What are your actual thoughts about Greece? I've been there a few times and found it to be very nice.
The people there don't give a shit about anything really and take a long nap in the afternoon. The streets are empty during nap time.
What are your actual thoughts about Greece? I've been there a few times and found it to be very nice.
The people there don't give a shit about anything really and take a long nap in the afternoon. The streets are empty during nap time.
centuries of ottoman dickings have left modern greeks as t*rkroach rapebabies with no genetic relation to based ancient greece
They should be paying off their debts instead of napping.
It's a great country, but due to the last generations votes it became a livng nightmare. young people don't have dreams anymore and leave for Germany. But still is a beatifull place and wouldn't trade it for anything.
>inb4 denbts too high, bankers eat shit
pretty chill guys when i was there. would drink ouzo again with them. but that was before 2008. so dunnow how they view germans nowadays
I hate those lazy fucking Greeks so much. They are the main reason Europe is so fucked right now.
we don't hate you. At least the majority that understands what's going on and is not infused by politicians lies (so they don't vote). We hate tho Merkel and espcecially the Schauble guy freunde. 10/10 would drink ouzo with you
I don't idolize Germans but I don't have anything against you either. Neutral to positive. The only people I actively dislike are ignorant burgers (not all burgers) and other New Worlders.
greeks still think theyre an empire
theyre lazy
theyre entitled
theyre shitty human beings
yeah sure we are.. We genocided the white race and still welcome more refugees. Oh and dont forget : Life's goal is to make money and not live the moment
>They are the main reason Europe is so fucked right now.
It sounds great, but how could Greece ever achieve that?
You let them through and didnt secure the EU border like you were supposed to do just to give as a big fuck you.
You are the worst.
>greeks still think theyre an empire
We are
>theyre lazy
To the contrary
>theyre entitled
You're talking about Swiss?
>theyre shitty human beings
Don't forget to open secret bank accounts for pedophiles and drug dealers you "good person" Swiss
greeks being allowed into the EU is a big reason Switzerland laughed off the prospect of joining. theyre failures
If your house is destroyed by idiots who came to your open-invitation party who do you call resposible? The host or the security guard that is overwhelmed? It doesn't make sense.
I see, Romania and Bulgaria didn't intimidate you, but Greece.. That's where you draw the line :^)
>We are
the only empire you rule over is an empire of unpaid debts. you're a pathetic race of lazy idiots incapable of generating any revenue. you are a dead-weight, dragging the EU into economic ruin. germany should anex your failed state and push your "people" into the ocean before selling your shitty country to the turks for a few barrels of oil
lies, europe was fucked, is fucked and will be fucked only because of one reason, and that is germany, look at the history book, every shit started because of germany, there is not even one event where that isn't true
How are you not entitled? Your country tanked because no one worked and everyone got free shit.
I thought it was pretty cool! Awesome history and attractions. Wasn't a big fan of the food. The women were hot, but too hairy. I saw this one chick on the bus who looked just like the blonde chick from Girl Next Door except for the unfortunate mustache she had... Yikes!
Greman Frapport that now owns 14 airports in the greek islands inposed a fee of 13 euros per ticket. Guess who isn't gonna get any money.
>should anex your failed state and push your "people" into the ocean before selling your shitty country to the
this is my theory of how Atlantis came to be
>a fucking leaf
Greece has been a thing for thousands of years, ~350 years of Ottoman occupation can't undo that
by your logic the Romans bred out the Jews etc
dont be a nigger serbia
greeks literally still think they're an empire and the world "owes" them for "inventing" democracy. theyre ridiculously self absorbed faggots
germany should rip out every phone pole, wire, and usable rock from your country until you learn you're no longer an empire. youre just a shitty tourist destination. you cant even grow olives anymore because you ripped up all of your olive trees and moved to the cities to get "retire at 35 with full benefits" government jobs.
god damn fuck greeks. you're so shit its insane
stop getting baited by the Albanian, ρε μαλάkα
there are lots of them in Switzerland I've traveled there tons of times because of my ex
If you say so.. Menes =/= reality
The rich guys in Greece got richer because back in the 80s people believed every lie you told them, they were promised positions in the public sector so it kept going on and on. And now the rich are filthy rich taht keep on getting away from taxation whiule the middle class is responsible for paying the taxes. Does it sound lazy to you? Idiotic maybe but the new generation is redpilled enough to know what is going on so they flee this hellhole to study abroad
I went to Greece last summer at the height of the financial crisis.
I found the Greeks to be really nice - at first I was suspicious, but it turns out they are genuinely chill people.
The country is kinda run down and shabby, but I didn't feel unsafe at all while I was there.
Also, everyone speaks English which is nice.
Would definitely visit again, it's a beautiful country.
