in a last minute fuckin suprise trump has decided to hold a rally in my bum fuck town. im going and i want to do something for jokes to get on the news. im pro trump and anything i do would be Sup Forums , trump related. anyone have any good ideas? keep it funny and light guys.
!!! trump rally in fucking nowhere !!!
Other urls found in this thread:
The only answer is: Dress up as the Wall. Bonus points if your friends join in too
no signs are permitted btw. there will be our locals news crew and its open season on what i will say or do. im game for anything not super racist or fucked up.
Lead the cheers and be patriotic!
when the crowd is silent, he takes a pause scream "WE LOVE YOU GOD EMPEROR!"
im liking the last two ideas , to be clear this isnt to troll trump. i want to fuck with my local news station. trump related ideas are a bonus. i need something hilarious though to get them.
Trump's a famous builder, something about building a prison for the criminally insane for Hillary to reside in if he wins?
Dress up as a jew and set up a soap and lampshade stand.
Yell "PEPE" like the guy at the Hilldog rally did so we can witness you and make the (((JOURNALISTS))) scratch their heads.
i need some funny bros , one idea is to get an interview (totally capable of baiting them) and starting legit then just train wrecking the shit. if i can only manage something when they go live filming trump ill get as close as i can and scream something to the camera. i will deliver i have balls of steel.
If you do something it WILL get news coverage and be associated with the alt-right. This deserves more attention tbqh
hold up a sign that reads..
yell PEPE when he mentions alt-right
we need this to become meme at the debates
Scream "Hillary lied about the alt-right, vindicate us!!"
heil hillary maybe?
legit balls of steel my dudes. i give no fucks. worse they can do is ask me to leave. which i will and ill still vote for trump. ill also grab a beer a the pub after.
link for proofs. already got 2 tickets. if screaming pepe becomes general vote then i will do it. either while they are live or wait till they do on scene interviews.
You can also hide a swastika arm band and a hillary poster, you would have to get in front of the camera because they wouldn't pan to you
> Doesn't need to know what Trump says
> Assumes all of the rallies are hateful
God, Ohio really is fucking cucked.
This. Trump loves it when people call him that apparently.
i never said his rallies were hateful you fgt. im just doing this for laughs cause my town is nothing but alcohol and drugs. it would be talk of the town for a week and break up monotony. its ok to have a laugh you know. i also said i support trump ive listened to his rallies and words. i spread them. im active.
Wait for a quiet moment then yell "PEPE" as loud as you can.
Yell praise kek
Yell "Pepe hates hillary!"
You probably don't have time but it would be hilarious if you went in a Pepe costume and stood behind Trump in the camera shot.
This, do this and you will be hailed as the absolute madman forever
I swear to god if you do anything pepe, Sup Forums or meme related I'm voting Shillary.
this good
Ok come waste a plane ticket
no time to make a pepe suit or i would. its looking like screaming pepe is the go to. is anyone in aggreance with shouting dicks out for harambae also? i do live close to Cincinnati. went to the zoo a few weeks back.
Get behind him and hold up a sign that says "Watch MDE: World Peace, Fridays at 12:15 EST"
Good thing you can't vote.
No harambe shit
Use this opportunity to praise the almighty Kek.
Digits will it.
fucking come up with your own idea then, you drone
>c-cmon my dudes, i really w-want your approval
>what is expat
Oh wow, I didn't know anyone else except me knew what Sup Forums was in Wilmington.
This, Kek will approve & virgins will await thee
Forgot your proxy?
And Clap Three Times.
Can't lose.
i got dubs in my original post of course kek wills it.
There is absentee voting. I did it when I was stationed in Europe.
There are a bunch of people dismissing the whole town as racist simply because he's coming here.
do this
also fuck Sup Forums
yooo dubtown bro , got damn son. where you at exactly?
Do this.
People will just probably laugh and you'll be famous here. Doesn't hurt Trump.
Don't say anything racist mang, we don't need any more "what I saw at a trump rally" clickbait articles.
OP is a newfag. He's not going to do shit. Disregard this thread.
Out near Port William.
yeah nothing racist. dont care for all that. just want some laughs and a fun time for all.
The pepe shit is gay. Shout "We love you God Emperor"
That way people around you won't think you're autistic and you won't get thrown out.
Shout PEPE
Just don't be a nigger and interrupt the man's speech, okay?
Praise kek, yell that out
pepe shirt
Do it Ohpee. Don't be a queer.
That user was quoting the article, where a DNC roastie said his rallies are hateful.
at some point someone has to get him to say "can't stump the trump"
That already happened in one early rally.
you sure you want to do this?
i mean:
>revealing your identity to Sup Forums
>revealing what town you live in
>messing with trump
absolute mad man
i mean i could literally keep screaming random shit everytime its quiet
cant stump the trump
we love you god emperor
and just do it till im silenced lol
>Memes in public.
Yell "Bigot!"
Have fun with the following shitstorm.
hes gonna fix the economy!!!! like modi!!!!!
>Implying this faggot has friends
Don't feed the troll
im not messing with trump ive stated like 10x now i support him lmfao. also if someone would fuck with me because i wanted to make some people in a small town smile at a fun event thats pretty fucked desu. whoever would is beyond psychotic.
If I were you, I'd go with
>Kek wills it
>We love you God Emperor
>fuck Sup Forums
Don't continue to repeat it, otherwise it might distract from Trump's rally.
if the repeating digits, kek smiles upon u
When he's doing a QA ask him if he wants to hear a poem you wrote, and then cite that one about Hilary shitting herself in the debate.
Pretend to be an illegal and cry and scream profusely at Trump
I thought that Sup Forums faggot mod banned me from all boards for making a Sup Forums thread on Sup Forums, turns out it's just Sup Forums so who cares
Not like Sup Forums has good topics anyway
Loud enough for the cameras to hear, collect $2000 from our main man Sam
Don't, you'll seem even more autistic
If I were gonna do It id keep it something short and sweet like PEPE
But don't be a complete autismo,keep it original,short and sweet
do harambe shit, this may be overthinking it but if you just scream pepe you're a member of the alt-right, if you scream harambe shit than you associate the general youth with the alt-right and negate the image of them as all racist homophobic x-phobic whatever
at the same time though if you yell out dicks out for harambe you're kind of mocking his campaigning and making a joke out of it
idk do whatever the fuck you want to do
>bum fuck town
>Trump visiting
Sounds ideal. You burgers have it good.
oh shit yeah do this
i think im going to go with pepe or god emperor and do it once. then after a bit im going to give mde presents world peace a shout out cause i want the fucking 2k lol
Yes! upgrade to absolute madman status, OP. This is the only chance in your mispent NEET life.
"So we told that user to wear a Pepe costume and he actually did it!"
no joke do the mde shoutout it would be hilarious
since its been brought up i am 100% giving mde a shoutout at the least. im leaning towards the god emperor quote. think those are the two im going with boys.
don't forget to train your voice beforehand, make sure the conviction is there, and be sure to time it right.
Godspeed user. Become absolute madman
Maybe squeeze in a "Can't stump the Trump" if you can
Try and suckle some of his Tiger Piss you might get super powers.
i hope trump gets a good laugh and gives me a signed maga hat or some shit desu lol
Just make a paper pepe mask