>Sup Forums will defend this
Sup Forums will defend this
Other urls found in this thread:
>my black son
yes, yes i will
>manufacturer uses a standard composite material that is white boohoo
frig off leaf
>my black son
What a racist whore.
Also, that's a blatant lie. I had a beaner friend and we gave each other shit and racist comments all the time and he had fucking brown prosthetics.
What's the bigger disability... being black or having one leg? He can't even play sportsball
White women love weakness so much, as long as it's from a minority or tranny
paint it brown then wtf
>prosthetics are an incredibly niche market
>expecting a company to manufacture a product for a niche of a niche
I'm left handed, but you don't see me bitching about how many products only support right handed people.
Cant she just spraypaint the leg?
>When my dark ass black adopted son has a prosthetic leg b/c I brought him into a fucking free first world country.
Fuck this cunt.
I'd be happy with a fake foot if I was missing one. Tell the little night to decorate it with niglet shit. He'll like it.
Oh wait I can't cry like an entitled baby that way.
howd the little nigger lose a leg
Paint it. Lazy asshole.
Quads confirm
then put a fucking sock on it goddam that takes less work than writing this shit out fuck
You should. Time's ripe for being a huge weeping pussy about nothing.
ppl don't even notice anymore
if the single coalburner mom can only afford a plebtier uni-color prosthetic its her fucking business to find a numale who's willing to buy his wife's son a matching one
>When white people make my undeserving nigger a space age fake leg
seriously what a whiner
Sage. We need to respect the quads
They could easily make a black foot or whatever else, but it would be sold at a very high mark up price due to being made on a "per order" basis (instead of mass produced like the standard model). They would bitch about the price then.
>What is paint?
Kek has left.
Aren't they that color on purpose?
Nobody's skin matches those "medical" colors. It's meant to be entirely generic.
Her lame little nigger is gonna be bullied so hard by other little niggers, and only little white children will want to play with his lame nigger ass. And she'll still tweet retardation like this.
Just paint it you dumb nigger
>but that would be too much work
>and money
Fucking dumb entitled niggers eh
That would require her to lift a finger. Better to just complain on the internet and get attention.
Wright & Filippis (one of America's largest medical supply manufacturers) absolutely makes different colored prosthetics. Most of the cheap base models are an off-white, but that's because that's the color of the plastic it's made out of. You can also buy silica slip covers in a ton of lifelike colors, although they cost extra. Companies aren't racist, the mom's just cheap.
>Muh black son cant get a black prosthetic.
Ya, he can, but you are cheap so you wont buy it.
Your son got a child prosthetic because he will be constantly being upgraded to different lengths due to him growing, later in life when he is done growing they will set him up with a titanium bar for a leg like everybody else.
Christ my buddy put flame decals on his leg and called himself speedy, he even got in a damned fight, took off his leg, and started beating the other dude with it as we cheered him on.
It doesn't matter at all.
When the worst thing that is happening in your life is that your accessories do not look exactly how you want then I would think you are doing well enough.
In a world where you can get custom made prosthetic's
I am sure you can get one to match a skin tone
the reason she is bitching is because she cant afford one
you know being a single mum and all
Don't tell me how I know that
buy some paint for once
Holy fuck that is ape shit retarded. Its a god damn prosthetic leg enabling him to walk. What a dumb attention seeking cunt.
>colors are racist now
It's fun to watch the world burn in on itself tbqh
>When will I have a bandage that matched my skin tone!
It's for keeping the cut protected and bacteria out. Make them all purple I dont give a shit.
Respecting the quads.
If the demand exists for black prosthetics she should fill it or find someone who will and invest in it instead of complaining.
The real disability is being a nigger.
Women have a real talent to concentrate a lot of wrongness into the minimum amount of words.
What if he treasures his white leg and becomes a full blown white nationalist because of it.
Cut off the other leg and say he's half-black.
>wah, my kidney transplant is white
>wah, my prosthetic foot is white
Being thankful probably wouldn't hurt.
Just spray paint it.
>No father seen on pic
And i bet she thinks racism is the reason, not capitalism, or more specifically, lack of demand for that color
Literally to lazy to spend 5 minutes with a can of spraypaint, must be Whitey keepin her cracka ass down.
