Would you trade places with a Black person???
Would you trade places with a Black person???
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No I don't like the smell
Why not? Blacks are winning nowadays
Rachel Dolezal did and the niggers got pissy over it
easier social benefits
free ride into and through college
better job offers because muh diversity
abuse affirmative action instead of paying for it
Why would I want to lower my IQ 60 points?
No because I'd get shot by a black guy
no but because they live in third world crime ridden shitholes, not because of "da evil white man oppression"
Become a lowered IQ violent yard ape? No thanks
only someone that is winning
I could kill myself, and we'd be one nigger down
Well the president and attorney general are black, so why not?
I wouldn't even trade places with a rich black man.
They're ugly.
Im hispanic so its about the same, and i'd never wanna trade with a white person. They get shit on for everything. At least i can talk shit to SJWs and they cant use race against me.
Maybe I'll finally get into med school and be able to sleep with white sluts instead of settling for second rate Asian girls.
Sure I call the manner majority of blacks that are behaving in as degenerate retarded manners fucks without being labeled racist for quoting statistics.
Honestly? In a heartbeat.
All you have to do to be successful in America as a Black person is not break the law and demonstrate a minimal level of competence and work ethic.
I tell ya, this post really made me think
I was surprised I knew what he meant by it
I wouldn't change places with a rich Jew either
To further this point, they perpetuate their own crime ridden shitholes.
When given opportunities and paths to success, they reject it as "playing the white man's game."
And if any of them should attempt to take such an opportunity, he or she is outcast and branded a sellout.
The problem with black people in this country isn't systematic oppression and racism.
It's black people, oppressing themselves.
So, no. Suffice it to say, I would not want to be a nigger.
this, too bad you have to look like a sheepmonkey though
Yes. And I would Make America Great Again
You're a moron if you wouldn't want to trade places with a rich jew.
Yeah, actually I would. With all the advantages they get, I'd be set. Scholarships, affirmative action, and preferential hiring would go a long way towards making my current courses and competitive job market after graduation being easier to navigate.
I love how whoever wrote this decided to answer it for the reader, thereby suggesting they actually had a fucking point.
Is this saying that black people would always choose to trade places with a white person?
No, but not because of any oppression, I just don't want to be a smelly big nosed nigger. They are disgusting.
Sure, I could just get ahead in life for being black, affirmative action, diversity, and I can call anyone I want a racist without being questioned.
Commit terrible acts and get off easy because
>"muh single momma"
Yeah they I could go around saying racist stuff threatening to kill other groups of people and acting like an ignorant fuck. When someone called me out on it I'd say oppression and racism.
I'd also do jack fucking shit at work and say when they tell me to do something RAYCUS! RAYCUS! and get paid to do nothing.
You don't want to be on the inside looking out?
I mean, the nose is a bit of an obstacle for love, day to day life and fitting through doors and the constant volcano worship gets tiresome, but who wouldn't want to fuck over a country before breakfast and be a billionaire by lunch?
sure as long as I don't have to live around niggers
>unironically wanting to be a jew
holy shit kill yourself
gibsmedat welfare stupid whyte bois
Of course.
Being white is alright.
That's not winning. That's destroying your racial heritage , lowering your kid's IQ , annihilatting white women's beauty(different facial features)...It's also a big "fuck you" to your own parents. grand-parents etc..
The kid will neither be considered white or black , will have identity issues...Will likely hate whites as an adult...
If "winning" is fucking white women , never forget one thing...There'd be no white women without white men. the more "winning" , the less white beautiful women.
It's ruining an entire civilisation.
That's not "winning". Not even for blacks. Because without whites , they're fucked too. (although they'll never admit it).
That's they they all want to live in white countries and would never go back to Africa , not in a million years..Because deep down , they know it's a shithole....Because OF THEM.
