What does Sup Forums say to all the peaceful Muslims? You can't deny that #notallJibJabs are terrorists, many just want to get through each day. What's really so bad about benign Islam? Should the peaceful ones convert?
What does Sup Forums say to all the peaceful Muslims? You can't deny that #notallJibJabs are terrorists...
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was my post not shit enough?
I ask myself the pic related question every day
>What does Sup Forums say to all the peaceful Muslims?
I dunno. I never thought about that. But probably the same thing i would say to a bigfoot or the loch ness monster.
>the extremist Pole strikes again
Literally 99% of Muslims are peaceful. Also, they do less crime than Poles. Fuck off.
Nice, at this rate in few centuries jew shekels will cover your debt.
Exactly. fuck off alt-right bigots, it's the 2016th year of our lord
>Why are 1.5 billion people are allowed to practice their religion but an ideology that wants to exterminate certain people isn't
What happen
lived surrounded by muslims most of my life, most of them are ok, but as soon as something concerning their religion comes up they immediatly side with the muslim side, some are open about it, some try to hide it, or turn to conspiracy theories
stuff i heard/read them say
>poor palestinians , imagine what they have to go trough so the only thing it is left for them is to suicide bomb israelis ;(((
>isis is made by the americans so muslims look bad, thats al phottoshop propaganda
>just the other day a women got spat on in a tram for doing the "cross" sign
>media reporting it as 2 women fihgting over religion when its clear the muslim one spat on the christian
theres tons of stuff like that
also unlike christians, who dont give a fuck musllims like to stick together
muslims in general are cancer, despite me having muslims friends i really beieve so
100% of Muslims worship a genocidal child rapist. It's a terrorist ideology, and those who spread it "peacefully" are just as guilty as the suicide bombers, as they're teaching the terrorists of tomorrow.
Islam was invented to justify the subjugation and extermination of all non-Muslims (infidels), read the Quran Abdullah.
Because Muslims are a religion and they haven't started any world wars
I don't see 1.6 billion* people killing anyone not like them they see
probably because they are too busy killing each other for piles of sand
I don't think you understand how the world works
Germany's population in 1939: 80,600,000
German Army in WW2 at peak size: 6,550,000
Your point? Just because #notalltowels doesn't mean most if not all support Sharia law globally, a system of law that condemns all non-Muslims to death or subservience.
The second one is a symbol of sadomasochistic interrogation perfection OP.
It should be OK.
The first one I don't care about, muslimlesbos should have adopted feminist ideology before America got hold of it.
My point is that if they really do believe in whatever evil thing you think they believe in then they would of done it. which doesn't happen
What world? did arabs participate? Where they regarded as people?
The concept of world at the time included only modern civilizations, not subhumans. Not even blacks in America were free then.
Islam is literally an ideology far worse than nazism ever was, in both their actions and teachings.
Yet anything about Nazism is obfuscated and outlawed, prohibited and persecuted, but Islam is protected.
I'm done arguing with delusional bitterfags
They have killed 380 million people in 1400 years.... Who says they aren't?
Today my sister fainted in the supermarket and a Muslim woman in religious dress came up and offered her water, held her head up so she could drink some and poured some on her face while the medics arrived.
That woman is probably a productive member of society and doesn't support terrorism or Sharia.
I would still kill that woman and her children, because the actions of an individual do not excuse the actions of the group, and the ethnic makeup of my country is not up for sacrifice if you're kind or cruel, you do not belong here.
That is the nature of hate, it is uncompromising, unconditional. The immune system does not change its response based how dangerous a virus or a bacterium is, it kills all invaders indiscriminately.
Peaceful muslims are the friends and family of terrorists and do nothing to expose their plots.
Most of these kids that get famous at a super young age wind up to be fucked up train wrecks. This is just the beginning for Chloe.
Surrendering logic to dogmatic arbitrary literature isn't intelligent. All religions are top tier autism, they are an allegory for biology, electricity, magnetism, and astrotheology.
They should deal with the unpeaceful muslims in their own countries first and live there. Not in the fucking europe, they don't belong here at all.
>because the actions of an individual do not excuse the actions of the group
literally admitting that you're responsible for slavery
most cucked comment of the day super blue pill
I wasn't alive when slavery was a thing, and if I was I probably wouldn't have protested it.
These Muslims are alive right now, and do nothing about terrorism in their communities.
>many just want to get through each day
Why don't they get through each day in their own homeland? They are not peaceful by definition if they are invading other societies, one way or another.
>benign islam
can confirm. There are nice black people that I know but would genocide them if they did not go back to Africa.
Do you condone the killing of any person who is part of an ethnic minority, regardless of ethnicity and aggregate behaviour of the minority ("I would still kill that woman and her children," "the ethnic makeup of my country is not up for sacrifice if you're kind or cruel, you do not belong here.") Or is there just a flaw in either my reading comprehension or how you phrased the sentence?
If a country with 50 million of race x was bordered by a country with 40 million of race y (both countries having different cultures), and the governments of both countries agreed to merge the countries into one, would it be morally acceptable for the residents of the first country to kill the residents of the second en masse, and would the reverse (minority killing majority) be acceptable?
itt: buttblasted newfag cucks whining about muh nazis
friendly reminder to you that Sup Forums is a national socialist board
If you threaten the ethnic makeup of my country, or the dominance of the native culture, and make your intentions to harm my people overt and act on them, then it is completely morally justifiable to act defensively and remove the threat.
There are many minorities in many countries, the Indians don't cause problems, the Chinese don't cause problems, even the Roma who are all scum don't pose any kind of real threat and are more of a nuisance, but Muslims pose an existential threat and have stated their intentions to harm us again and again, and followed through.
There's an easy way to avoid being "oppressed", go back where you came from, to where they live the way you think is acceptable.
They have no right to be here, no claim to the land, no justification for what they're doing besides that we won't follow the rules they try to impose through violence on hosts who welcome them and try to make them feel comfortable and safe.
>would it be morally acceptable for the residents of the first country to kill the residents of the second en masse
If one of those cultures decided to attempt to genocide the other, then it would be morally defensible for them to defend themselves using violence.
y u so cucked dude? this is Sup Forums. go back to tumblr if you're this much of a faggot