Tell me all dirt you guys have on hillary
Redpill me on hillary
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Hillary has so much dirt I don't know what to post that wouldn't look like she's got less than she has.
She pooped her pants
*shart in mart
Just keep posting, make yhis a dump thread of everything hillary did
Hillary Clinton has done LITERALLY nothing wrong.
Also, just check /cfg/.
Let's start with the easy stuff;
>used a private email server for classified information
>allowed others to use it
>deleted the emails
>lied under oath about it
>continues to deny an act of treason after she got found out
And here's where it gets freaky
>several people to whom she's connected dying left and right
>clearly murder, given the details
>Hillary seems to always benefit from these deaths
>Blatant cover up stories like suicide or robbery gone wrong
There's more complicated stuff, but I'm not that good with words. Perhaps someone else can fill in the rest?
You want the dirt on Hillary? Ok, here we go. You ready?
She has no fucking idea what she is doing.
She just does what others tell her to do. She rode her husbands coattails to get where she is. She even took the same email system her husband had set up without asking how it actually worked. She rode around the world on airplanes, sending emails on her blackberry, meeting with foreign officials the State Department sent her to meet. When shit went down in Benghazi, she fucked around for hours instead of getting troops on site. She was more concerned with the politics involved in the situation than saving American lives. Then there is her lack of knowledge of how her email system worked. She was literally sending top secret information to a server IN HER HOUSE. Not to a server in a government building. Not through the military messaging system. She was sending it to her fucking Compaq E-Machine sitting in her house. Then she lies about on TV. Or maybe she didn't like, because she actually had no fucking idea what she had actually done because she didn't care. For her it just worked. She and her husband set up a charity foundation so they could avoid paying more taxes. She used the state department to set up meetings with the understanding you had to "donate" to the foundation to get a meeting.
Now she stands on the precipice of the oval office...because she has a vagina.
go here: >these faggots don't even look at the catalog
Long story short:
>she rigged the primaries (both in procedural violations involving the DNC and in direct electoral fraud)
>She is in poor health, likely has parkinson's or other degenerative brain issues
>Sold weapons to Saudi and uranium to Russia
>Top aide is a Saudi with MB connections
>Dozens of key witnesses, leaks, or opponents have dropped dead
>Sold influence and access out of Clinton Foundation
>Used BleachBit to destroy evidence of wrongdoing
>Let men she knew well die in Benghazi while she hemmed and hawwed over whether the rescue team should wear uniforms
>Silenced Bill's victims
>Called KKK Grand Cyclops Robert Byrd her "mentor" about the same time Trent Lott was getting crucified over Strom Thurmond.
>Former Goldwater Girl
>Supported TPP and helped form it before opposing it now
>Circulated photos of Obama dressed in traditional Kenyan (Muslim) garb back in '08
Am I leaving anything out?
She's a sociopath that enjoys her enemies being sodomized by bayonets and wants to start WW3.
1. She did not rig the electorates, every poll showed her winning.
2. SHE DOES NOT have parkinson or brain issues, you are silly if believe this conspiracy.
3. Go correct the record and read why the whole clinton foundation scandal is entirely false, they even provide sources to prove their claims. furthermore, US and Saudi Arabia had trade relations with decades, nothing unusual.
4. NONE of the people who died were "witnesses" of anything, that is entirely made up by conspiracy theorists to make their conspiracy more compelling.
5. again, actually encourage you to go and visit CTR and see for yourself why this conspiracy is wrong.
6. She did not just "let them die", the whole story is about not having better security there in the first place. when you are 24 years handling sensitive issues, some mistakes will be made. she is human user
7. Robert Byrd left the KKK in the 50's if i remember correctly, and when he was a senator he actually fought against them. she called him her mentor when he died in 2010 for his funeral, and many other senate member praised him for how he changed his ways and contributed to the US
8. The whole le "obama is a muslim" conspiracy is merely a fake conspiracy
1. Gaddafi was a tyrant, she laughed for winning a war. like how most of the US celebrated when bin-laden died.
2. She said that if iran will nuke israel, she will fight iran. every single US president would do that
3. Completely pointless and substance-less video.
People find her laughing about getting a 41 year old homeless man off after raping a 12 year old girl problematic.
Especially problematic was arguing that the 12 year old girl was looking for an older man to have sex with because she was brutally raped.
nice try correcttherectum but goggle proves you wrong
You are a crazy jew. Debbie Schultz, another jew, had to step down after proof of her rigging the system in Hillary's favor surfaced.
She is dying.
>tfw forgot to turn on proxy
"Clinton volunteered to defend a rapist, laughed at the girl and told her she fantasize about man!"
1. She said she did not really want to work on the case, but she was APPOINTED BY THE JUDGE for the case.
2. She did not laugh during the case like some people claim, she laughed when recalling some events that happened during the investigation YEARS LATER, and the laughs were not about the girl, but about some details of the investigations.
3. She did not say the girl was "fantasizing about men" like what republicans claim, it was a CHILD PSYCHOLOGY EXPERT who said it during the case.
4 He was not simply freed, it ended with a plea, like 95% of the cases that go to court. she respectfully did her job as a lawyer.
just funny, black gäy president into sick old psycho woman
how do democrats say? Trump assumes, that america wouldn't be great at the momment
The polls were from multiple independent sources, and all showed her winning.
Indian vote secured
Always the FUCKING JEW.
>.03 shekels etc
CTR? Why are you guys set on defending her? You have nothing else to do?
thanks mate
I defend her because i've seen the sheer amount of lies spread on her. i simply want people to know the truth.
Everything written in Correct The Record is truthful, you should give it a chance.
1. Bro do you even statistics? She outperformed exit polls correlating very strongly with electronic voting machines
2-6 I can't tell if you're shilling or sarcastic
7. Byrd was a dixiecrat who didn't leave the party. Thurmond was a dixiecrat who did. Trent Lott praised Thurmond similarly and was run out of office
8. No shit Sherlock, but she was the one pushing it. She was "otherizing" Obama and everyone who Olberman to O'Reilly took her to task for it.
1. user she was destroying sanders.
2-6 - I was neither shilling or sarcastic, merely truthful.
7. Byrd changed his long ago user, even many black people forgave him already
8. She never directly claimed he was muslim or not born in the US, the one who directly did it was actually.... guess who. trump.
First for Hillary dindu
She was laughing because she said the guy passed a polygraph test and that forever destroyed her faith in polygraph tests. She knew he was guilty and laughed about it. During the case the evidence was bloody underwear the guy had and the bloody part got cut out to get tested, but that piece got lost somehow. So of course they only had the part without the blood and Hillary used that little "coincidence" as a way to say there was no evidence and she laughs about it and praises herself for using that to get the guys sentence reduced, it is fucking sick
So you were neither shilling nor sarcastic when you said Vince Foster didn't witness anything?
>Israeli Flag
>CTR references
>Troll confirmed
teach me how to spoof my IP user
Why does she need Correct the record anyway?
If she was clean she would had nothing to fear about and wouldn't need the ctr
She's a belligerent bitch.
Cuck bait
When? Where? I know about all the global jewwing she does, but never this..?