Why dont they want to get married Sup Forums

why dont they want to get married Sup Forums
How would you fix the marriage crisis in japan?

Make anime real, that'll solve the birth rates near instantly

They have huge overpopulation problems so it's OK.

Don't buy into the Jewish meme that countries collapse when they aren't perpetually growing.

Loosen up immigration laws, but only allow White women into the country. This will breed jealously among the Japanese women there.

Marriage has lost basically all that made it attractive to men:
-Unlimited sex on demand
-One free live in maid
-All slaves you could create
Since the abolition of those goodies, what kept marriage going was pure and simple inertia. And that's what makes it all worse, once that inertia wears off it will take hundreds of years to make it roll again.

Let them have some free time every once in a while.

Import latinas

>populations should infinitely increase
>populations stabilising are a bad thing

I'll go to Japan and impregnate as many women as I can.

because I have a receding chin

I can't get a gf who isn't retarded or obese.

I can't wait to fuck a Japanese women.

sounds more like a personal problem

We just need a new war in asia. War fixes the overpopulation

Yes I am shit

Too many fatties about.

I'm not the best looker but I'm not fat either, surely it's not unfair of me to expect the same from a girl?

mandatory sex with your mom every morning and night. Will also outlaw ugly moms and give you a pretty one in its place

This is what I thought, but poor uni student without a personality is the fat girl of men, I think.

More 40-50 hour/week jobs that people can live on.

I'll go over there and breed with all their unmarried women

bring lube

Me too brother
Soon as I have money I'm travelling for some slanted pussy

They will continue giving their pussies to Japanese alphas.
Your solution will only increase the number of females available for alphas. A normal woman would rather stay alone than matching with a beta.