>don't talk to me or my black son ever again
kek, this fake foot that will change his quality of isn't the right color, booo hooo.
my fake hand is about 3 times tanner than I am, looks like I still it from a Mexican but I don't complain.
these people are fucking unbearable
Sage in honor of quads
I see a red door...
this site does custom skin tones
the reason she is bitching is because its the one the hospital gave her
look at this site they even do tattoos
someone politely message her tell her about it
say you will buy her one after her heartbreaking story
send her one with a kfc logo on it
Bobandy and Kek have spoken!
sage 4 quads
She's the kind of cunt that complains when her parents didn't buy her the right color car
so even crippled whites aren't safe from social justice?
and thats why she spite her dad by giving him the wrong colour grandkid
Especially crippled whites lmaooo
>Try to fuck this bitch
>Go to her house
>"Just give me a sec i need to tell my son it's bed time"
>Wait in the kitchen
>"Hi sweety, time for bed!"
What would you do?
Maybe the white part stops him from stealing stuff in the future? You never know...
Chocolate Brown aye yo hol up. Razxt ass paint can. What's next Dropped out of middle school and gangraped a 14 year old Blue?
adopt a pet monkey
instead of having kids of your own
sounds fun
>prosthesis paid for by white tax dollars through Medicaid
>still ungrateful
just fucking send the apes back already. Jesus.
Fucking get some paint and make it any color you want and stop being such a fucking victim you dumb bitch.
Can someone tweet that to her thanks
discipline is best learned through force. Remind lil nigga of what his ancestors were good for.
well you're an Argie mate. You'd reply Bix Nood, flap your gums, and take her on a cruise aboard the Belgrano
my wife's boyfriends sons keep telling me the same thing as well
Why not just paint it black?
Prosthetics aren't generally like human flesh regardless it's like fucking artificial plastic white.
I dont understand typical bandaids dont really match a skintone
'tattoos' on a prosthetic leg is pretty sweet actually, whenever you got bored of it you could just paint over it and get a new one
> What is wrong with "the leg" comrade?
> You want decadent choice you go live in Amerikkka!
Niggers really do have to be provisioned EVERYTHING.
It's like they are the dim child who has to ask their parents what to do when they are bored.
> I want product please
> I want game please
The more i see it the more i realize they are a tool to induce a slave hierarchy.
>pol will defend this from having to keep up with this racist world euthanizing the niglett and sterlizing the woman.
fixed for you
Fucking hell. If I had a prosthetic I wouldn't care if it was neon polka dotted. Better than none at all.
get mad at all the black owned medical supply manufacturers for making them 'white'
He hasn't left you, child of Kek.
A lot of these are made in someones garage. Once again, white women being holier-than-thou.
>when the white mom has to post about it because the black parent is nowhere to be found
or how about white people get mad when prothestics arent white either
spray paint it, who gives a fuck
Another nigger stole it.
>what is paint?
Must be really hard to walk into a hardware store or Walmart and buy some brown spray paint.
Why are non-whites such fucking children?
>buying a defective nigger
>When life is going a little too well so you have to get upset about nothing
The west needs another world war to thin out these ranks.
Kek hath commanded it!
Buy a tin of cherry blossom, for fucks sake
If her concern is optics, I think it looks a lot more strange for a black kid to have two white parents than a white prosthetic foot. Why don't adoptive parents come in black?
Also, I don't believe for one second that no one makes a black prosthetic foot. She probably chose that specific manufacturer because they DON'T make the foot in black and it gives her the opportunity to complain and virtue signal about adopting a niglet
that's not even a fucking half breed. why do whites adopt nigger kids? repulsive.
skin colored prosthetics do get made, but the reason this bitch didnt buy one for her niglet is because shes leeching off the taxpayer and the taxpayer is paying the niglets medical bills so she only gets the generic version. hows it feel americans paying for future generations of inferior beings to replace you
sage for kek
>Pull a black kid out of misery by adopting him while other black people turned their backs on him
>Give him a prostethic designed and manufactured by white people to improve the lifequality of everyone
>Still get overwhelmed by whiteguilt beause some stupid superficial detail despite everything right in the life of that child is thanks to white people
This is what two thousands years of Christianity and its guilt fetish does to a civilization.
FACT : the Belgrano is currently the world's biggest submarine
well done Norse bro.