Catholics hold a prayer in the street of France; a black Muslim walks up to them and gets knocked out

Catholics hold a prayer in the street of France; a black Muslim walks up to them and gets knocked out.

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old news senpai
the pope would not be pleased with this

Jesus Christ, that's what I call a punch
Didn't know the frogs had it in them
Anyways, what did the rapefugee do, did he say something to them?

I think he stepped on his foot, also, there are some pretty based frenchmen with pure genes passed on from french ancestors, but they are very rare.

The pope is a faggot. Read the bible. It is packed cover to cover with badass hardcore soldiers of God that slaughtered their enemies unmercifully and without hesitation.

>Muslim migrant attempts to interrupt a Catholic prayer in France gets knocked out cold
>attempts to interrupt
Don't you mean 'just standing around'? The nigger literally dindu nuffin. Even if he did do sumfin, he was in a public space so if the Christfags don't like him being there then they should fuck off themselves.
If you're actually supportive of assaulting innocent people because "hurr muh race war" then you're a barbaric faggot with attitudes similar to the niggers you hate so much.

Wish these comics would make it to a major newspaper.

>Great Shitan

It seems fitting that the "britbong" is the first one to come in defense of the shitskin muslim
Why don't you go back to pakistan or whatever shithole your family come from

too far for that, he angles his head for a split second, and the guy praying knows where he is without looking at him, so I guess he spit on him and went to sleep for that

What is your justification for the nigger-like white man assaulting the innocent black man? Being black isn't a crime.

he's a nigger and it should be

When your government infestate your country with people that have a different culture, that doesn't respect your religion, your women and anything you and your ancestors fought for you get angry.
When this same people start raping, killing and skyrocketing your crime rate you get angry
That guy was prob so fed up with all that was happening that it only took a step on his foot or a simple interruption on his prayers for him to react with that punch
He not only punched that nigger face but everything that nigger stood for, mass immigration, destruction of his country and culture, mass rapings so on and so forth.
Your so called "nigger-like behavior" is a natural reaction for a fed up man, perharps you are just too feminine to notice

I'm betting the puncher prolly lost someone in one of those terrorist attacks in the past year.
What ever that nigger said, he found the launch code!
I can't stop laughing!

why is this post ignored ?
this brit is right, the guy really dindu nothing.

>France and Britain sticking up for black Muslims

You literally can't make this shit up!

He might have done nuffin, but some people are saying he spat on them, which is completely believable. I mean look at how the guy praying turns and gets up at the same time. Clearly something happened

I wonder how many people bitch about this video but remain mum on the thousands of knockout videos on wurlstar?

He was listening stupid music as a provocation but th Guy looks crusade-ready

When this first hit pol the story was that the blackie was playing muzzie music and taunting the people praying. It went on for some time until based beard fractured that dudes skull. Hell of a punch from a frenchman.

That is what assault looks like

guy really didnt do nuffin, pretty uncalled for tbqh

He was black in a white country.

Catholics doing what the bible forbids, as usual.

Niggers should not be that close to white women
He deserved to get punched.


nigger was blasting jungle music on his phone and talking shit

the pope is a Jesuit globalist spic, not to mention a Communist

hahaha, my sides

Now that's a real life falcon punch.

Glad to see some of us are still fighting the good fight.
Also the girl in the dress on the left is a cutie, would talk up to church.

Do you know what happens when muslims pray on the streets? There are thousands of them, they're even blocking the roads and preventing any non-muslim from coming nearby, and they don't hesitate to use violence. Now fuck off.

and this is why Europe is gonna die

bunch of Ahmeds posting under UK and France flags

They're probably white but think "we need ta giv him da fair trial he dindu nuttin it his cuntry 2".

>Do you know what happens when muslims pray on the streets? There are thousands of them, they're even blocking the roads and preventing any non-muslim from coming nearby, and they don't hesitate to use violence. Now fuck off.
oh ok
And how does this justify assaulting an innocent man?

If you think that initiating violence is wrong then you can't possibly defend the white-nigger's behaviour. If you think that initiating violence is acceptable then you might actually be a nigger. Just admit that you hate black people and that you wish pain upon them instead of providing these nonsensical justifications.

