I stay away from this board but I have to ask. How deep does your hate for blacks go? Like is it so deep you would refuse to rescue a black child from burning building? Do you interact normally with Blacks IRL and plot to kill them when you get on the net or just avoid them all no matter what?
Do you really hate black people Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
I wouldn't save a black child
I hate them like I've hated nothing before
They're a violent savage people who do nothing to better society
Wherever they go they do nothing but bring crie and violence
Hate, no. Just wish they were somewhere else and not shitting up the area I am in. They are always breaking into cars and stealing shit near me, thankfully they keep the shootings over to their section but aside from that, not too bad.
I would refuse to save any non-White from anything. I owe them nothing.
They're the only race which the #1 cause of death males ages 15-34 is homicide, mostly killing themselves
White males leading cause of death 2011
15-19 #3 homicide 9.2%
20-24 #3 homicide 7.8%
25-34 #5 homicide 5.7%
Black males leading cause of death 2011
15-19 #1 homicide 50%
20-24 #1 homicide 49.2%
25-34 #1 homicide 34.2%
Nope, just hate niggers. They come in every skin colour.
I don't hate black people, I hate niggers.
Black people are fine. Niggers are a scourge.
Take this meme out of Sup Forums you faggots.
>Like is it so deep you would refuse to rescue a black child from burning building?
Risk my life for a future criminal? Hell fucking no.
>not all blacks
Yes, we will destroy and enslave them yet again.
No, I just hate niggers.
Hello, stormniggers.
They are allright by my book when they stay in Africa, it's their ancestral homeland afterall. They aren't doing anything usefull with it but it's theirs. I can't blame them for being in the US given how their ancestors didn't have much of a choice being sold by arabs as slaves. But they should kindly fuck off from Europe. They have nothing to look for here.
I dont, no.
I know the qur'an tells you to hate all of us non-muslims, Ahmed, but you need to take your hatred elsewhere.
>Like is it so deep you would refuse to rescue a black child from burning building?
Nah, I'm a decent enough guy. But, if the little fucker wasn't grateful, I'd set fire to him after the rescue.
>or just avoid them all no matter what?
Exactly. When a group brings nothing to the table other than violence, self-pity and anger toward everyone unlike themselves, I can't see any reason to interact with them under any circumstances.
Oh yeah because niggers can't be muslims you retarded fag
I hate niggers (useless, lazy, retarded, criminal apeshits) , not all black people. However, the vast majority of black people seems to be niggers these times, so when I see a black person, I assume it's a nigger and scroll down so I don't have to look at it.
That being said, if a black person proves to have some worth, I can respect them just as any other civilised person. I respect Morgan Freeman, for example, because he seems intelligent, educated and civilised. He's a leftist tho, that's not good. Nobody's perfect, I guess.
I don't like blacks. I don;t want them to die or suffer. I do want them gone from my society though.
>Like is it so deep you would refuse to rescue a black child from burning building?
I don't think I could refuse to leave anyone behind in a burning building. Being burnt sucks, I can only imagine how fucking painful it is to die from it.
theyre right, fuck off to reddit cuckservative
Stop using Macross pics, libcuck.
I just want them out of Europe. I don't hate blacks in Africa, they can do what they want there
Ahmed you're getting too hot-headed. If you keep this up you might explode.
I don't hate black people, I just hate the black people that aren't in their own shit hole countries
When I'm hunting for apartments, I always consult the racial dot map to make sure that I don't end up living near blacks.
I would never live in a city with a high concentration of blacks because I know that those cities have higher crime rates.
so basically stupid people?
>it's a kikes call literally anyone and everything "achmed" episode.
Surely you must be jesting?
Only the ones that act black.
Y'know, pulling guns on cops then stupidly wondering why you got shot.
"knockout game".
Not understanding why people can't just teleport behind gunmen and disarm them while tipping their fedora and saying "Nuffin persnul kid" because you watched too much anime.
Crime, so much crime. To be honest, I don't even mind this so much, but it's always violent and never clever. Pull an italian job kinda thing, and I'd be more impressed than disappointed.
Blaming the "ebur white man" for holding you back when you reject basic english in lieu of "ebonics" and prompty wondering why you struggle to get a job. Here's a clever little hint basic, proper english is known by the majority of the world, "ebonics" is not. A canadian, a brit, a german, an aussie, they aren't going to nderstand "i'mma finna somshiz" or whatever it is you say.
