I need to make some homework for my hardcore liberal teacher about the following things:

I need to make some homework for my hardcore liberal teacher about the following things:

what is a nation?
what is nationalism?
what are risks and side effects of nationalism?

please help me make them as redpilled as possible. If you can make it somewhat subtle, that would be great, but you can just say anything you want

>what are risks and side effects of nationalism?
what are risks and *bad* side effects of nationalism?

that should be the translation


If the nation was small and very nationalistic, the risk of inbreeding would increase over time. There is also a high probability of protectionism, which could hurt the (((economy))).

thanks. that is some high education stuff.
you can also use counterarguments, if you like. it seems you know very much about this topic

i can chuck in a few ideas.

>what constitutes a nation can be divided into who is ruling it. Are the people ruling the nation, or is the nation ruling the people?

>it is a nations right to defend its borders, govern its people, and put the needs of its own people over the needs of others.

how did you learn to write like that?

Careful with that sarcasm, you could hurt your teacher:s feelings. Also fuck you, I'm typing on a mobile, just wanted to bump you in hope someone would actually bother.

OP, are you still in High School? I remember having to answer the same shit in my Geschi LK

Inbreeding would never become a problem with a population greater than 10,000 even with no monitoring, so this isn't a good argument.

old german books.
I can write you a message on paper if you like me to.

genau so ist es

but this would assume the population would constantly move around, right?

That's why I said small. Tbh drawbacks of nationalism are purely subjective. People that are alike should objectively stick together and don't let any libcuck tell you otgerwise.

You need to work on your handwriting, it's a good start and you have potential but just more practice please and it will be even better.

>what is a nation?
A place where you live.
>what is nationalism?
Taking pride in the place where you live.
>what are risks and side effects of nationalism?
None, stop trying to brainwash people with your liberal agenda and hate speech commie.

leave a little side note.
>If you fail this paper you all but prove my point that institutions are nothing more then communist hot beds forcing people to believe in a single ideology at the threat of violence, in this case a threat against my grades.

>>what are risks and side effects of nationalism?

I didn't really care for the looks of it for now desu... But I can and will work on it. It's just hard to get some resources. do you know some? the only ones I have are old german books and beer labels.
(this was fraktur)

This is not the only one I can though. (this was kurrent)

thanks dude. That woukd be bad ass. I am known as a "nazi" already anyway, so there would be nothing to loose.

I will write that down. Paired with the respons above, that will be awesome. You guys are really worth asking these questions

>nationalism is the idea of having pride in ones nationality or race and culture. It tends to be strongest the "golden era" of a country such as the 50s in the US. Nationalism through history tends to lean towards the superiority of your country or culture over others. Nationalists find flaws in other cultures, but are content as long as other cultures don't encroach on their way of life.

>the risk of nationalism can be it's leaning towards isolationism. If a nationalist country does not except the positive parts of foreign culture or technology they may quickly fall behind the rest of the world. At the same time, should negative cultures spread into the country, the effects can be exactly the same.

Nations as we know them today came into being at the end of the 30 years war, with the Peace of WestPhalia. Essentially the 30 years war was a religious war. The Fief Princes of Europe wanted independence from the Catholic Church, and so they revolted. The war ended with the peace treaty that basically said that Princes had the authority to align themselves however they wanted. They earned self-determination; this was the first incarnation of what we call today "state sovereignty" (1/4)

Diese Schrift ist nicht für Anglo-Sprachen gedacht.
Schreib nur deutsch damit.

what kind of nation is actually that small

this is probably the most retarded argument i hear which people actually believe and i hear it all the time

>Taking pride in the place where you live.
That doens't make sense for me. Its crap to be proud of the earth you are born on. imo its about being proud of your nations culture and history. what it has achieved and what it went through.

"NationalISM" thus is the belief system that "state sovereignty" or "self-determination" is good.

What are the effects of Nationalism?

They are varied and numerous. It would be a foolish simplification to say that "nationalism is bad' or "nationalism is good". I will go into deeper discussion about good/bads of nationalism in the next post (2/4)

>The risks and side effects of nationalism

Risk - Countries that embrace globalism might try to create conflict with you.

Side effect - A unified and successful country with a good living standard for all.

ja, dass bin ich mir schon sicher, nur kann ich denen sonst wohl kaum einige Antworten damit schreiben...

Wie wärs, wenn du sie dir auch versuchst einzuprägen? Es nunmal Teil unserer Kultur. Sollte aber kein Zwang sein.

though I do disagree with you, I would like to hear some of you guys debate this topic, that would certainly give me a better understanding of this topic.

State sovereignty ended in Europe with the foundation of the EU.

OP, be sure to include that due to the EU there are no sovereign nation states left.