>muh race war
Islam/Muslim is not a race

>And how does this justify assaulting an innocent man?
1. He's an islamic nigger in France, he doesn't belong there.
2. He didn't get up and turn around because his nigger radar went off.
The nigger did something.

fuck off cuck

he literally dindu nuffin you spergs

shit like this is why Sup Forums is used as a political tool to discredit the right. you guys are fucking up everything, and you're too busy having sperg fantasies of beating up black people to realize it.

>I don't bloody think sharia allows it

How do you know the guy was a muslim? Plenty of christian blacks in Europe.

why are they praying in the street in the first place?

Yo he didn't even do anything lmao

>innocent in the race war
Do you even read what you type before you post it?

They have flowers so to me it looks like they are mourning something.

If a white atheist did this to Muslims in Syria, would the Muslims have the right to knock him out like that?


Guy didn't do anything, some dude just punched him without any cause

If a white atheist even existed in Syria or anywhere else in the middle east the Muslims would kill that person for being atheist.

>current year

and now a swede
wew fucking lad

That guy didn't even do anything


It's very easy say the puncher was in the wrong on this.

This is one of the reasons why stupid videos make it to CNN or youtube then normies REEEE the fuck out about police violence or some black thug getting shot.

Even with direct, focused video and muffled audio we don't fully know the exchange.

He could have spit, he could have played loud music, he could have muttered something.

Whatever happened, that dude immediately spun around and slugged the fucker behind him. That's not usually unprovoked behavior especially at a prayer ritual.

That is an expected response to fucking with a prayer ritual

>Le deus vult xDDDD

fuck off with your roleplaying you manchild.

>That is an expected response to fucking with a prayer ritual

uh, not really

Lol, night night pussy.

>all of the "HE DINDU NUFFIN" comments in this thread

Honestly this is why you white people get picked on. You're too fucking soft nowadays, you invite it. Sometimes standing up for yourself and your people means some """"innocent"""" nog needs to get blasted in the jaw once in a while. Collateral damage, fucking deal with it. Your ancestors didn't do this pussy shit.

Yea well we have nice Christians here. Apparently they take this shit seriously in some parts still

no if you took it seriously you wouldn't do that

prove or present any evidence for that the guy was interupting their prayer becuase he was a muslim as the title claims.

All that you can see in the video is a guy who walks behind them and then halfway stops and looks at them before the short kemstar-looking fellow gets a roid rage and punches him without any pretext.

You are just applauding violence, not because it's justified, but becuase it's violence targeted towards people that you dislike, black people.
You are a failure of a human being and I hope you wake up one day

You're autistic and delusional

Says the pope cuck.

You're the reason why is shit right! You probably voted for Sadiq Khan and your probably prepping your wife's bull right now!
You're right! It's because liberals castrated whiteys but now I think finally growing our balls back through , well some of us are at least.

>He could have spit, he could have played loud music, he could have muttered something.
Certainly not in this recording, but, if he had spat on the white-nigger earlier, why hadn't the white-nigger assaulted him then?
>loud music
It's a public space, if you don't like his presence then you should fuck off.
>muttered something
O-M-G he could have muttered something, that is so worthy of assault!

Have you never seen how Muslims react to non-Muslims trying to enter the space they are praying?

Really guys.

What did he do?

I can't tell from the video.

So, some people initiating violence justifies initiating violence against a guy minding his own business? No, it doesn't.
Even if higher rates of violence among Muslims was somehow a justification for assaulting innocent Muslims, there's no evidence that the black guy in this video is even a fucking Muslim. And, no, this video's clickbait title isn't evidence.

Honestly you're a fucking pussy! So what? He's beloved church is being knocked down and being replaced by a mosque because of PC, so him knocking out a dindu is justifiable. Also white people need to start racking up them death counts we are severely lacking behind compare to Muslims and niggers that are killing us by the 1000s! So why can't we have a race war?

>these flags

Keep spouting buzzwords you fucking sperglord.

You're not a christian, stop pretending you are one.

Islamic caliphate of Londistan, Swedistan and Frogistan

>You're not a christian, stop pretending you are one.

Never said I was

Hey look guys the monkey shitskin is getting upset.

Don't worry time will come

Niggers knock out 1000 people a year and nobody gives a single shit.

can someone tell me what he did? i mean i love niggers getting ko'd but i cant tell what he actually did to get hit

He clearly touched the bald guy and then said something. Maybe they knew each other, maybe it was a lover's quarrel.

They asked him to gtfo because he was using his phone to play shitty music out loud.

