Sup Forums should we take down Iran?

Sup Forums should we take down Iran?

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We should take down the entire middle east m8.

That's not a picture of Iran.

Is she ok?

you sure?

how would you go about that boys?

>You are, all of you, vermin. Cowering in the dirt, thinking... what, I wonder? That you might escape the coming fire? No. Your world will burn until its surface is but glass! And not even your Demon will live to creep, blackened, from its hole to mar the reflection of our passage; the culmination of our Journey. For your destruction is the will of the gods! And I...I am their instrument!
What did he mean by this?

Yes, it's a picture taken during a demonstration against stoning. It's not a picture of Iran itself.

She looks pretty stoned out desu

See, it's a robot that was used for a demonstration against stoning in Afghanistan.

Iranians don't do stoning. Maybe the Baluchi and Arabs of the Deep South do though, but they are avoided by Persians and Azeri.


What has Iran ever done to me?

>when da weed hits u 2 hard

Here's a better picture.

Take resources from all western and east/north Asian countries and build a huge fucking wall all around the Middle east and North Africa. Let everyone in said wall calm down or kill each other.

The easiest way would be to just nuke all of you

Right, you can see different ethnic people walking by. It's from a demonstration against stoning the Taliban do, I believe. I know it's fro a demonstration for sure.

Stop spreading misinformation.

do we have to pay for the wall?

Hippies have been complaining about nukes for ages, finally we have a place where everyone agrees they could be dumped.

that's not a real stoning faggot. it's from a demonstration against stoning.

they do this instead of having some degenerate naked feminists piss on the street as "protest"

You can try.

Lulz, nah you'll all be dying or making up. Non Muslims better get the fuck out

This, Iranians are smarter than the shithole mid east. The government is crazy but the people are based


>ignoring the atheist pro-muslim nigger president we have


learn history


How about an invasion?




Murica din du nuffin'

The din du is literally ingrained in the country now.

you should learn history.

no iran is the only based country in the ME


>literally 100 times worse than Vietnam


No country in the ME is based

Of course you guys won't make a wall around Saudi Arabia, your buddies -- the guys who funded 9/11 hijackers, financed ISIS & Al Qaeda, and spread Wahhabism/Salafism around the Middle East to destabilize it.

All because you want to back the dollar by OPEC's oil

Yeah, keep thinking that.

This. Crying about Iran while being allied to Saudis, it's a fucking joke, neolibs/cons have no shame.

pic looks so fake.

>It's not a picture of Iran itself
no fucking shit Sherlock

if anyone needs taken down, it's saudi arabia and israel

I'd like to see you try Abdul.

Do I have to keep linking the exercise that the pentagon threw of a naval match of iran vs america in the straight or Hormuz?

Ending with Iran shredding the hell out of the "Worlds strangest military" to the point where they had to call for a second match where iran was gimped with the rule of "Red can't attack blue for 13 days straight, just to sit and take hits from the "superior military".


I wouldn't expect a shit country like yours to understand power moves.

Kek, right...

Iran has 78 million people and is a mountainous and large country.
I'm not saying you can't invade them, you can and you can win, but it would be ten times worse than Iraq.

>power moves
This is not a video game.

oil is useless until its refined

which country refines the most oil?

Personally I don't want to be their allies. I don't want any ties to nearly any of those sandholes.

Fpbp, but look out, Merkel might send a hit squad after you

Implying we wouldn't use this knowledge
lets be honest we do not need that straight to invade or blockade Iran.

It's almost impossible to look at a picture of Bush and not smile.

The man knows how to have fun.

No, Iran is probably the only hope for the future of the Middle East and the only country capable of, and willing to, stand up to the Sunnite cancer.

Why would you be opposed to taking out Iran?

Waaah! we just wont attack them from there!

fucking kek dude, just stop

I thought mudslims grew on trees.

No shit

but that would cut into hillary's donations


british,american,nato and israeli invasion for the bantz?

That's embarrassing. What's the fucking point of rigging a wargame?

No you shouldn't.
We export our shit to Iran.

Do Bahrain's hate Saudi or anything? Hows it going there, did Saudi stop their shit?

