process of systematically eradicating off the face of the earth every dissenting opinion on the nature of religion and the pure perfectness of all human forms with his two good hands and whatever finely crafted gilded melee weapon happens by, like Big E would any time given the chance after stepping into the limelight.
Forgotten knowledge plus Big E's power level is too high for that. He would become a warp god on death. You have to remember Emperor is a conglomeration of Earth's early shamans a.k.a powerful psykers
>Forgotten knowledge'
That excuse doesn't work here. Cloning is easy as fuck for us right now and they are already transferring souls to feed him.
Give him long blonde hair. Women and men want him already so the choice is obvious.
Face is perfect but would it work with the long blonde hair?
oh no the memes don't perfectly mirror reality, call the police
>But Trump isn't a religious guy and he's not a racist, despite all the memes floating around.
>"What's my favorite book of all time? the bible!" - D Trump
Trump IDF plz fuck off back to Sup Forums
Clones don't work in 40k something *always* goes horribly wrong plus heresy
>Clones don't work in 40k
Science doesn't work?
He had to do it to get the republican approval. He literally didn't know his "favorite" verse from the Bible. Had to paraphrase it.
Tommy Wiseau
It absolutely does.
41st Millennium scientists are so clueless and lacking in any actual understanding of biological study, that when they unearthed monkey skeletons they presumed that the tail functioned like that of a scorpion, delivering venom. They're utterly lacking in understanding biology and genetics that isn't already written down for them.
The few of them that are actually clever enough to figure out things on their own are perpetually on a collision course with a bolter to the temple.
You obviously don't know your fluff m8
Keith Carradine as Malcador the Sigillite?
they do, but chaos gods stick their dicks in. Horus has been cloned a few times for example, something went wrong each time.
His people became turks though.
So after all he is one.