Not an argument. Go to work you lazy fuck.
wtf i love greece now
They don't flush their shit paper, they put it in a smelly bin and then proceeds without washing their hands.
Their citizens are lazy.
They have anarchy in the traffic because their police don't enforce traffic laws.
Their food is tasty and they have beautiful arcitechture. They still have Pc-cafes. Their women are hidious.
Σωστο αυτο...How did the albanian get into Switzerland? I though there were stict rules for foreigners. Oh I forgot! Switzerland is founded on exploiting other countries corruption for their own purposes
I'm looking to marry/import a hot Greek dude and offer American citizenship in exchange. Which one of you wants to escape the economic turmoil of your country? There is no future for you in Greece anyway.
Please look hot, like pic related. Also must be willing to be in a gay relationship (obviously). Thank you.
I am greek.
I don't know why they let them in but this faggot is definitely an albo
I've seen him shill for the Clintons in other threads, I can recognize him from the way the types
he probably has a shrine of Bill Clinton in his house and prays to him every day for giving them Kossovo KEK
Nigger the rich get richer EVERYWHERE. The middle class pays for everything EVERYWHERE. You won't escape that reality.
>but it turns out they are genuinely chill people.
They're very chill. So Chill they work 3-4 hour workdays. So Chill they retire after 10 years with full benefits. So Chill they never repay a single debt. So Chill they don't pay taxes. So Chill they think their not turkish rape babies. So Chill even subhuman Albanians won't immigrate to their country. So Chill those same subhuman Albanians then immigrate to my country because Greeks are Total Human Shit.
Greeks are niggers. Literal, niggers. Fuck Greece, fuck the greek.
They country tanked, because they started wasting billions on their military. Can you even imagine a greek fucking soldier? You fucked them over by lending them money to buy your, shit, that they didn't need.
Grease are the founders of male licky bum bum. No issue there.
So it's somehow everyone else's fault they bought shit they didn't need? Nice nigger tier logic.
lol wtf? How can you be hot and, quote, TOO HAIRY at the same time. seriously wtf!
>Go to work you lazy fuck.
Calm down you'll get a heart attack.
This. My relatives over there are exactly as you describe. They hide their money in foreign banks to dodge taxes.
Also, the house they live in is really nice, but it's in a shitty part of Athens and surrounded by gates and cameras. Is this typical?
look at their retarded nigger language. herr durr an Aryan Swissbro thinks we're niggers I bet he's actually a nigger albanian like us (Greeks are Turk Rape babies like the albanian trash).
germany needs to annex you so badly. a few generations of being a colony would do you good. you need to learn your place greek shit
I live it every day user. It is a nightmare. I don't want to breathe just to pay taxes so rich can enjoy their lifes
I consider them our Orthodox brothers and teachers (historicly). Very good country in almost every aspect you can imagine.
As to work - it's their business, as they want so it be.
>They are the main reason Europe is so fucked right now.
Dixit le boche...
Shit analyzis. Got anything which can back that up?
Now arriving at Ilios.
Your average Greek looks like this faggot fuccboi youtu.be
Greeks look like hairy jews. This is because they're turkish rape babies. The roach blood mixed with the Jew OG greek blood and the result is a disgusting big nosed manlet covered in sweaty, slimy, body hair
He looks white. Interesting, what is this song about?
Did you have a huge overblown and corrupt state sector or not? Do you still have the huge overblown and corrupt state sector or not? Did you retire at 57 or not? Were you not proud to have the "mediterranean mentality" or not? Did you not have and still have a massive problem with tax evasion or not? Did you not vote in a literal communist as a sign of reform or not? Isn't your elite leaving the country with no survivors or not? Are you not taxing your one profitable industry, the ship builders, properly or not?
Switzerland you fucking suck too. The greeks are dumb and lazy but you're the fucking antagonist of all the nothern parts of europe.
>umad response
Jesus Christ. Are you 12?
Did you actualy watch the viedeo? Those people defenetly don't look like roaches.
Really? The main reason? I could think of one other bigger reason desu.
>fuck the greek
Well their women are kinda hot so I'm willing to help you out user
Then your country will be come Africa/Mexico tier. I hope you enjoy the immigrants when they start destroying your history.
>this entire fucking video
Yikes. Greek music is so shitty and embarrassing.
Hate when greeks try to do rock, pop, hiphop and rap. Stick to your bouzouki, bre.
meme tier country mad we took their money ;___; - deal with it
Literally the best country in history
I can't wait for the next Hitler to tie you down like the dogs you are.
You owe me money. Pay debts.
Kind people, beautiful country and great food. Seriously, this country is amazing. They do look like turkroaches though, but honestly, who actually cares.
Could be nice, nowdays is a shittier colony of Germany just like Spain, a little redpiled with the refugge even with a commie administration
>Is this any of your business?
No. Fuck off Allemande.
