New European Union

New European Union

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What's up with Kaliningrad

It will inevitably separate from Russia

Yes, but no Ukraine and Belarus. You know well they are literally Russia-lite and that it's not sustainable.

That map makes literally no sense.
Most of the places you separated have Russian majority, why the fuck would Russians separate from Russians?

>No Greece

No such ethnicity


>belarus, ukraine, moldova, macedonia, """"kosovo""""

absolutely not

>Russians (Russian: pyccкиe, russkiye) are an East Slavic ethnic group native to Eastern Europe. The majority of Russians inhabit the nation state of Russia, while notable minorities exist in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and other former Soviet states. A large Russian diaspora exists all over the world, with notable numbers in the United States, Germany, Israel, and Canada. Russians are the most numerous ethnic group in Europe.

>no greece

We dont need them, they've been blacked and most of their corporations have moved over here.


albanishits and "kosovo" should NEVER be included in any slavic/white man union

Who would pay for it all?

Also this.

Why Spurdo out?

You mean they self identify as "Russians" genetically there is no similarity between these people

Everything goes, a Russian can be a Turk, a Jew, a Mongolian, a Muslim, anything really. There no real definition on what a Russian is only that they come from a territory in the Russian federation

Austrians, of course.

sorry Greece it's new map with Portugal, Ireland, Georgia, Armenia, Greece, Cyprus and without Belarus, east Ukraine, Transnistra, Albanian scum and Bosnia.


shit wrong thread

It don't matter, we still have more in common with Grease than Poland or the Baltics, and we here on the balkans need to be in good relations in case Turks get any bright ideas about bringing back the Ottoman empire.

We could only pay for one other country at most, we have too few people to be a German sized money-handouter.

>genetically there is no similarity
There is. You're thinking of Rossiyanin which means citizen of Russia. Those are different terms. Ethnic Russians exist and genetic difference between regional populations exists everywhere. By your logic Germans or French don't exist either.
>ANY Ukraine
That's true but there's also no reason to not cooperate with West Slavs and Baltic states. We're in relatively similar position and looking out for our interests is common sense.

>That's true but there's also no reason to not cooperate with West Slavs and Baltic states
Of coursh, all I said was that Greece needs to be included too.

As bad current eu is, your eu would be complete garbage. The only country with decent economy here is Poland, but it alone wouldnt be able to drag all these shitholes

Greece is in better relations with turks than they are with us, in fact there are more turks there than here.

They are lost. Would prefer Pols than them at this point.


We must to be together, against Turkey, Russia and Great European Caliphate.

I wish this meme would just die

Well, shit. Plans are over then I guess. Maybe Frenchies will kick in some money.
and who will pay for it? Indians? Chinese?

I just posted that because you separated east like they're the real problem.
Croats are less retarded despite appearances.

>and who will pay for it
Countries that are a part of it?

Why? It's a good idea.


Austria, Donbas and Crimea

we are quite poor, tho.
pls go away Ruskie. Invade Sweden this time instead.


nice try poland the pope isnt gonna save you from russia this time

So what man, we have resources, and common market could enrich us all.
You don't get rich by sucking someone's cock (well, not usually), you get rich by working.

It ll be a good thing west doesnt give a shit about you anyway.

we don't need any union, just burn the EU abomination to the ground and collectively do away with the cancer that is VAT, maybe have an agreement of free trade without customs and tariffs between each other but that's about it

>some Chinese clone of a glorious Russian flag
Literally where.

Poor Romania between slavs and mongols

Fuck off shitters

but zero muslims italianistan

yeah i dont know what is worse or better

>this thread
is there where all the russiaboos went after the last thread got annihliated

Since when putting more than 2 nations (not as a minority groups) into one state is a good idea?

I concur.

As soon as we've left
It'll collapse sooner





A "Montenegrin" advocating work.
Now I have seen it all, and can die in peace.

Nope, not with those shitholes.