Also include that nations are a geographical area where a common people with a common history and common values live. That is what the borders of the nationstate are based on.
Nationalism is feeling pride in your common values and history.

Nations die when invaded by other species that do not share the common values, after which all that is left is a government that controls a certain territory. It should no longer be called a nation.

Negative side-effects for having pride in your country? You could want to re-unite all your common people into one nation, instead of having them shattered through different states, a situation caused by borders being outlined by foreigners after a disgraceful defeat (caused by backstabbing jews). The desire to unify could be interpreted by others as agressiveness and they may attack you and cuck your country for a century to come.

There are 2 ways you can argue about whether something is good. Either something is good intrinsically, or it is good because of it's effects. These two moral frameworks are generally referred to as "Objectivism" and "Consequentialism".

Its hard to argue about the intrinsic aspects of Nationalism. Either you believe it's good intrinsically or you dont. It effectively an unprovable opinion.

However, it is much easier to discuss the benefits/drawbacks of Nationalism in a Consequentialist framework.

Has Nationalism had good effects?

Sure it has. The Florentine Nation-State started the fucking Renaissance. The German Nation State invented FERTILIZER, which enabled the population explosion of the 20th century. The United States Nation invented basically everything else, so dont go trying to tell me that Nationalism is ONLY bad.

That being said, there are certainly bad things that can happen as a result of Nationalism. Nationalism is anarchy, on a state by state level. There is no GLOBAL authority telling states what to do. Anarchy can lead to wars, death and devastation.

It can also lead to fucking sweetass civilizaiton too though.

tldr, dont fall for your teacher's bait, your answer should be YES AND NO, ITS COMPLICATED. (3/4)

What you just mentioned is a more explained version of "be proud of where you are born"

Because most likley you are born into it.

buddy, you're thinking of NATIVISM, not NATIONALISM.

Nationalism is quintessentially a political word. It has to do with government, not "culture, shared values etc". That's fucking nativism, you pleb.

Here's an angle you could use.

1. A nation is a collection of people who have a significant amount of shared values and interests.

2. Nationalism, at its root, is the humble idea that the recognition of these shared values and interests should lead to the nation becoming a functioning, representative political unit capable of looking after those values of interests.

3. This is the real trap in the assignment. This is where you are expected to say "National Socialism caused World War II and the Holocaust and therefore nationalism is bad". What you need to do is draw a sharp distinction between nationalist ideas on one hand and internationalist ideas on the other hand, and make the distinguishing factor that internationalist ideas want to spread themselves beyond the borders of one nation. National Socialism, in that respect, was heavily and unapologetically internationalist. Make Hitler his problem, not yours. As for the rest of this part of the assignment, listen to the other posters, with some comments from me:

What you need to do is posit this as a theoretical consequence, but then counter with the fact that the most ethnically homogenous nations are also the nations with the longest-living, healthiest people in the world and that inbreeding does not, in fact, affect them much.

> What is a nation
a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular state or territory.

I dont know why you would need anything other than the dictionary definition of 'nation'

>What is nationalism
A pride and love for ones people who reside in said nation

>What are risks and negative side effects of nationalism.
Potential for conflict with other nations who embrace the ideal of globalism

>what is a nation?
no such thing as a nation mmmkay we're all part of the planet earth we're all humans!!
>what is nationalism?
a horrible ideology to take pride in your history, culture and people, it's racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic, bigotry, literally hitler. very bad.
>what are risks and side effects of nationalism?
if we try nationalism we will sunk in 1000 years of darkness where we will be tortured, raped and murdered en masse.

This will get you a 10/10 OP.

It's quite a stretch to say that the EU ENDED state sovereignty. The EU is a goddamn treaty, signed by states. If state sovereignty was null, then the signatures on the treaty would be meaningless.

I hope you realize how foolish that sounds.

Also, it sounds fairly Eurocentric.

What about Bolivia? They are a Nation State, you EuroCuck.

>what is a nation?
nation in its narrower sense exists in the Old World and consists of a homogenous ethnic and cultural group that inhabits the nation state; members of the nation, the in-group, are distinct from their neighbours and all other nations, the out-group

>what is nationalism?
nationalism is political notion of putting the interests of one's own nation before any others, promoting social cohesion and achieving common goals that each loyal member of the in-group works towards; to illustrate use localism vs globalism dichotomy, as in you'd rather see the local carpenter make a quality product for 20% higher price than some poor soul that slaved away to make a dumping priced similar product

>what are risks and side effects of nationalism?
risks are chauvinistic tendencies that may arise, whereby patriotic sentiments could be channeled into antagonism towards any other out-group; positive side effects of nationalism are stronger social cohesion, greater feeling of belonging and greater social trust among the in-group and strenghtening or preservation of the national body while negative side effects might be lessened international cooperation with so-called progressive nations and lesser international economic activity, isolationism

