Is r/the_donald the biggest safe-space on the internet? I have not seen a more pathetic excuse for an echo chamber in my lifetime.
Is r/the_donald the biggest safe-space on the internet...
yeah man the only place that I could think of that is more of a safe space is Sup Forums
Rather cringey as a presence
actually. Donald trump is the best candidate, but that board is just autism.
I got banned from from t_d for antisemitism.
No that honor goes to r/OffMyChest or r/EnoughTrumpSpam
Both of those places ban you for posting in other subs without warning
Reddit's structure lends itself to echo chambers. That's why it's garbage.
At least here mods can't ban you for disagreeing with the majority opinion. At least here people can't see what you've previously written and pre-judge your arguments.
There's far more diversity of opinion here than you'll find anywhere on Reddit.
it's the cuckservative version of Sup Forums
it's worse here, I've never been to the donald but at least it's honest about what it is. this board is basically the same exact thing, including REEEEEE CTR
>the MI6 thing
did we get scooped by leddit or did I just miss that one?
Everything on reddit is cringey.
The difference between reddit and Sup Forums is that both are full of freaks and misfits but Sup Forums admits it while redditors delude themselves into thinking they're normal.
Not true. I've posted on both r/the_donald when it was a small subreddit (under 1000 subscribers), and I also was one of the 200 or so first subscribers of r/EnoughTrumpSpam. IMO the_donald is much worse at banning people for posting on other subs. There is also no room for even slightly dissenting opinion. Mind you, I was pro-Trump before he decided to go full retard starting with the RNC.
first off, plebbits first problem is no anonymity.
secondly, up voting and down voting
Your obviously not familar with reddit then senpai
The whole place is a leftist hellhole and the fact that the_donald exist is a miracle enough
They have to ban everything that isnt positive about trump because of the pure amount of shills and leftist flooding into the place concern trolling, downvoting, and reporting everything
It's basically this place filtered down for the plebbitors.
All subplebbits go to shit once they reach a certain mass. Probably around 20k subscribers or so.
I dont go there but Id imagine if it wasnt heavily moderated it would turn into
r/the_donald btfo
are they white?
Why dont you race mix?
Pretty fast.
You're right. Just look at what happened to the sub /r/poltics, it is mirred in anti-trump with no poltical discussion. As one would think it was neutral
Reddit isn't meant for discussion, it's meant for circlejerking. This goes for any sub.
It's not the "Structure" that creates all the jew mods that ban(or shadow ban) you for non-approved speech