Is MGTOW the ultimate redpill /pol?
Is MGTOW the ultimate redpill /pol?
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No the ultimate redpill is training a bitch to be loyal,feed you fuck you and leave you the fuck alone.
Yes. Women are parasites.
Cock sucking is very liberating.
How does one achieve such godlike power?
Yes. You should also leave alone rest of men and society at large. Just go into the mountains with rest of your kind, hunt squirrels all day and fuck all night.
oy vey goyim dont procreate thoits antisemitic
No, it's an even bigger echo chamber than this place manages to be, and a hug box for men who refuse to face any challenges that come their way and expect 7-10/10 girls to just fall into their lives without a challenge and want to try convincing each other that their justified and this is a """""choice""""" and not just a cruel reality imposed upon them by their own weakness.
I have a big dick,I sweet talked her,and I work hard. Lift and be funny.
true red pill is not contributing to the degeneracy of western society
you can still find a qt3.14 with a low partner count and pill her to be a good wife
mgtow is giving up. aka black pill not red pill
>r9k MGTOW
>tfw no gf
>ending your genetic lineage
>living as a loveless hermit
Yup, totally redpilled. It's just the kind of thing the Jews don't want you to figure out.
Daily reminder that the only people seriously considering MGTOW are white males. Why purposely contribute to the degradation of the family unit. It just reeks of cynicism and despair.
Frantic activity in the face of impotence.
MGTOW is a one-way ticket to genetic annihilation.
The whole thing about threads like this that make me cringe is,pussy isn't going to just drop out of the sky and fall on your dick. Just do whatever it takes to make your life better. Don't settle for anything,work for what you want.You deserve what you work for. Don't think with your dick.
MGTOW is just an edgy way to say being a pussy and giving up. Go look up "The Golden One" on Youtube or Facebook, and take the Glorious Pill instead.
It certainly is!
I'm that gorilla dick nigga. I make dyke pussy wet
Translate that for me?
More like ultimate retardation
First post, best post.
Old meme.
No, it's the ultimate bluepill.
Lol derp thanks
People who are in MGTOW had no value on the sexual market to begin with. Honestly a bunch of beta cucks who aren't even good enough to provide beta bucks
Okay, sure. Modern women aren't marriage material, and marriage itself is stupid and risky in 2016.
But do you honestly think these girls give a FUCK that you're "giving up on society"?
Let's be real. How many actual 8/10+. 6'2"+, good looking and popular guys call themselves MGTOW? FUCKING ZERO.
You're not "men going their own way", you're men SENT their own way. LMAO.
Subhumans "boycotting women" is the equivalent of the homeless boycotting Porsche because they are mad they can't afford them. Porsche does not give a fuck as long as wealthy men keep buying their cars. Same goes for women, they will not give a shit about subhumans boycotting them, because they ALREADY HAVE CHAD. Hell, even if they didn't, they'd prefer to die alone than go with your incel ass.
>But do you think these girls give a FUCK that you're "giving up on society"?
>Let's be real. How many actual 8/10+. 6'2"+, good looking and popular guys call themselves MGTOW? FUCKING ZERO.
>You're not "men going their own way", you're men SENT their own way. LMAO.
>Subhumans "boycotting women" is the equivalent of the homeless boycotting Porsche because they are mad they can't afford them. Porsche does not give a fuck as long as wealthy men keep buying their cars. Same goes for women, they will not give a shit about subhumans boycotting them, because they ALREADY HAVE CHAD. Hell, even if they didn't, they'd prefer to die alone than go with your incel ass.
sir i kindly ask that you not delete like an autismo ok ty
The idea is in its infancy, but the general direction is THE reddest pill.
Don't take it as "muh females why cant I get sex :^( ", rather, take it as humanity finally starting to attempt to control its most basic instincts. No other mammal is capable of such thing.
MGTOW will die out slowly, and a few years later, a better version will come out of it that will spread through the masses faster. In 20 years, marriage will be gone from the western societies and people will see it as backwards.
You can fuck any girl that you can outsmart. T old an who fucked bitches.
>training a woman to be loyal
Kek, that statment right there tells me you're a virgin. I agree with this post though.
post pics faggot or gtfo
this might have worked a few years ago with the majority of women. in 2016 they have access to nigger dick and beta bux, at least for a while.
The true redpill is finding a good community is more important than finding a good woman.
before we have a chance at a revival of the family unit we need to cleanse our economy of the eternal jew. its one step at a time now.
If by 'redpill', you mean faggot shit, then yes it is.
It's possible m8. You just gotta have a balance of keeping her excited and wanting more, and scaring her. You gotta get her from a young age usually high school and be real aggressive around her but don't overdo it. Also don't be fucking ugly
t. had sex with 30+ bitches
Well said. Frantic activity in the face of impotence
>But do you honestly think these girls give a FUCK that you're "giving up on society"?
No. This isn't "revenge" or anything. That'd be silly. And I still care anyway, just not a lot.
>You're not "men going their own way", you're men SENT their own way. LMAO.
kek fair enough.
It doesn't matter though.
To me it's just about learning to live with it, and not being too miserable about it.
>Is MGTOW the ultimate redpill /pol?
No, it basically advocates not working to get what it was you originally wanted. MGTOW can be boiled down to "it was too hard so i quit".
It's the most millennial thing i can think of, it won't fulfill any goal except recreational butthurt.
Pretty much this
It is no different to feminism too, it's just a bunch of shitty guys who wouldn't have gotten a nice qt anyway giving up but instead passing it off as 'OH NO WE DIDN'T WANT TO PLAY BY THE RULES'
Go onto YouTube and look up MGTOW interviews with girls or those in the MGTOW community and they're all just a bunch of downright autists who are creepy af and all have the same monotone, autistic voices.
>ending your birth line and refusing starting a family thus instead being a corporate slave to buy more materialistic items (muh career)
>good goy