It's about crude oil. We're now backing the dollar with OPEC's oil, hence why we've meddled in Middle Eastern affairs for awhile. To reinforce this point: William E. Simon's 1974 deal with Saudi Arabia involved neutralizing crude oil to finance America’s widening deficit with its newfound petrodollar wealth.

It would be ideal if the USA did not have investments in KSA and GCC countries, and it wasn't backing the dollar by OPEC's oil. Then you'd have nothing to do with the Middle East.

Fuck George W. Bush. Read Pat Buchanan instead, you sick neocon fuck.


I said the entire middle east and North Africa. This includes the Arabian Peninsula and Israel.

I meant it all

250 Million being wasted on a project that shows a bunch of low tech speedboats beating our big-bad-bully air craft carriers that cost Billions EACH, doesn't look good at all...

Clooney looks like a 70s Persian

So using turkey, Iraq and Afghanistan as staging points is totally impossible right? You act like wargames aren't meant to be lessons, if you think the worlds strongest military wouldn't play it's strengths and acknowledge it's weaknesses in an operation then you are retarded.

Turkey is pro western
Iraq is pro western
Afghanistan is pro western

Again just stop, plus that exercise isn't about specific qualities, it shows how the whole military is under estimated.

Why do you think all the media does is cry Iranian aggression whilst giving them drone technology, too strong. Now stop ffs.

Iraq is the only realistic staging point, and it's a shitty staging point given how they have a huge Shia minority that is under Iranian influence.
Afghanistan is shit.
You could attack Iran and you could defeat them militarily.
But you occupying Iran would be extremely costly and while Russia and China are still kicking, a totally pointless move.

Most shia hate them and no they didn't stop

>shia minority

No shit, do you know what a staging point is? Also all it shows is that our navy is vulnerable when in narrow bodies of water.

fake as fuck


Read this:
Islam is retarded.

Oops, sorry, meant to write majority.

By turning it into a fucking parking lot you shitskin sand sucker

Exactly how is Iraq the only realistic staging point?

>Again just stop, plus that exercise isn't about specific qualities, it shows how the whole military is under estimated.

Can you read?

Also read up on Iran's military strategy if you care, the iranian military doesn't just randomly "choose" speed boat swarm tactics, just "happening" to shred america's unstoppable navy. Again, stop underestimating it.

Funny enough despite being our sworn enemies, iran has been a better ally to us than anyone else in the middle east really.

Neoconservatives are warmongering retards. Real conservatives are paleoconservatives.

The US and the UK are the only reason why a democratic and westernised Iran was replaced by a theocratic-authoritarian system.

Eat your own shit.

In order to invade something you have to develop logistics for start.
Then take into account the terrain. In both cases it's mountainous as fuck, plus Afghanistan literally has no infrastructure and I don't think eastern part of Iran is much better either.

It is best to just isolate yourselves from the Middle East for awhile, really. Too many American lives have died for this retarded economic battle to back the dollar by OPEC's oil. Check here: Iran is fucked up, but they're a threat to no one but Israel, really.

Yes but Turkey wouldn't be a terrible staging point and having bases and airstrips in Afghanistan is an easy way to keep up logistics. The fact of the matter is we would win against Iran, that is why I asked "should we" and not "could we"

>bases and airstrips
Despite what you may think US airlift capacity is not nearly big enough to supply and invasion like that. Just like in every war, supplies would come by sea. So Afghanistan is dumb choice even on that point.
Theoretically, yes, I can see US destroying Iran militarily. But that would cost awfully lot, and what do you do after that? How do you occupy a 78 million country that doesn't want you there?
Do you think Russians and Chinese will just sit and watch?
US power isn't as unlimited as you think it is.

>keeps making grammatical mistakes
>can't spell worth shit
>fails to understand the geopolitics of the region
>pushing America into an needless war
Are you a shitskin Arab by any chance?

no you stupid kike
fight your own wars for once
why the fuck would we make more refugees when your just going to send the to europe



>Yeah so what Iran can cream our navy and has built its rest of its military arms to the same benefit as shown in the millennium 2002 challenge.

>Le Turkey is pro-western and would allow this
>Le Afghanistan is pro-western and would allow this

Stop repeating points, you're sounding like a ghoul

Let alone Pakistan and Russia saying that if anything happens, it would mean WW3.

Yer a nutter DTh0Vuy2


Take down Israel.

All problems solved.