> the birthplace of the entire Civilization
> insignificant
You're one of the most significant countries in the world history by cultural influence.
P.S. Greece haters GTFO
Just like the last one right :}
Amazing cooking. God damn I love that Tzatziki sauce.
Greece has one of the strongest armies in the world on paper.
When a bank gives homeless people billions of dollars as loans to the homeless. Who is to blame? The natural way should be letting the banks go bankrupt, but Germany nationalized them and the loans went from the german banks to the german country.
lol greeks are dirty brown nosers
SWITZERLAND the european country equivalent of the jew useless tax heaven le neutral in every war pussy mountain subhumans.
>this butthurt albanian ITT
Jesus christ this is just sad.
Nah brah, I don't. Especially to a toilet cleaner like you.
Uhhhh my half Greek/half German cousins are blonde haired and blue eyed so imma have to disagree
It is our business, if you owe a massive amount of debt and are in an economic and financial UNION with the rest of everyone thanks to our *elite* and their "European dream". It became our problem and your problem once you joined the Euro. - Which you, of course, want to keep without all of the negative consequences.
>reading Thucydides at the beach
>realise that 2400 years ago, Athenians and Lacedemonians hoplites fought three hundreds meter from where I am
we're going full Compton now because of the financial crisis, Omonoia is basically Detroit 2.0
why you gave money to people who couldn't return it? I think you are retard in this story, and there I was thinking swisbros are smart
hahaha dirty orthodox trash comes to defend there lazy brothers, atleast greeks are lazy your just absolute shit
Greek goyim, why do you think your country tanked?
>Just let the banks go bankrupt
Have you slept through the financial crisis of 2008 and completely missed what really got it started?
Spoiler: it was the bankrupcy of a bank.
Its a country that barely functions. I remember being on this small island (forget the name) where if you wanted to get hydro pole hookup to your home, you just have to pay 20,000 for them to bring in the pole and lines, or you can build a church the size of a doghouse on your lawn and they will hookup power to it for free! Then all you have to do is tap into the power at the doghouse church at the front of your lawn!
It isn't your business. The Greek debt is owned by private entities, most notably German and French banks that were recapitalized with public funding in 2008. Now they are using the """"bailouts"""" the IMF gave Greece to parasite that country further more and get their juicy interests.
>private profits
>public losses
They are literally bleeding a country to death to make some money for Soros.
Actually most of the money that were spent weren't in the military but the constructions. In the 80s almost all the government officials were bribded. In the 90s were ordered 4 submarines from the Germans, but only one was delivered and hhad serious problems with his gyroscope so we had to pay money to fix it. the billions from the other 3 were lost among greek politicians and german constructors . In 2004 just before the Olympics we needed a surveillance system to monitor the games/traffic/security/etc. One political Familiy named Mitsotakis (look them up, they're filthy as shit) got bribed by the German Siemens(any patterns?). We don't know how many money was lost as the Olympic Games are the only thing in Greece that has no official records.
Pls copy/pasta it for future reference
As for the 57 meme it's not true. Only the directors from public sector were. the private sector is working like a dog
he's not from switzerland, he's the clinton albo shill that got laughed out of trump generals
Greek pretending to be upper class.
>gently sips white wine from Valais
>tfw i live here
>tfw i know you live in some europ favalea
Lol. Why are you so ignorant?
>who is to blame
The retards that can't pay back their loans. You are responsible for your own actions.
and especially the one that cooked the numbers so Greece could enter the EU.
sauce : google.gr
Go follow your popes example and lick some muslim feet.
Love it. Love Greeks and their culture, love how faithful their country still is in these dark, Satanic times.
I've went there every year since I was a child, and I'll keep on coming back forever.
Here's a list of things I experienced when I was there this summer:
>visited multiple gorgeous churches on various islands
>had a girl come up to me out of blue in a shop, frantically telling me how pretty both me and my hat are for some reason
>went to a nearby village to look for a church, stumbled upon few of it's 80-90 year old residents who all warmly greeted me with a smile and a wave
>as i went back had a young greek lad stop by me with his car asking me (politely with a smile, not in a rude sort of way) if i need a ride back since it was 40 degrees out
>met an amazing laid down greek painter
>ate fantastic sea food
>had more encounters with nice people which would have no end if i started mentioning them
Long live Orthodox Greece!
rofl look at all the slavs coming to defend as if anybody cares roflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll i swear you guys are so worthless
>this somehow excuses them of all failures
I shiggy diggy
They actually pay. If they didn't pay, their contry would be considered bancrupt, but it isn't, they signed a deal.
the Karamanlis government took the public denbt from ~160BN to like ~360BN
then Papandreou called the IMF for "help" instead of hiding it like Italy and Spain did with theirs
so retards, being retards the Americans should have never ousted the military junta