What the fuck does "finna" even mean.
By refusing to use proper english, you limit you career options to black communities only. They're the only ones who understand a word that comes out of your mouth.
It's not a normal day unless I've killed a nigger
If I know the black man and respect him I would save his child
If they are obviously a nigger I would let them handle it themselves. It they won't go in to save their child they are not fit to be a father.
I just avoid them. I've lived in the black part of town twice in my life and worked with nothing but blacks and mexicans for 12yrs. Anyone who says niggers are the same as whites has never actually been around them.
Sup Forums's hatred of blacks is a bit overzealous, I think.
Like, you can hate the majority of the black contingent for being majorly violent, slackers, and idiots - you can hate the black race on a whole for that, they're clearly putting no effort into helping themselves and this shit is only getting worse. It's not a hate you can really apply in any useful way, though.
but if you bump into a black on the street, to immediately assume he must be at the bottom of that spectrum, the worst of the worst, when there are many blacks who are decent and doing well in life, is to do yourself a disservice. Don't form that opinion of an individual until he gives you evidence to do so. You'll just make things worse for both us and them. It's a risky view to adhere to.
>muh "black man" meme
you'd probably raise his child, cuck.
I mostly hate how the media tries to force racial diversity on us.
I would help a black person in trouble, but if I was in trouble, a black person would probably just take my wallet and cell phone and let me die.
It's a good question, and no, I actually don't think I'd save a black child. That black child has a fairly good chance of growing up to murder / burn my child.
I do not hate them but i agree with scientists that they are a far related sub spicies. They are so different compared to us that we can't emagine their mental Image of the world. I think it only leads to hostility to have them around whites. They should go back to africa. I also advoid places were more than one black Person is present because of their low impuls control.
>you would refuse to rescue a black child from burning building
I'd rescue it and throw it in a river
Feeding the fishes is the most they can aspire to
This is exactly why the West is falling. It's called relativism.
If 95% of a group is shit and the remaining 5% is great, it's natural for you to assume that a person belonging to said group is shit, until proven otherwise
>to immediately assume he must be at the bottom of that spectrum, the worst of the worst, when there are many blacks who are decent and doing well in life, is to do yourself a disservice
I have nothing to gain from blacks, and it's safer for me to stereotype them.
Why should I give them the benefit of the doubt because of their skin color?
>black people
Autocorrect typo,right?
I want you to say there are no "black men" to this man
Scientist here. You'd be surprised how many people genuinely dislike blacks.
>tfw I was supposed to have an Antarctic Flag ;_;
I generally feel bad for black people.
Just because I don't want to live in servitude of the hoard doesn't mean I hate them. I wish they would stop being parasites and go back to Africa and make it all high-tech and chrome or something.
I like blacks, i hate niggers
>Exactly. When a group brings nothing to the table other than violence, self-pity and anger toward everyone unlike themselves, I can't see any reason to interact with them under any circumstances
Kinda sounds like Sup Forums
>black guy pulls over to help a stranded motorist
>robbed and murdered by two of Obama sons
>don't worry guys it's not safe to assume it's a nigger until they act like one
>you wouldn't risk your life for a black person? wow you must be racist
What kind of thinking is this?
There's no moral imperative to endanger your life for anyone unless you choose that their life is of greater value to yours.
As long as they're living in my country, yeah.
More than anything I want nothing to do with Black people. They should stay in Africa while we stay in Europe/North America. That doesn't mean genocide or Apartheid or slavery... I just want to stay well away from them.
>Scientist here.
Are you Batman? Batman's a scientist.
>You'd be surprised how many people genuinely dislike blacks.
Why would this surprise anyone other than niggers themselves? Even the SJW faggots I know only like niggers so long as they stay in their own areas, last thing they want to do is bump elbows with them coming out of Whole Foods, for fuck's sake!
what percentage of africans are blacks and what percentage are niggers
I hate black men but not black women.
Dont think like that user. I remember I saw a video a couple years ago where some group simulated a child abduction in broad daylight for an experiment and all the bystanders walked by and minded their own business. The only people who decided to help the kid were these two thuggish looking black dudes. I wish I could find the video but I dont want "simulated kidnapping" in my search history.