>white IQ in a black body
holy fuck i would be unstoppable, i would be the most race bating BLM piece of shit ever and would be making bank
Depends on the social status and relationship of the nigger. Also on his IQ. On his genetic make up.
And what a stupid, superficial, actually racist generalization. But not surprising from leftists.
>For all of you people who say "Black people are oppressed in America", would you be willing to trade places with an African in today's society?
I wouldn't be a nigger when THEY WUZ KANGZ.
Being black would make me a retard in a retarded community, regardless of advantages or benefits.
Do I get their scholarships?
If so, hell yes free ride and college slits here I come!
Gonna diversify my employment opportunities.
life is much more enjoyable for the semi retarded.
also, confidence goes through the roof for most idiots
orgasms will probably feel better as your animal instincts will have much more control over your brain.
plus niggas seem to be winning the culture war, so if youre not deformed, fat, or a little too niggery, you should be pulling pussy like crazy.
also, life will be much easier as people will have much much lower expectations for you when it comes to things like critical thinking, working, financial planning etc etc etc.
fuck, just being able to talk correctly gets niggers compliments from white people.
lol, school will be a breeze as the teachers will be happy one of their nigs is actually showing up a few times a month, just that alone should be enough to see you graduate.
>At least i can talk shit to SJWs and they cant use race against me.
I used to think this was a benefit to being a shitskin but the more I think about it the more I love being white.
you will also save some money as you will no longer need to buy gifts or cards or anything for fathers day or your childrens birthdays and stuff.
Just to make sure, I'm still the same person, with the same intelligence, personality, home, funds, etc. with the exception that I am now a black person of equivalent aesthetic appeal?
No, because black people oppress themselves. If they're looking for an oppressor, all they need to do is look into a mirror.
They have shit jobs (if they even have jobs) because they're genetically not intelligent enough for those intelligence-requiring, high-paying jobs.
They're also violent by nature, making them a danger to others and to themselves (when the police shoots them dead).
They are also predisposed to being lazy and going after quick fixes. That's how they evolved in their African wasteland.
>Don't bother discovering/inventing many things that makes your life and the life of your fellows easier and better
>Just live off the land or steal from your neighbor, after you kill him
Ofc not.they live next to niggers.
As long as I don't get their terrible genetics, IQ, personality, and looks.
sure, put me on any major sports team faggot, gimme my millions ayear thx
depends, would i get a 11' cock upgrade?
I don't have kids, but if my daughter grew up to be a ho or coal burner i would disown her. trust me, i've done worse!
i would be surrounded by black people who act like apes if i did that. no. fuck that. smart black people get away from their ghettos hoods
Well on one hand if I was a nigger I could get free shit from the government, positive discrimination, quotas, etc. I can cry about being a victim of racism when I don't get a job, and I can litterally get away with rape and muder.
On the other hand, I would litterally look and smell like shit, would have a tiny dick and brain and would be considered a nuisance by actual productive members of soeciety.
Forget it, I fucking love being white.
Id get free college and the eternal ass kissing of the left
Does nothing change about me except for the fact that my skin is now black? Like, even my bone structure is the same? If I didn't care about my children I would do it. Affirmative action is a huge bonus.
No, because I don't want to look like a monkey and speak Ebonics. In terms of taking the social implications like AA and shit? Sure.
I'd rather be an Anteater
With the power black privilege almost any white person could be president, so yes.
fuck yeah then maybe I could get some bitches on my dick
Depends can I change back? My prime objection is that I want to be me and no-one else. I could easily be black in the US for a couple of years
>"would you be willing to trade places with a black person in today's society? I didn't think so!"
Well, he's right I definitely wouldn't. Not because I'm afraid of oppression but rather because then I'd be a stinking nigger.
Are you kidding? Of course I fucking would and it's not even because I like them, it's just the only way I can find out who they consider beneath them.
I would
No, but primarily because I remember the shame of existing on welfare and don't want to relive it.
