Fight scene begins

>fight scene begins
>character cracks his knuckles

Other urls found in this thread:

>character cracks neck
>character cracks open a cold one

>chase scene
>Pursuers round a corner and don't see the people they're chasing anymore
>"Where did they go?"
>Run in some direction
>people being chased pop their heads out of garbage cans when they're gone

>character pulls of a smirk

>character x is aiming shotgun at character y
>character y refuses to talk or give in to character x's demands
>character x pumps his shotgun, suggesting there was nothing in the chamber before doing so
This happens far too often.

That causes arthritis.

prove it

no it does not

Remember that one thread like 2 or 3 years ago where this guy just came outta fucking nowhere and drew dozens of original Pepes on request? He just called himself a Pepe artist.

It's a symptom of arthritis.

No but it does weaken grip strength over time

This. I've got hairy palms and I'm going blind too. I don't know what's causing it though.

Are you an aging Orangutan?

I take it you've never fought before or sparred. You have to make sure all the bones in your hands and fingers are properly aligned.

No just turkish...

>Character prepares for a gunfight
>Spins the cylinder of his revolver

I mean there's probly a minimum amount of ligament damage and stuff before that really becomes a problem but people who get into fights also have that.

I'm a 48 year old man and I'd knock you the fuck out if you even spoke out of turn to me. Shut the fuck up.

Wasn't that debunked? Isn't cracking your knuckles just releasing air in between your bones which explains the sound?

I love when seriously talented people make pepes, look at how beautiful that one is, seriously

sure you would kiddo

Science says, "no".

Though, it does correlate with problems encountered with hardworking individuals. The study has no proof that the knuckle cracking causes this, since it also noted the stuff about hardworking individuals. Being a hardworking individual may also be a cause. There's not enough info on that part to say either actually causes the problem, but it certainly doesn't cause arthritis.

>points gun in another direction
>it rattles

It does more than JUST that though, there's a state of not-quite-dislocated where your joints can be sort of out of alignment. Subluxation I think it's called. Anyway trying to say make a fist when one of your knuckles is all cockeyed will lock up your finger and hurt like a bitch. Cracking them fixes it, also somehow gives temporary relief from pains such as arthritis.

Sure thing, kid.

I've got signs of arthritis in my hands from cracking my knuckles and my fingers my entire life. It's most definitely related.

This. I need to stop popping my fucking knuckles n' shit. Makes it more difficult while playing guitar b/c of weak grip strength.

See people with arthritis do that for pain relief. People with chronic arthritis pain do this often.

>main characters begin fight
>background characters bet on the outcome

Ian is that you?

Oh, hey Zach.

Get the fuck back to facebook, you cunts