Merkel admits mistakes made in Germany, EU with refugee crisis

>Germany and other European Union countries turned a blind eye to the refugee crisis building on its external borders for too long, Chancellor Angela Merkel said in a German newspaper interview to be published on Wednesday.

>Merkel, who has faced criticism in Germany for launching her policies of welcoming refugees a year ago, also told the Sueddeutsche Zeitung that Germany and the EU will need patience and endurance in dealing with migration of people to Europe.

>"There are political issues that one can see coming but don't really register with people at that certain moment - and in Germany we ignored both the problem for too long and blocked out the need to find a pan-European solution," she said.

>Merkel made the comments in an unusually self-critical analysis that appeared to be timed to the one-year anniversary on Wednesday of her now-famous statement "wir schaffen das", or "we can do this", when asked about the rising tide of refugees.

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>Her conservative party is expected to take a beating in two regional elections next month in part due to her refugee policies.

>She said Germany, which has taken in most of the more than 1 million refugees from the Middle East and Asia who arrived in the EU in the past year, had let Spain and other EU border countries deal with the refugees on their own.

>"Back then, we also rejected a proportional distribution of the refugees," she said.

>Merkel said Germany had not supported models such as the Frontex European border agency that would have impinged on the sovereignty of the EU member states. "We said we would deal with the problem at our airports since we don't have any other external EU boundaries. But that doesn't work."

>The three-term chancellor said refugees will be a long-term issue.

>"We didn't embrace the problem in an appropriate way," she added. "That goes as well for protecting the external border of the Schengen area," she said, referring to the EU's passport-free and frontier-free zone.

>Merkel said the EU needed to improve cooperation with and dramatically increase development aid to countries in Africa as well as Turkey and other troubled regions.

>Merkel said Germany had long been content to focus on other problems after years of welcoming refugees from the wars in the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s. "I cannot deny that," she said.

>She admonished German politicians to express themselves in moderate terms and not participate in the current ratcheting up of rhetoric about threats.

>A number of Germans had always had a certain racism toward foreigners and were willing to commit violent acts for that cause, but that tendency had grown over the past year, she said.

Merkel still wants to islamize germany. Only thing she regrets is that it went too quickly and she should have been more subtle. The plebians actually began to smell her bullshit which is a minor inconvenience to her.

none of this means anything until deus vult

cucks gonna cuck

This doesn't mean shit shes just trying to get re-elected.

She always says shit like this then does the complete opposite when it comes to actually doing something.

she already said similar shit before and just went back to it


she a puppet. She will hang when the economic happening happens at some point in the next 10 years

Crocodile tears.

The Merkel cries out, as she stabs you in the back.

Nice work op that's how you make a post
Bump in with a treacherous john kerry





I don't give a fuck about Germany, but this bitch still wants to give Poles more and more human garbage from africa.
Why Germans ALWAYS follow their leaders so fucking blindly?

From the other side it is fucking hilarious watching Deutschland burn

she is just an US puppet

how the fuck is this woman still in office? in one year she basically fucked her country and who knows how many other countries. And she still refuses to do the things that are necessary. Can't they have a vote of no confidence? can't states refuse to take in these criminals? Even more, can't nobody actually deport these scumbags who at this point are clearly NOT real refugees?

she just shits her pants because the csu is trying to block her '17 candancy until next week, and if the afd is the strongest party after next weeks elections we may be able to get someone besides merkel as the next chancellor

I just hope that the meck-pom and berlin elections are going to be disastrous for the schwarz-rot-grĂ¼n(gelb) faggots

she must've been under some form of mind control there is absolutely no fucking way someone wouldn't notice this.

sorry, my rare friend, but most of the germans do not see the problem. Germans are selfish, egoistic and fucking arrogant cucks that believe in their greatness. Plus they are really easy to manipulate and brainwash, as history has showed.
And after WW2 they have that guilt for burning 6 gorillas of kikes and everything pro-german is racist and bad.


>in Germany we ignored both the problem for too long and blocked out the need to find a pan-European solution

Fucking bitch is complaining she couldn't force other European countries to deal with the mess she made.

Good job we left the EU

Don't forget the LINKE fags. They did do anything besides shitting their pants about telling the truth and backed her from the beginning. Even now they (except pretty based Wagenknecht) refuse to critisize the fucking circus.

didn't do, fixed

Isn't she just bemoaning the fact that the EU isn't a super state? She says she couldn't impinge sovereignty of member states, she complains about the fact they could only manage their own border rather than an EU border and when she suggests proportionally distributing immigrants, I don't think she meant exclusively within Germany.

I don't know, anyone else seeing this between the lines?

>Germany and the EU will need patience and endurance in dealing with migration of people to Europe.
>p-plaese don't chimp out and vote for racist parties goym. T-the situation is under control! I swear"

We're making them bend.

I hope the German far right smells blood in the water. They need to ramp up the awareness and not get complacent.

This is the perfect moment to throw out a