I'm starting to grow fond of what Hitler stood for...

I'm starting to grow fond of what Hitler stood for. I would like to know how the socialism part would work since I'm a strong proponent of capitalism.

Public works projects to employ the unemployed like building the autobahn (and building a fucking hench wall on the Mexican border)

Look up Keynesian model and consider that currency is based on work rather than in gold or imaginary money and there you go. Also there was mix market, "free" market regulated by the government to be always in the pro of the volks.

Hitler or nazis in general? Becouse nazis were actualy a really diverse bunch held toghether by Hitler's charisma. There were hardcore christian nazis and hardcore atheistic ones. There were occultists, neo-pogans and fuck knows what else. They were ones really hating on everything socialist and ones who were commies in everything but the name.

>socialism part would work
it wouldn't you're welcome

in other words, if you don't export your inflation, you collapse.

Sounds like Sup Forums


That's actually a rather good comparison. Fuck, Trump really is like Hitler!

socialism is gov't mandated and organized economic activity.

private companies can exist under this model, as they did in germany, but they typically require government charter and oversight for operations.

Essential goods (bread, water, etc.) are sold on a fixed price system, as are a number of other military and medical goods. other items - non-essential or "luxury" goods are allowed to float or vary based on a variety of factors, but the gov;t has power to price fix those as well.

service industry is typically gov't mandated for things like maintenance, repair, some trades, but other positions remain as "free" employment, like waiters and station attendants.

In general, education is paid for or partially supported.

In the Nazi style socialism, invalids aren't tolerated (killed) but in other socialist states, they're supported by the gov't. depends on how eugenic/fascist the ruling party is.

this is all strongly dependent on how "communist" the "socialists" decide to be, which really gets down to the countries constitution and prevailing political/economic thought.

hope that helps.

Back in the day, the working class had it pretty horribly.
Hitler gave them paid holidays, paid lunch breaks, a pension, less working hours etc.
Things that are now considered pretty normal.

Socialism strives for a reasonable basic living standard for everybody (within the society), and a safety net for the people that have bad luck (accidents).

This works if there are no parasites and the handouts are limited. Ethnic nationalism ensures there are no parasites by creating a society where the people have clear common goals. The people need to be able to relate to each other and trust each other for a system (socialism) that assumes people are good and don't exploit.

Yep that's the sad part of it, the Reich didn't last enough to know what would have been done by it in that situation. Maybe a whole Reformation of the system would have been on place. Now Keynesian policies are meant to revive dying economies where employment is to the floor, once you create such jobs and balance the economy you are supposed to change those policies.. or else you will be like Mexico..

basically, the government had total and utter control, but promised not to use that power unless necessary for the survival of the state, for example kicking out the jews. so things would be capitalistic until a foreign influence tried to mess with the nation and then the government would step in to protect the people

Doesn't this rely on the government acting properly and not being corrupt?

yeah. but then again doesnt every system? i mean the same barriers are in place, did bush really have authority to invade iraq or set up something like homeland security? its only up to what the people will let you do

NatSoc does not actually come with an economic model attached, socialism in this context simply refers to collectivism. If you can convince a NatSoc government that more topdown control will be better for the health and strength of the people, it will do that. If you can convince it of the opposite then that is what it will follow. NatSoc is an ideology soley centered on the people. NatSoc movements however tend to be atleast interventionist in economics, and typically have a fair few programs they need taxes for, not least of which being the military.

You must also realize that the term capitalism tends to mean different things to European and American(or maybe it's Anglo) nationalists. Capitalism to anglos tends to mean an ideology of free markets and property rights. Whoever subscribes to this is a capitalist. To euros it tends to mean Jacob Rothschild swimming in a sea of bloodsoaked dollarbills. A capitalist is someone who owns a shit-tonne of capital. It is quite telling that saying "the capital" in english would only mean a country's main city, rather than the 1%. This is why you often see post from European nationalists deriding capitalism or capitalists. You might know what they are talking about as oligarchy.

You shouldn't worry too much though, because one of the most important parts of NatSoc ideology is an explicit rejection of the class struggle. Society is inevitably split into classes, but these classes are not in any way adversaries. The only important societal struggle is that between those that produce(let's call them workers) and those that don't(parasites). Oh, and you don't cease to be a worker just because you become rich or have employees, that's just moving in class.


Nazis and Fascists were crony capitalists.
They actively used public money to fund the military industry and big publicly owned corporations.

You dipshit are falling for 80 years old propaganda. Be ashamed.

biggest thing would be opposition to usury. you can still be a capitalist and hate predator banks

at least theoretically,.a "crony" capitalists ultimate goal is to make greater profit and will use the government to take from the people to accomplish that while a national socialists ultimate goal would be to benefit the people and would sacrifice profits to accomplish that.

i dont think you can really have capitalism without the crony part for very long because the interests of capital would always want a government to help them make money, and since they have the power in a capitalist society why wouldnt they use that power? you need the nationalists to keep them in check

Socialism would work if we killed the lazy people, the stupid people, and the niggers. As long as everyone's production was pretty equal, everyone's income should be pretty equal. Get rid of the parasites, and socialism will work. In fact, the only way it can work would be to constantly cull the herd, and weed out the burdensome ones.