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More like a JEB SURGE, BABY
>trump doesn't need to prepare and rehearse for shillary's name calling
>trump's been practicing with all those speeches he's been giving
>this is what trumpets believe
He is God Emperor Why would He?
the Trumoenfuhrer has been dreaming mock debates against Crooked Hillary in his sleep for the past year...the Emperor is ready...
This will destroy Hillary.
When you are strong, make your enemy think you are weak.
are nice places.
Not sure about Brooklyn...
Hey Scouser, don't be afraid to post.
They are literally polar opposites
>Hillary weak as shit
>trying to make it seem like she has some black ops level prep going on
>Trump is strong as shit
>trying to make it seem like he has fucking nothing going on
This is more propaganda to make people think somehow Trump was involved or is to blame when there aren't any debates. Hillary will not get on a live televised debate stage. It can't help her. There won't be any debates.
roths child user was right he is just a plant for Hillary to win the election at the last moment he may drop out, fucking panic everyone.
Fort Collins or Naperville?
Its funny how Trumpfags cry about Hilliary not doing debates when Trump chickened out of a debate during the primaries.
Really makes me think.
> implying you need to debate anything once the world finds out that major clinton foundation donors are also running terrorist groups and worldwide globalization
Kill yourself.
President McCain when?
In all honesty, all these reports of huge teams of people psycho-analyzing Trump for Hillary's debate prep, weeks before the debates even take place, will likely overload Clinton with hypotheticals and psyche her out when the debate actually takes place
Meanwhile Trump strolls in cool as cucumber and barely has to throw a few jabs before Hilldog is poopoopeepeeing herself live on stage
You're all a bunch of fucking idiots.
Clinton is a master debater. She knows the issues backwards and forwards. She's been involved with politics for decades. She's calm, patient, cunning, and blazingly intelligent. And her team is going through 40-something years of Trump's history looking for anything they can find to rattle him.
Trump has no political experience of any kind. He's a shitty businessman who's been nearly ruined several times. He has zero attention span and no ability to absorb complex information. He's totally ignorant about anything outside of his tiny little bubble of wealth. He's incredibly sensitive and thin-skinned about anything that might call his self-proclaimed genius into question.
Clinton will absolutely destroy him.
Unfortunately, his idiot supporters will think he won. But everyone else will see him for what he is: an ignorant, bigoted blowhard with no understanding of the real world.
donald didn't prepare for any of the primary debates either and won the nomination by the largest amount in history
> Literally blame Putin for an 'Alt-right' movement, something she made up, on National Telivision
> Great at debating
It's like kicking an infant.
Clinton is going to sound calculated, clinical and phoney: this is the best move for Trump, because Hillary's team of data analysts need to understand every detail of what he's planning to do for their strategy to be effective
He's going to be unpredictable, so they won't be able to coach her properly
You're full of shit and you know you're full of shit.
You just wish you could be as full of shit as your Glorious Leader.
>The 10 billion dollar mogul who will be president of the US is just a big dumb failure, and here's why:
And who might my 'glorious leader' be?
But have another shekel for the trouble, goy.
He ain't worth $10B. If he were telling the truth about his finances, he wouldn't be so afraid of releasing his tax returns.
He has one and only one talent: promoting his personal brand.
>implying Hillary didn't ditch a Bernie debate too
Once again, every accusation against Trump is something Hillary has already done. As icing on the cake Hillary has dozens of accusations for crimes Trump has never done.
Clinton's not a master debater at all, she lost heavily to Obama. The Clintons are excellent politicians, and Bill is excellent at debate... not so much Hillary.
Trump on the other hand, is comfortable off the cuff, and knows how to work a crowd and has an innate ability to play the media. He's got the upper hand here.
Let alone the fact that Clinton might not even be able to walk from the curtain to the podium...
And the bigotry comes out. Thanks for helping prove Clinton's point about the alt-right.
> Be so afraid
He doesn't HAVE to release his tax returns. Unlike Hilary, with whom it has been proven that she's been dishonest. She broke a federal law on camera.
Trump didn't.
I'm not intolerant towards your shitty opinion at all. In fact I love you.
But why are you willingly ignoring my points?
>tfw Trump will leave the stage prematurely to tweet about how Hillary and the women moderators from the evil lying media were mean to him
Wow start arguing any time
Trump won't be able to work this crowd. Debate audiences are required to be silent.
And Clinton's health is just fine. Have you forgotten the 11 hours of questioning by Congress that she got through without breaking a sweat?
