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Slavs are subhuman. As Russians are mixed with Mongols they are slightly more subhuman than Poles. However both should not be classed as fully human.
Cool, now go back to your cuckshed wannabe german
I do not want to be German. Being Austrian is fine. Unfortunately for you, you will never be either one but forever a subhuman Slav.
Implying I want to be German nigger-loving scum xD
Russiàns are not mixed with mongolians. They are mixed with finno-ugrians.
Nigger loving is the definition of a Pole. Poles are niggers with a different skintone themselves, and Polish diaspora are nigger-lovers. 23% of Polish female diaspora have a mixed race child with a black or indian/pakistani.
Tatars raped them all.
>Upside down Indonesia & Mad Neversmilies
Seems logical
At least slavic women aren't getting blacked on the daily. Your pure aryan women on the other hand, just can't get enough of that nigger dick.
Polish women love niggers. They are bigger coalburners when they become diaspora than any other nation. Only poverty stops Poland from being overrun with blacks.
>women are whores
w o w, I didnt know
Not blacked but sandniggered
Funny you say that since Ukrainians are one fo the nationalities which sell themselves to Turks and Arabs a lot.
Polish women specifically.
Would be a comfy alliance. Poland is basically a land-based civilization. Their alliance with NATO cucks is just ugly and weird. Time to bury the Katyn hatchet, realize that was Jews, and say that Putin actually is doing a pretty good job. Christian conservative countries need to stick together
Why is it funny? Thats exactly what ive said
You people disgust me! You're like the niggers of whites
Whatever you say mehmet. Normal people don't give a shit about trash that left and gave up their nationality. They are polish only on their IDs
>23% of Polish women have mixed race children
>Most of the 21,000 children born to Polish mothers in 2012 had Polish fathers; but of the rest, 23% had African or Asian fathers.
Do you even read? I will explain it to you: out of 21000 children born to polish mothers most of them had polish fathers, it doesn't say how much it can be 10501 or 20900. Out of those who had foreign father 23% are mixed. But it still doesn't mention how many niggles were born by polish women.
Bad relations since always, partitions, soviet occupation and many wars. We should work this out somehow but it is still too soon to do something about it especially after communism.
Russians don't have an issue with poles, but poles have an issue with Russia
Why can't Poland move on?
Just look at France and England, they had their entire history etched on wars and occupation and who's who in Europe.
Had the Polish king been more of a man, he could have landed the Empress for the win.
Had the Poles been less of religious fanatics and Papacy slaves, they could have built a Slavic superpower, and not manage to alienate their very numerous subjects.
In the end, their "progresiveness", "protodemocracy", decentralisation and Liberum Veto cost them their freedom and country.
I don't feel bad about them only for their doublecrossing and conspiring with Bolsheviks, which backfired on them. Problem is, it backfired on more than 1/6 of Earth's landmass.
Because they raped their way through Europe and killed many poles during "liberation" and in next year's. We kicked them our 26 years ago it's way too soon. There are still people who remember red terror. Additionally most of Poles doesn't have problem with Russians but with their government
Polan will probably be cockblocking a Russian-German alliance again. And the anglos might exploit it. Again.
Well commonwealth was fucked right after liberal veto was banned.
>conspiring with bolsheviks
>Tatars raped them all
Citation needed
Commonwealth was fucked the moment idiots failed to realise their census data and breakdown of population by ethnicity and religion, combined with their policies, would end up in a disaster when outside pressure is applied.
Read on the Russian Civil War, sabotaging the Whites and helping the Reds initially, defeating the Reds afterwards, and then reaping vengeance 20 years later.
The problem of Poles is simply that they are a bigger case of Croats. Papal slaves to the detriment of their national and cultural interests.
>Russians are mixed with Mongols
>unironically using that as insult
Even if it's true, what's wrong with that? Mongols built an empire second only to British one by size, but six centuries earlier.
Polish adopted western ways too early by building a hierarchy and people differentiation(pans, non pans). While Russians didn't have a kingdom until Mongols made Slavic way of life literally impossible.
Both are compromised by different currents of Jewish religion.
So in both cases the original way of life and religion/worldview were eradicated. Brothers and sisters were programmed to hate each other.
The Burger Rule
The longer a thread goes on, the higher the chance some 40% white American will begin larping as a pagan
Old ways didn't divide us.
Can any of you post slavic/russian/ whatever bimbos? Super plastic surgery n shit? Any music videos with them?
You guys have a higher frequency of a slav haplogroup than any other haplogroup though.
As if they need it.