>tfw they want to be white
No, because niggers are genetically inferior.
would you give your money after winning the lottery?
blacks are so oppressed by whites in America that when they get money, they move to all white areas.
flag checks out
Do I get Morgan freeman?
I'd I don't, fuck no. It's not because "le blacks have horrible lives in evil America"
It's because I don't fucking want to
Why "white flight" is an anti white term than ignores the fact that high income people isolate themselves in every culture in all time periods
No thanks I don't want to be a nigger.
I would definitely trade places with a young black woman, if I got to keep my current knowledge, and she were a virgin.
Sure, some kneegrow I met waltzed in with a 27 MCAT and shot right by lowly 33. Wouldn't want him operating on me though, famalam
My dog has an incredible life, but I wouldn't want to be a dog. What does that prove?
No because then i'd be ugly
For all of you who say "Black people are oppressed in America" would you be willing to trade places with an African? I didn't think so!
God help any fool who swallows this load of donkey semen.
No one in the world has it easier than niggers
Can I choose what type of black person to be? Can I be a hot black woman who'll make bank in the entertainment industry for race-baiting under the guise of "artistic expression?"
>Get off of responsibility because you're black
>Get off of responsibility even more because you're a woman
Trade places with the president!?
Of course i'd love it.
Do I get to keep my IQ? If so, I would switch in a heartbeat.
I'll trade with Obama ;)
> Blacksbelike
They are not leftists m8, wake up.
They are its consumer not its producer.
They are "lean back" leftists.
If I traded places with a black person I'd be living on my own in style within two months.
Niggers refuse to work so hard working white men are forced to lose their jobs to them.
This is the reality of the world, around the world, the whole world.
Fucking kikes.
No. Because niggers are ugly as fuck. Have low IQ. And have shit parents.
Neither of those are a result of oppression.
Also, if I was black, my fellow black people are so fucking violent and retarded that the police would understandably profile me. That's not oppression or racism. That's common sense.
So no, I would not be willing to trade places with a nigger.
This is anecdotal. It's disgusting and they likely will (or already have) paid the price, but it's hardly relevant.
It's black people who fuck themselves over. For that reason, hell no!
Do I have to be an American?
This is a shitty question because it doesn't say what the conditions are for the swap.
Is it just a swap in position, where blacks are in control and whites the "oppressed"? If so does it switch history too so people go about daily life, or now are blacks "powerful" out of nowhere and are going to commit literal genocide the same way they do in Africa?
Is it a swap of the people, or is it white people are now blacks and vice versa?
Am I now forced to be a nigger, or do I retain my ability to think and work?
Do I remember the previous position?
Is it only me or all whites?
There are so many facets as to what "swapping" means that it's a pointless question.
Of course I'll say no to giving blacks authority in a swap, they can't deal with it and if they weren't already capable of working in a "white" way they would destroy everything because they would have no clue what they were doing. Either they would outright legalize the slaughter of whites then destroy themselves over time, or they'd doom everyone equally by fucking it up.
Am I mind/bodyswapped into a black person? I don't want that, I like the ability to take a shower and remove the look and feel of shit instead of it being permanent.
Am I a nigger now? Then I don't give a shit I can't comprehend logic. If not and I am allowed to think, I now have an entire system designed around lifting me up if I take it instead of rejecting it like "nah only dem whiteys do dat school stuff ima go shoot up a store for some jordans." If I have it all rigged in my favor and can think, all I have to do is not be a retarded piece of shit and I'll be heralded as some sort of national treasure.
No matter what the answer is pretty much "no" but in terms of personal gain if all I had to do was act like a person then sure I'd love all those perks, because when you don't act like a nigger, the only real obstacles and racism you get are the people who just hate everyone and that's not exclusive to blacks.
Would you trade places with a member of a prehistoric race of anthropophagi in a pre-society of constant senseless violence ?
Guess that's because you're a racist.
Pretty sure 90% of the people in the world would like to trade places with a black american.