>kindly old grandma just chilling at home
>3 of Obama's sons break in, rob her, beat her and set her on fire while she's still alive
>she dies weeks later in the hospital
10 black, 90 nigger.
>not all blacks
I'm polite to others, and even like some blacks, but I generally want us to stay apart.
>this is our child to rape, fuck off whitey
You should colonize Antarctica and name the colony tirdtats
Dont be polite to them, always speak in a monotone they see politeness as weakness and strike at that.
>Like is it so deep you would refuse to rescue a black child from burning building?
I just thrown it in there, why would i save it ?
Ah and i'm not sure about the black child.
I would really be in a hard moral dilemma, what i can say for sure i would not risk my live for it. Also i would maybe rescue it because of the feels but now that i likley have done something bad to my people so if i would know the negroid would live in africa and wasn't proposing a danger to whites the case would be clear if i would not have to risk my own live or well being.
1 black 9.999 niggers.
It is true though, goyim. They're just like you.
Didn't you know, race and gender and sexual preference don't matter, it's all only an illusion in your mind; you can be anything you want to be.
(((If you want to be Jewish, just be Jewish)))
Although, you still won't be accepted into the promise land for us chosen people.
That dude who played Black Panther in Civil War was awesome...
Never read the comics but he nailed the role...
Pretty aesthetic too, especially with that necklace... bad ass brah.... no homo...
Dat skin tight suit with cat ears was gay though....
>be two kind hearted nuns just chilling at home
>one of Obama's sobs breaks into your home and murders you after beating and robbing you
>it's okay because they helped the poor blacks in the community but that doesn't matter
But don't worry, the mothers of a bunch of dead thugs were at the VMAs
I don't necessarily hate all blacks, just the niggers, but I have a much harder time trusting blacks than whites, asians, and even latinos. The last thing I want is to get shit stolen from me by some nigger I thought was my pal.
Until blacks become as civilized as other races, I will never relax around blacks, fellow burger.
I hate black people in general, because of how they act generally. They're too stupid to realize that they are their own greatest problem.
On an individual level, I judge them as individuals.
If only you stupid fuck Anglos didnt bring niggers into the New World, what was so wrong with enslaving the American natives? This is all your fault.
I kill rat because the damage my properties and breed like, well, rats.
And it really sadden me since they're cute little critters, but i still kill them because it's necessary.
Niggers are not cute and do more damage than rats.
I doubt i'd have trouble being part of a death squad.
I didn't bring these savages over here
Sup Forums hates black men because they know they're objectively superior. They're cocks are bigger, their hands are bigger, they created peanut butter. Literally all white women nowadays crave BBC.
White men literally can't compete anymore.
Why are you always so angry when you post? You always sound pissed and high on crack. Did a nigger rape you?
>Until blacks become as civilized as other races
This will never happen EVER, they have been on this plane longer than us and still act more feral than our tribal european ancestors.
I am compelled to correct your record and point out that the ones that controlled the slave trade were jews almost exclusively, to the point were the trade stopped on saturday to observe the sabbath.
why would i go into a burning building? i dont work for the fire department.
(((Nice try)))
Go back to the mosque Soral.
Jews were responsible for the slave trade in the Americas as well as 95% of black people's modern day issues .
The problem is the view jews as white for some reason. So they can't really see the big picture. It's worse because jews actively try to get white people fighting the blacks
What we really need is to team up and bring down the universal oppressor that is the jew
Now talking honestly, there are many black people, who deserve the rope and a not western society of black people is a pure pool of subhumanity, but a normal black dude is not a problem and yes, "normal" is a synonym for "white".
Yes but you still did what jews asked you to do Frog fuck, didnt you also have a successful nigger revolt in Haiti? After what Haiti has become you stupid frogs still import niggers, I swear to God if all of you whites that lived in West Europe never existed none of this would happen.
>le meme infographic
insecure white boi detected
>select all pictures with bananas
>no argument
First post mediocre/try hard/3edgy5me post
Yes goyim, if you don't defend the jews/moslems you HAVE to be a moslem/jew, because you HAVE to choose a side in the sand war.
The holocaust will happen for real soon, and we won't limit ourselves to the semites of the hebraic variety, salomon.