Trump doesn't want to release his tax returns because he's a billionaire, champ, he's being heavily audited by the IRS already and the liquid/illiquid asset scenario in real estate is a little beyond the average voter
That "TAX RETURNS ARE VERY IMPORTANT TO THE ELECTION" meme worked on Romney but it's got no power now, where are the medical records, kike? Where's the balance sheet for the Clinton Foundation? Why does Putin have all of her emails?
> Hilary will need a walking cane while her husband Bill falls asleep
> Trump is laughing through all of this
He BTFO of all the other candidates at the previous debates, without preparing.
Trump probably says he isn't going to prepare that much.
Yeah, she only did what every presidential candidate of the modern era has done.
Every candidate except Trump. What's he hiding?
CNN: the poster
damn son, your shilling could get you rich if you're not careful
The crowd isn't the crowd in the hall, the crowd is social media - everyone around the country and around the world. That's who Trump is targeting.
I find this hard to believe, heck he brought in Aisles specifically for prepping.
Your picture captures how retarded you people are.
>bushes magically grow like that over night or something
Yeah she lied without breaking a sweat. Now thát's talent a true president requires.
He's not hiding anything, because no one is looking for anything. How much are you being paid anyway? Is it enough to feed your wife's son?
I'm not Jewish. Not that that's a bad thing.
>I don’t want to present a false front... I want to present a storm front.
Well that's it, I'm shitlering myself now.
If Clinton's health is just fine what's up with the seizures?
Trump could win this debate just by yelling BOO, she'd have an epileptic fit
>“I believe you can prep too much for those things,” Trump said in an interview last week, according to the Times.
“It can be dangerous. You can sound scripted or phony — like you’re trying to be someone you’re not.
>“I know who I am, and it got me here,” Trump said.
>“I don’t want to present a false front. I mean, it’s possible we’ll do a mock debate, but I don’t see a real need.”
All excellent points. OP is a fag.
Well, you know what they say:
Slow and steady wins the race.
I guess the Turtle God, the Holy Guacamole has blessed Jeb!, it just took some time.
Nobody is paying me a dime. Or a shekel. I'm doing this strictly for the massive lulz of watching you flail around. I can't wait to come here after Election Day to see your heads exploding. It'll be glorious.
What's up with this weird reaction to balloons?
A lion dosn't need to strech before takeing down a sickly gazelle.
how do you know how long it took between taking the pics
I do want clinton to win, though.
Our society is on the wrong path and the only way to fix it is to let it burn down.
hillary is the surest path of burning it all down the fastest.
Yeah, it can be dangerous. You can sound like you know what the fuck you're talking about. Wouldn't want to go against his well-established brand.
> Flail around
t. Cuckold that has to respond to multiple people at once to defend his shilling
There's enough salt in those comments to last us for years.
Even more amusing is the fact that liberals seems to think that Hillary will actually perform well during the debate.
Been saying this for months. The whole thing is a farce
t. Haven't watched any of his speeches
I've watched both. Hillary talks a lot about the alt right and liberal norms and values. Trump talks about the economy.
he's playing mindgames with shillary
sometimes athletes do the same thing, a big game coming up and they pretend to not care
I'm not crying, I'm laughing. At you.
Why would be engage in mock debates? This just gives Hillary practise and opportunity to learn how to debate him
Presenting a coherent argument instead of ranting incoherent garbage as he does at his rallies isn't the same as a "false front", unless of course he's just an incoherent moron and doesn't want to change that.
Oh god, I just had this vision. Imagine Trump as POTUS, visiting other states, doing speeches without a teleprompter. Oh god it would be hilarious. I can see the headlines already..
>Trump dumbest president ever?
>What was America thinking?
>GOP found dead, hung by snout and neck
nb4 more shilling
She is literally every reason not to vote for a politician all rolled into one person. But wait, there's more:
-She was a lawyer who defended a rapist and laughed at the plight of the 12 year old rape victim
-She was fired from the Watergate investigation for lying and being unethical
-She lied about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary
-She lied throughout her Whitewater scandal
-She lied about taking "sniper fire" when visiting the Balkans during 90s
-She lied about Benghazi
-She lied throughout her email scandal and continues to lie about it
-She lied about being broke after leaving the White House
-She described blacks as being "super-predators"
-She hired a VP of Goldman-Sachs to be her 2016 campaign manager.
