Thoughts on Reagan after all these years?
Thoughts on Reagan after all these years?
Hated him then hated him now. Sort of like Trump, if Trump didn't have strong opinions. A political novice who took guidance from those in the service of profit and intrigue.
Shit president. No wonder he was almost killed
pretty much the worst of all time
what would you expect from an actor
Stupefyingly bad.
Arguably the worst pretzeldent ever.
>toronto star
>privatized prisons
>funded Contra drug trade
>quadrupled the national debt
Real American Hero
war on drugs is shit
The illegal immigrant issue belongs to him as well.
I thought that started before Reagan.
He had the golden opportunity to unfuck it and blew it worse than your mother when the marine corps come to port.
Jokes on you, my mom was a slut.
Are you sure, given that information, that the joke is really on me?
Garbage president, probably the worst in modern history. Literally a gungrabbing Hollywood liberal that neocons have tried their hardest to whitewash into some paragon of conservatism despite fucking up everything he ever touched.
Not to mention he was a senile old fuck who had no fucking clue what was going on half the time. This is why examining the mental status of presidential candidates is pretty fucking important.
Brainwasher Democrat Extraordinaire. High taxes and deficits. Created mujahideen
good foreign policy
meh domestic policy
It's a joke, goob.
One of the greatest presidents.
If a people have their histories removed, then you can control them.
Reagan is an objectively great president. Thankfully we have a ton of information on him so that we can prove this to people who would like to see him as hated.
I'm your standard flag-burning, wall-building, empire of evil Commie, so I don't really like him.
Look at that fucking hipster.
Eh, you don't have to be a pinko to think he sucked.
You really do actually, otherwise you're a statistically oddity whose existence can be discounted completely.
He destroyed the nuclear family. Reagan wanted to be president after serving as governor of California but the country was much more conservative than lefty California which made Reagan's divorce a problem. He "fixed" the problem by making divorce widespread and normalized in society. Not only did he sign the first no fault divorce law in the United States, he also promoted it as a conservative value because "the government shouldn't have a place in your relationship". We all know the damage that has been done to our country and society as a result.
Stupid as fuck, but this worked in his favour.
Basically played chicken with the Russians and won because Khrushchev lol
To me, Trump wanting to build his wall is similar to Reagan's SDI.
Great guy. Top 3 or 4 President (depends on how much you like Coolidge).
Blamed for a lot of Leftist Congressional bullshit. Legacy completely ruined by OG Bush, who Reagan never fully trusted.
Lefties hate him because he was probably the greatest (American) communicator of all time. Wildly successful.
Kill yourself faggot
at least he realized his mistake.
Neocon kike puppet just like the two Bushes.
say it with me everyone