People doing this should be shot.

Damn, that French manlet slapped the fucking SOUL out of that nigger. Jesus. Why aren't more French men like this guy?


I mean, I won't defend him if he did spit on the guy or something like that, but the video really doesn't show anything. Can't say I agree if it was unprovoked.

>a black Muslim
How the fuck do they know he's muslim?

>Muslim migrant attempts to[...]
How the fuck do they know he's a migrant? He seems to be dressed quite decently. Looks more like your usual french nigger to me.

Black cock in arse AND in mouth
>swedecuck, the post

hory shiet what a hook, wtf happened

>black people be like
>"white people can't fight lol"

Because white people attack blacks unprovoked, right ?

What made him get up from his prayer to knock the dude out ? I am sure it wasn't the black guys right foot hiring the white dudes leg.

I would agree with but you have 3 black cocks in your mouth and 4 muslim ones in your ass

The black guys foot hit the white

Don't any of you people know French?

The nigger literally just asked the bald manlet for a "light" (ie a cigarette lighter). Maybe the baldie misheard him or something.

>for that the

I'm not going to use your attrocious English against you, but it would be nice if you double check what you've written before posting, it's not because I don't personally like it, but American posters tend to use it as an argument. However it is getting late in Sweden, so I don't blame you.

Firstly, I'd like to agree with you that the title is wrong, I've yet to read an article where it states that the bystander who received the blow was indeed a practitioner of the Islamic religion, although even the video mentions it, that doesn't change much, except the narrative of Muslims being evil-minded people.

Secondly, you mention the following:

>All that you can see in the video is a guy who walks behind them and then halfway stops and looks at them

That is undoubtedly true, the only problem is you haven't taken in consideration your other senses, and where I'm going with this is that what triggered the Catholic prayer to give the punch (as many articles state; and to name a few I've found while searching quickly) was music that he as playing on mobile phone. Now that may have been how the perpetrator was titled as a Muslim; the music may have been tied to Islam or simply had lyrics in Arabic.

In the end, any way you look at it, the crime was justified. I myself think any religion is sacred and the people practicing them are often devoted people, whether you believe it or not, as it might be for someone of Swedish descent. The more you investigate this incident the more you realize that the man who came there was definitely asking for it by interrupting their prayer. If you want to be nice, because it seems that's what you're going for, don't interrupt people.

Thank for taking your time to read this.

The guy didn't ask him shit, dude. Nothing in the audio.

He seemed too far away for his foot to hit the guy...

1.10>1.11 watch his neck, it does a snap, thats why i say spit, but otherwise I see nothing, seems like a decent guy by body language, or maybe his dindu game is top

Listen again

>avez-vous du feu?

I only hear "Sainte-Marie pleine de grâce" right before the punch. Sorry, senpai.

Exactly when are you hearing that shit? When the wind sounds intensify or before that?

>Muslim asks for lighter for haram smoking habit, interrupting a Catholic prayer.
This is absolutely grounds for knock-out game.

Fucking paki

The first part is almost before he's in frame. I guess that's why he's leaning in, seeing if he was heard or not.

I sincerely don't see him touching (seems too far) or saying shit

The manlet notices him approaching, turns his head around, stands up, the black fella kinda retreats a step and even seems to raise his left arm instinctively in defense or apology and he gets smashed by the left hook

>Catholics hold a prayer in the street of France
>Can't wear a burkini because "France is a secular country"

really makes you think


>ne laissons pas notre foi se faire exterminée
Fuck's sake dude, if you want to add a pro-deus vult message at the end of the video, at least write it in correct French instead of making ghetto arab trash-level mistakes.

Can't hear it even when listening on slowmo, sorry. May be a problem with my headphones.

Shabbos goy evangelical retard.

>muzzy walks up to upset catholics praying for their church to be saved
>phone blasting arab music
>he's giggling and mumbling to himself
>these french feel their country is under threat
>this asshole flaunts the fact he's a part of an invasion force

m8 deserved the swing, and you deserve worse for your assistance

Don't fret. We'll always have Casablanca.

But Muslims can literally take over entire streets?

See pic you fucking retard.

he kicked him

he kicked his legs. watch again. he provoked him.

He dindu Nuffin and was assaulted for just asking for a light. pol is celebrating nigger behavior because we're hypocrites

why are they praying on the street?

dont you have churches in france ?