-She received millions of dollars from Goldman-Sachs for speaking engagements
-Her "charity" received tens of millions of dollars from Goldman-Sachs, JP Morgan, Citigroup, and UBS
-Her "charity" received tens of millions of dollars from China, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Qatar, and the UAE
-She supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Turkey
-She voted for the Patriot Act twice
-She was "adamantly against illegal immigration" before she was for it
-She was opposed to gay marriage before she was for it
-She approved the sale of US uranium to Russian nuclear corporations in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her "charity"
-She gave out eight Secretary of State's Awards for Corporate Excellence, and seven were to corporations that donated millions to her "charity"
lol it's over
I've been saying for months the debates are going to be decisive
if he opens his mouth and spills some more dumb bullshit that close to the election it's over
That's right, just keep telling yourself that. It'll make your meltdown even more entertaining.
Remember that exchange between weev and Joel Stein like a week ago? That's basically what's happening here. The media doesn't understand that Trump is telling them to fuck off.
She had to pivot towards Sanders positions because he was outperforming her. Fucking Sanders, the guy who refused to bring up her corruption
I grow vegetables and was really into biology. I don't know when they were taken, but I'd say the implied "installed a rail for frail Hillary" is dumb as fuck just as the whole health garbage.
This is classic political maneuvering. Trump is setting a low expectation for the first debate. If he does just OK people will say he did surprisingly well. If he does poorly people will say he doesn't have the political experience, which he will then use on twitter to further prove he's an outsider. Read a book ffs.
>thinking a larper is real
yeah, might as well stick a leaf on that flag
nigger i aint no fucking shill bang nails into your asshole if you were not here for the last 4 days in those threads.
Can we just dump them and have Sanders VS Cruz? Or Webb VS Rand?
drink more poppy seed tea limey
It's already over. Hillary is so far ahead that she could lose every swing state and still get to 270. And guess what? She's actually ahead in all the swing states.
Trump is about to lose, in the biggest way imaginable. I'm looking forward to seeing how he handles it. Not well, I'm guessing.
>I'm not crying, I'm laughing at you!
He said, his anus clenched with fury as he fights back tears of impotent cuckold rage.
>Lots of "Fucks", "Niggers"
>Zero substance
>Obvious shill
Thank you for correcting the record.
Maybe because there was nothing there. Unlike Trump, Sanders isn't stupid enough to keep spouting obvious lies.
Clinton Cash - foreign government or business interests make huge donation to clinton foundation or pay enormous speaking fees to Bill, and then HRC pushes government policy or agenda in favor of donors, oftentimes contradicting earlier Clinton agendas. The nature of the deals and the people involved are often shady as fuck, if not just outright horrible dictators. Impeccably sourced.
Email Server - likely to hide shady correspondence from FOIA requests and subpoenas, HRC used a private email server while Sec. of State. The FBI found that this violated State Dept. protocols and that classified information was housed on these unsecured servers, though they did not recommend indictment. She also lied to the public and to congress while under oath about the nature of this server
DNC leak - WikiLeaks published over 20,000 from the democratic national committee's communications office which shows clear collusion with media outlets, clear bias in favor of HRC over Bernie Sanders during the primaries, and possible indications of money laundering through the Hillary Victory Fund
Net manipulation - Talk of the leak has been silenced across the internet, with some like MSNBC (who is implicated in the leak) not even publishing a single story about it. Reports have social media administrators burying trending hashtags and stories related to the leaks. Google, a major Clinton campaign contributer, also used to manipulate search auto-fills to bias searches of Hillary in more positive light.
In a mock debate Trump reveals his hand.
he doesn't want to reveal his hand.
Likely he knows there are spys in his operation.
Actually, I'm wearing a big ol' shit-eating grin at this very moment. But you go on thinking what you want. It won't change the outcome one bit.
Your rationalizations are amazing, I'll give you that.
More like he's just going to come into the room wearing a strobe light
Well, Trumpkins, it's been fun, but I need to go do other things. See you another time. Try not to get too much of the Donald's shit stuck in your teeth, k?
Hillary is about as exciting as a wet rag on live 10, she will be hashtag rekt
>Try not to get too much of the Donald's shit stuck in your teeth, k?
Oh look we have a scat expert here
i don't
Too late for that, American. You made your dumb orange muppet bed, now lie in it.
>dumping dumb videos like an autist Trump supporter
>I have no argument other than "Trumpkins"
>Oh i'm too busy to argue right now
>...Screw you guys, i'm going home!
Common liberal strategy. Hillary may do the same.
Thanks for correcting the record Muhammad.
>ctr has been reduced to just denying blatant truths
You guys scrapped the whole 'look like one of them' plan real fast huh?