The risk of nationalism is the nation opposes powerful globalist directives.

you are a saviour. I wish I could repay you. Spreading your word is hopefully enough

>It's quite a stretch to say that the EU ENDED state sovereignty.
It's not, though. In the realm of legal theory, the European Union is currently considered a confederation. There is some central authority that all member states must submit to and whose will they must enforce within their own borders, and this central authority stands above them in a hierarchy (the European Union is, as they say, supranational rather than international). The only reason it is not a full-fledged federation yet is because member states can still elect to leave. Once that possibility is removed, the European Union becomes a federation as far as legal theory is concerned.

This. You wrote an A+ paper for him.

Mirin that writing user.

a nation: a conglomeration of people who practice exclusionary measures to experience an experience where tight communities work together to rise above.

Nationalism: the resistance to calls of tearing down what makes nations special

The risks of nationalism is that rhetoric will become incendiary towards neighbors cutting down trade or leading to destruction of the environment.

ofc history has always to do with geography like imagine germany beating russia in a battle near Tannenberg.

it is a factor to nationalism but imo not the most important.

Not even wrong. I succesfully completed my bachelor's thesis in law simply by writing down what I knew the person who graded it wanted to hear. It wasn't particularly good, but it rubbed them the right way so it was graded well.

>Germany invented smearing shit on their budding food to grow more food

Only a Kraut

the sad thing is. you would be right

just look at the questions. It's clear she already expects certain answers. I don't care though, because you make more sense

a nation is the area in which governments forcefully control their citizens

>ENDED state sovereignty.

Yes it did, when you gave up your currency.

sure, write a message. Gothic type-wrting is fucking awesome.

That's the kind of subtle brainwashing they always do. Back in my secondary school we had a lesson called developmental studies where we learned why feminism, multiculturalism is good and why diversity is strength without any negatives. I often joked with a few friends that to pass you had to say the opposite of what you actually thought.

nvm, i just scrolled down after writing this

>what is a nation?
A group of people which ancestors built and fought for the country. Niggers born in Europe are still niggers, not Europeans.

>what is nationalism?
Love for your country and your nation and putting them on the first place before others nations/countries

>what are risks and side effects of nationalism?
Risks: too much of a nationalism can lead to a lack of nationalism vide Germany 1933-1945

1: A nation is a set of people who have a shared history, culture, and tongue. It's true that there is tad bit arbitrary thinking, but with HLA and genes we can tell tehre are nations of people.
2: Nationalism is the love of your greater family, not just your cousins or second cousins but those who share your HLA
3: With nationalism springs liberty and independence from empires and hegemonys The will of a people is finally born. A people can be free from the institutional prejudices set against them. In gaining independence a nation can suffer an economic setback and a loss of people, but in most cases a people choose independence look at south Korea or Singapore, or Australia

Beautiful handwriting

Love for your country is called patriotism. Nationalism is void of feelings I believe.

well, the concept of a nation started after the Peace of Westphalia The Peace of Westphalia recognized the full territorial sovereignty of the member states of the empire. They were empowered to contract treaties with one another and with foreign powers, provided that the emperor and the empire suffered no prejudice. By this and other changes the princes of the empire became absolute sovereigns in their own dominions. The Holy Roman emperor and the Diet were left with a mere shadow of their former power.

This is where the idea of a nation state begins. The idea that a certain territory has a right to sovereignty and the right to international diplomacy.

it really has nothing to do with ethnic pride, since after the treaty of westphalia, countries of similar ethnic background still maintained national pride over their own country (re: german prince nations)

>what is a nation?

A collection of individuals who feel exceptional empathy for each other on the basis of shared culture and heritage.

>what is nationalism?

Support of intranational solidarity of culture, often with international diversity of culture.

>what are risks and side effects of nationalism?

In small doses it can cut international competition for labor, benefiting the working class at the expense of globalists. In impractical extremes, it can harm capitalists and the working class.

thank you. I'm still working on it

try again, they invented phosphates you pleb.

People were smearing shit on their plants BEFORE the germans.

Ich wünschte mir deine handschrift, ein affe hat eine schönere handschrift als ich

Here, have some Ernest Gellner.

Nationalism – the principle of homogenous cultural units as the foundation of political life, and the obligatory cultural unity of rules and the ruled.

I could write a lot more and maybe someday I will, but don't have the time right now. Use the above as a base and put in your own ideas.

Remember, nationalism gave us Hitler and the holohoax but also democracy and shit.

>Remember, nationalism gave us Hitler and the holohoax but also democracy and shit.

None of these things are good or desirable.